The Prestigious Private High School is a boarding school, it is the beginning of summer camp. The camp was located on a private island. In the center of the island stood the nurses office slash principals office tower. When they get to the island by boat, they are greeted by the welcoming stage. To one side of the island, cabins for each gender were built. On the opposite side of the island was a forest. Inside of the forest, there’s a waterfall. Between the cabins and the trees is a clearing with a fountain, near the fountain is the camping grounds. Dotting the landscape were different types of activities the campers would do throughout their stay. As the students filed out of the boat that just arrived at the island. The principal who was large, old, and bald but very merry waited atop the stage for them.
“Welcome-” The principle was cut off by a sudden screech from the microphone. He realized what happened and looked towards the sound director as they lowered the volume on the microphone. He tried again. “Welcome everyone. I'm glad to see that you have all made it through this semester alive.” He joked, smiling at the crowds, chuckles and laughs. He waited a little bit to continue “Well, I know this would seem quite a hassle to go through, considering that you all know each other well enough, right?” As the crowd murmured and nodded an agreement. One student even yelled out. “ Yeah. What is this all for? Old man?” the crowd burst out laughing. The principal waited for the crowd to Quiet. down before making his comeback. “Yes, yes, very funny. With old age comes wisdom, and I don't see you having any.” He gently scolded the crowd cracking up again, but only for half as long now that they sense the argument has ended there. The principal straightened his tie and cleared his throat before continuing again. “ Well, as I was saying, we have a new student joining us today!” he said with a wide smile. Excitement showed in everyone's faces to see who this new student was.
In the middle of the crowd stood the popular guy. He lost all his admirers to this newbie, which he wasn't very used to since newbies don't usually come. This school was the best of the best and very hard to get into. Actually had about 300 students in it including the newbie making it the number the school would stop accepting. so naturally everyone would be excited to see who this last person to join their school would be, at least everyone except the popular guy. The popular guy's name is Lionel. He has golden blonde hair, brown eyes, six feet tall, which made him tower over the girls by a few inches. Even though he looked quite handsome, he was nothing compared to the newbie who walked into the stage. At that very moment, “ladies and gentlemen, I give you our new and Our last student of the year.” the Principal paused for dramatic effect. “ Freddy!” The principals shouted, covering his years at the ear pitching screams of all the girls.
Freddy came out in a hooded brown jacket with white and black speckled fur lining, blue jeans and a black fur boots that came up halfway to his knees, even though he had his hood up. People could tell he was special. I mean, who wears a jacket in summer? When he reached the microphone, every girl was on their tippy toes to hear his voice. The first thing Freddy did was clear his throat. His hands were in his coat pockets “Hey.” he said. A single word. But that was enough to make all the girls sigh in admiration. Freddy got off the stage. The camp, now having been started officially. And the girls all crowding around him to get a glimpse of his face.
That was it! Lionel had enough. It was time someone taught this newbie a lesson. Lionel marched right up to the newbie. The girls parting for him to get by. He pointed straight at Freddy's chest. “So you think you can come to my school and prince around like you're the king? Then you. Aren't guts enough to take that stupid hood off?” Lionel asked him and. huffing angrily. Puffing his chest out in a display of dominance. Freddy tilted his head to the side in confusion. “I'm sorry. I got the idea from watching used your chest cell and look down on everyone who isn't as popular as you. So why don't you just make me?” Freddy asked. A sly smile peeking out from under his hood. Clearly challenging him.
Uh oh, this was bad. Everyone had now crowded around. Clearly, knowing a fight was about to start to see who was the better alpha. Lionel hadn't thought this through. He had never been in a fight before. And now that he started one, he couldn't just back away. That's what this newbie wanted. And he was not about to give him a defaulted Victory. Leaving him to look like a coward. no way! There were even some people already chanting “fight, fight, fight, fight,” But that was alright. The principal would stop this right? Lionel looked towards the principle in hope and expectation for him to come to his rescue.
But the principal had other plans. Since they were in camp, the principal expected something like a battle for top alpha to take place, but not here. So he came out to the teens circle. “Gentlemen. Gentlemen, I know you're quite busy with your squabbling, but would you be so kind as to take this to the stage so everyone can get a good view? I do so love a good fight.” The principal left glue flu. Everyone watched as his chubby Belly jiggled. They were awestruck. And shocked and also a bit disappointed. Lionel gasped. how dare he? weren't adults supposed to scold the children? I thought they were supposed to stop these fights, not encourage them. The principal got the best view of all atop his glass tower dome.