
Chapter 27 Undying Love?

"Hey Dad! Do you have any dirty laundry?" I yell from the basement, stuffing clothes into the washing machine. Since moving in with him, I've taken over the role of cleaning and cooking. Dad likes to help occasionally but honestly, I don't mind. It keeps me occupied along with my friends and work.

"Just a few shirts for my business trip honey!" Dad yells back at me. I hear footsteps upstairs, growing louder the closer they get to me. I walk over to the basement door and hold out my arms, signaling for Dad to hand me the clothes.

"Thank you sweetheart, you're a lifesaver." Dad smiles, handing me a pile of shirts.

"No problem. Do you leave in a week?" I ask him and he nods, fixing his tie before he jets off out to work. He begins to bite down nervously as he glances at me.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? I'm going away for a few months Trish. I know you're an adult and the house is yours just as much as mine. You know that right?" He asks me and I nod.