The conversation that was going on was intriguing Xie Yuansheng. Once those students were taken in, Su Haobing bowed to Feng Xinying and left. It was none of his concern as to who she met. All he knew was to protect her and listen to her and follow her orders blindly.
Xie Yuansheng looked at his wife and asked her with bewilderment, "Who is he?"
Feng Xinying had so much to talk to him but it was already very late and she was following her regime pretty strictly. "There's a lot I want to tell you Xie Yuansheng, but will tell you once I am home. Right now there is only one thing I would like you to know and that is that my father had an underworld organization, which he had cultured. After his death the organization was dormant and Su Haobing, the man you just saw, was managing it quietly. After father, they say I am the head of that organization!"