

{2 Months Later...}

{Day: Monday}

{Time: 12:00 PM}

{Location: West Equinox: Mitsuki Dojo}

Mom watched Freya and I train and gave pointers to better our technique. As we trained privately, we heard the doors open and looked at the entrance. We looked confused on who it was.

The person was a man with a tall and athletic frame. He wore a mask that covered his face, but we could see he had black hair. He wore a black cloak over his clothing and he stared at us.

Rhea grunted as she noticed a Succubus behind him. She noticed it was Beatrix. "Beatrix..!"

"What..?!" Mila asked in shock.

The man unholstered his pistol and aimed it at us then fired bullets at me. I looked surprised then noticed black mist block the bullets. Rhea landed in front of me.

Mom and Freya watched the masked man and Beatrix. They prepared themselves for a battle. I was taken aback by how blunt this figure was.

"Beatrix! How did you and that man get in here?!" Rhea asked.

"Easily, we defeated the guards who protected the gates~ Nothing is gonna stop me from getting Kaden! Not even this gated city!" Beatrix laughed.

"Something about that man's energy feels familiar. I'm gonna figure it out." Freya said and walked forward.

"Careful, Sweetie." Mom said.

Freya surrounded her hands in Bio-Water energy and nodded. "I will.."

The man watched Freya and tossed off his cloak. He dashed toward Freya and started off with a kick, but Freya blocked it and countered with a palm strike then launched him away with a blast of water. The man twirled then landed on his feet and slid backwards.

He cloaked himself in lightning and swiftly moved toward Freya at lightning speeds then kicked Freya upwards. She groaned and tried to use Envisage, but the man jumped up and kicked Freya away. He sent her crashing through the wall of the room we were in. Freya laid on the ground and her Bio-Energy disappeared

My heart thumped as I watched Freya crash through the wall and looked back at the masked man.

"I can definitely say for certain, that wasn't Bio-Energy. That was Alchemy.." Mom said and was about to walk forward, but I stopped her.

'It isn't Shiro's energy. Shiro is smart enough to not storm through West Equinox like this knowing our defense force...I can't even pinpoint who's energy this is.' I thought to myself.

"I only want you, Kaden Wright." The masked man said.

"Who are you? Why do you want only me?" I asked.

The masked man stared at me and electricity crackled around his body. "My name is not important to you. Come with me and make things easier for yourself. You have seen what I did to your sister."

I glared at the person. "And how do you know she was my sister?"

"I know everything about you. Your life, your girlfriends, your closest friends Kofi and Adam who are in West Equinox now, I even know about how you saw Shiro. Everything about your life I know about it. Now that's out the way, tell your companions to step aside and let's go." The man said.

I stared at the man then smirked. Rhea and Mila moved out the way. My hair covered my right eye and my left eye shined pale gold. I chuckled and the lights began to flicker. The room began to become filled with dark purple mist. The man watched me and noticed the lights had gone out.

{Let's go.}

The lights came back on and the man noticed me appear in front of him and struck his stomach. He groaned and coughed then was launched out of the dojo. I walked out the dojo and surrounded my body with Bio-Light energy then got into the Purity Stance.

"If you want me, you're gonna have to take me.." I said, coldly.

The man stood up and Beatrix began to empower him with her energy. The man's dark energy flowed through his body and he stared at me. "Alright, let's play this game then..."

The man dashed toward me and went for a kick, but I dodged it and countered with a strike to his stomach then a roundhouse kick into a 720 Kick, knocking him away. I ran forward and dodged Beatrix's attack. The man stood up and fired multiple fire bullets at me. I dodged each bullet then dashed toward the man.

He holstered his gun and parried each of my attacks then struck my stomach then uppercut me, knocking me in the air. He blasted me away with lightning. I groaned and landed on the sidewalk. I slowly got up and watched the man walk toward me.

"Everyone find a safe area to hide in! There's a maniac on the loose!" Rhea warned.

"Get out of here and warn others as well! There's a battle happening right now!" Mila warned.

{Warning! A masked man is on the loose causing immediately danger! Everyone hide indoors!}

Kasumi noticed the alert from Ardent and looked up at Royal. Royal looked back at Kasumi and looked out the window of the store they were in then noticed an explosion.

The man ran down the street and chased after me. I performed NY Flares, shooting bolts of fire at the man. The man dodged the fireballs and ran along a building then propelled himself toward me. He used Envisage to predict my next move and caused a pillar of rock to strike me and knock me upwards. He kicked down at me and sent me crashing through the rock pillar. He fired a large fireball at me and the fireball exploded.

He landed on the ground and adjusted his mask. "Dead or alive...You are still needed. Father will it—"

He grunted as a burst of dark red aura surged and knocked him away. He grunted and looked up, noticing me rise up from the rubble. I looked at the man and landed on the ground. I stared at him with murderous intentions in my eyes.

The man chuckled and stared at me. "That look...It is just like that woman when she's angry. That look lets me know, you're finally getting serious. You realize how dire the situation truly is! Allow me to lay it on you, Kaden. Lance is back.."

I stared at the man then a smirk grew on my face. "Really now...It's about time he shows up.."

The man looked at me and felt chills down his spine. He noticed Rhea and Mila behind me looking menacing. Mila had a sadistic smirk on her face and her eyes shined red. Rhea had a serious look on her face and her blue eyes shined.

'This energy...Neither Benevolent or Malevolent. Who has he become..? He really is Shiro's Counterpart..' The man thought to himself.

"Let's get this battle truly started..." I said and the Wrath Symbol shined on my chest. I synced with Rhea and our energies synced perfectly with one another.

"Do it.." Rhea said.

I lowered my posture and used a burst of speed to appear in front of the man. My eyes shined a pure gold and I had a sadistic smile on my face. I let my emotions take control and I was at my strongest now. The man knew and could see the pure enjoyment in my face to finally release my emotions.

I struck the man's face and cracked his mask then launched him away. I dashed after him and surrounded my body with Bio-Earth Energy then used Bio-Affinity, the Scroll I received from Janet, to empower myself since I was using my Bio-Energy. I raised my arms and a stone bars rose up and trapped the masked man.

I changed into my Lust Drive and used one of its abilities. The Lust Mist formed a cloudy field around us. 'This will become exactly like Shiro's Mirage. I will counter with this new ability! Rhea I know this is gonna tax us a lot..!'

"Don't worry, my darling!~ Lust is my Signature Sin so I don't get taxed, you're free to execute your new ability you've been training for." Rhea said.

I smiled and nodded. I clapped my hands together and interlocked my fingers together. 'Desire Arts: Mindscape.'

The man noticed he had entered a dream world and looked around. He noticed he was in the Mitsuki Shrine.

'Mindscape...By accessing his secret desires, I can exhibit those desires in this Dream World I created. I can see his dream and interact with them as I please...now I can see who this man is...' I thought to myself.

The man looked at the shrine and was surprised. He walked toward the front doors and placed his hand on it. "I've finally found it and I don't even need Kaden to open the door...now I can see what Mom has really been hiding.."

'Mom?' I asked and rose an eyebrow.

I watched at the man open the shrine doors and noticed a shrine maiden sitting in the shrine. I looked at her and gazed upon her beauty just as the man did.

The woman had fair skin, a very appealing body, and medium sized breasts. She wore a revealing black and red geisha kimono that had our Clan's pattern on the kimono. Her silver hime cut hair was long and extended to her back, her fluffy fox tail was also silver, and her ears were silver as well.

"Akari..." Rhea said in awe.

"So this is what mother has been hiding...For all these years I've been thinking it was a myth. The Bioweapon..." The man said then noticed the doors slam shut. He looked surprised and noticed the dream world disappear.

The cloudy field disappeared and I held my head then fell onto one knee. I panted and was sweating.

"No...You are...Nicholas..? My brother..?" I asked and looked up at the masked figure.

The stone prison had crumbled and the man took his mask off. He looked down at me and his left eye was emitting energy. I stared at him with wide eyes and slowly stood up.

"Nicholas...You're alive, but why?! Why are you doing this?!" I yelled.

Nicholas looked at me and his eyes shined. "Mom isn't everything she seems and Father realizes that now. Even that old man is blinded by his daughter. The Mitsuki Clan needed to be wiped out because the more I learned about the history of our bloodline, the more I realize we are the problem!"

"What..?! What the fuck are you talking about?!" I yelled.

"You're blinded and that's why you don't see it. That Kitsune in the Mitsuki Shrine is a Bioweapon! She's a murderous weapon Mom plans to use to wipe everything off the maps! Mom is a revenge driven monster!" Nicholas yelled.

I stared at Nicholas and tilted my head. "Revenge driven? She deeply cares about you, Nicholas. You don't understand how many years I've had to spend looking for you and Freya...and here you are, back as an enemy."

"I'm back as the older brother who wants to steer you in the right fucking direction and Equinox is not the way to do it! You need to get rid of Rhea and Mila immediately as well! They are weapons of destruction as well!" Nicholas yelled.

I chuckled softly and lowered my head. I sighed softly and looked up with anger in my eyes. "So Dad betrayed us as well huh? Where has he been this entire time then? I haven't seen him since the day I came back."

"Dad is in Matsugaya City, where you and Freya should be where it's actually safe!" Nicholas said.

I stared at Nicholas and a dark purple and gold mist formed around the area. I stood up straight and tilted my head then my eyes shined brightly. My heart thumped and I chuckled. Rhea licked her lips and noticed dark pink, red, green, blue, and orange mists appearing as well.

"Where it's safe huh? That's where Shiro is and we have our shit going on, so I'm only assuming that you're actually here to kidnap me and bring me back to Matsugaya." I said and chuckled darkly.

"That isn't happening...I am not leaving Mom's side nor will I let anyone harm the people I care about. Nicholas, have you ever experienced...despair?" I asked and watched the colors of mist form into black mist.

"He's using it.." Rhea said and grew excited. "He's using my Sin Drive..!"

"What..? No." Nicholas answered.

I smiled and looked at Nicholas. "Then allow me to show you...Despair."

Nicholas watched me and noticed I wasn't moving. He felt the air growing colder and heavier. He heard whispers in the wind telling him negative things about himself.

"Despair...The feeling of hopelessness. You can not win, Nicholas. As you see around you, black mist...This is the full power of Sin Drive. Omen Drive.." I said and watched the black mist entered Nicholas's body.

Nicholas grunted and held his head. Visions of his life flashed before his life and he yelled as he held his head. He fell to his knees and kept seeing visions of how he was going to die in different ways.

"What is this?" Mila asked.

"Omen Drive...similar to your Miracle Drive, this Drive is what I'm mainly known for. Just as you are the Miracle Angel, I am the Ruinous Demon. Omen Drive brings forth all of his malevolence and basically allows him to utilize demonic power and when he's synced to me Omen Drive turns into Calamity Drive!~" Rhea giggled.

I ended Nicholas's mental torture and walked toward him. I stopped in front of him and unholstered my pistol then pointed it at him. "Like Rhea told Kasumi two months ago, without your techniques you're just a human. Any last words...Brother?"

Nicholas chuckled and looked down. "Yeah, you haven't truly won yet. Mom will betray you all...It is only a matter of time before she does.."

I noticed Nicholas had warped away because of Beatrix. I lowered my pistol and reverted back to normal then fell to my knees. I was exhausted...Omen Drive took all of the energy I had left. Rhea picked me up and smiled at me.

"Take me back to mom.." I said.

"Of course.." Rhea said and flew back to the Dojo.

Mila followed behind and looked worried. She wondered what was going to happen now between Nicholas and I. Only time will tell about our future...but I needed answers from Mom first.

{Notice: To Be Continued!}