
The Car of a Psychopath

Princess Vittoria Olympia of the Romana family of Olympus

I rummaged through Campbell's closet drawers in hopes I could find a spare phone, smart watch or even a laptop yet so far I had no success. He barely had clothes to begin with here but he was never the type to have a closet full of clothes anyway.

We could go on holidays together and he would pack three jeans, shorts, underwear and more shirts and hoodies for a two week vacation. I was not surprised to find the same number of clothes in his closet.

The only electronic device was a Bluetooth speaker which was integrated into the wall of his bedroom and the television which had a password I could not decode. I did not know if he had an office in his penthouse because once again I did not pay attention when he brought me here.

He mentioned there were maids in the house and they must have been on high alert that I was a possible escapee which meant they would be tagging along wherever I went. Yet I was desperate to get away from him before he came back which meant once again having to sneak around.

With a deep exhale I opened the door and poked my head out only to find the hallways were completely empty. There was no heavy security or a maid in sight. I could hear the low murmurs of two women speaking from downstairs but they seemed too occupied washing dishes from their obvious clanking about.

I walked out of the bedroom then tipped toed to the nearest room that I suspected would be his office. The penthouse was not as big as the one I knew back in Asgard where he normally stayed. In fact it was quite small.

That was surprising since Campbell loved his space. I knew he had stressed that a lot during the last few months of us dating or maybe that was because he was so desperate to get rid of me at that point, that he just wanted any excuse to be away from me.

I shook my head as I felt a pang of pain hit my heart. This was no time to reflect on all the heartbreak the Crowned Prince had caused me. My main objective was to get out of here before the blue eyed devil came back.

The first room I found was not an office at all but a personal gym, the second was what seemed to be a fully equip closet with a hair and makeup station which made a lot more sense now why his bedroom closet was so empty.

There were only four doors up here and the option to go downstairs was completely off limits. I prayed this was his office because I knew there was no way I could go downstairs and pass the kitchen where the maids were without them seeing me.

The sugar baby ancestors must have been smiling down on me because when I turned the handle, with what I could have imagined heaven to sound like playing in the background, there sat a desk with a silver 'Apple' computer. I sneaked in and closed the door behind me before someone came along.

I locked the door then quickly rushed to the very comfortable brown leather wheel office chair. I switched on the computer screen and almost puked again when I saw Campbell's screensaver. The man must have been a stalker because his screensaver was a picture of him and me five years ago when I visited him in Asgard.

It had been five years since we had been together therefore he had no reason for it to still be us. In fact if I could I would burn the memory of the picture from all of our minds as I stared at it with a frown.

In the picture I was riding on his back as I was dressed in one of his hoodies and denim shorts I remembered complaining about for most of the walk on the beach. He had invited a group of friends over to visit and asked me to tag along because he wanted me to meet them.

Back then I felt I must have meant a lot to him if he was willing to introduce me to them so early on in our relationship. Only if I knew one of them had the same goal as I had when it came to the Crowned Prince.

I shook my head as I tried to keep focus then clicked on the mouse so it could open. I must have known it could have not been that simple since there was a password protection. With a shrug I typed in his old password which was '4321' because he always felt no one think of it backwards, only to find he had never changed his password!

I would have thought he would have changed it up for different computers but the man was still as stupid as I remembered him to be.

A gasp left my lips when I saw his desktop screensaver. Ladies and gentlemen I believed I had a stalker on my hands as my latest 'Vogue' cover shoot decorated his screen. My heart hammered in my chest when I saw the small folder titled 'Tory♥'.

My blood pumped through my body at an alarming rate as I heard my own heartbeat in my ears. My palms were already sweating and even though I knew I was wasting vulnerable seconds to send Tricia an email, my curiosity got the best of me. I clicked onthe folder without a second thought and my jaw almost dropped to the ground.

He had different folders saved from the year we dated up to now. Each and every folder had pictures of me or pictures of me with him. He seemed completely fixated over me and I started to worry if I had jumped into the car of a psychopath.

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