
Summer Come

Summer usually has temperatures that are not as common as other seasons. Temperature elevations are usually unnatural and can be up to 37 degrees celsius. But on the other hand, summer vacation is what I'm waiting for! we finally went on vacation to a recreation park and stayed at a hotel, but in our ignorance about this hotel, it turned out that we stayed at a hotel that had magic in it, we were trapped inside, couldn't get out, even got out of the room and my parents… ah I wanted to cry. There is no summer vacation this year I have to be able to save my parents, must be able, I can't get out of this hotel alone, this year's summer vacation has been the most troublesome, fortunately, I met a man, he is my classmate, but the sense of pleasure disappeared instantly remembering his behavior at school. We ended up struggling to get the keys to getting our parents out and out of this strange hotel.

Randomline · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Chapter 2

I walked towards my room. My room is on the second floor. This house used to be only one floor when we bought it, but ever since I entered high school, my father suggested that I sleep in my own room. I'm actually a coward, but if I'm already on the edge I still have to deal with it or give up.

I'm already in the room, it's exactly like a normal room, I'm also living in middle school, as usual, I can't play music, do sports or anything. Like my chat partner, he spends his day off every day with archery, which is cool, isn't it? As a friend, I was really impressed.

I also used to want to take part in additional activities like my friends, but my mother said to focus on school first, then the second year, and then join. Huft, when I heard my mother's advice, I thought I was too lazy to wait that long.

Oh yeah, I have some cool friends at school, one of whom was an archer. My friend across the table is a ballerina, her body is very good, completely different from the other children's body parts. Next to the ballerina, my friend participates in a kind of storytelling community at school, I always wanted to be in a group with her, because she has a good speech when presenting in front of the class.

My male friend, at first always bothered me at school even when class started, always annoyed me. One time my anger was soaring high, I pounded the table in front of him while interrupting. At that time I saw his face was very surprised, I too. but I told him please don't bother me, I want to study.

Since then my male friend never bothered me again, which made me very relieved. During gym class, there was no rain, no wind, this male friend of mine gave me a bottle of water because at that time I forgot to also bring my drink, of course, I accepted the gift.

After that moment I and he was close friends, and it turned out that he was beyond my expectations, he was a good boy. Every morning my boyfriend gave me some snacks before class started, such as biscuits, cake, and other snacks. I don't know what the purpose of this friend of mine is, but as long as everything is fine I don't have a problem. My chat partner told me that my boyfriend seemed to have other goals.

Just then, I heard footsteps. I quickly put my body on the bed, I felt my mother opening the bedroom door, and not long after that mother came back down. Don't tell me I'm a liar because I didn't take a nap, I'm going to sleep soon, see you later.


Wednesday and Thursday


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