
They arrived at Drum Island.

On the ship,

"It's probably the climate... One of the obstacles all sailors who entered the Grand Line run into is illness caused by abnormal weather." Vivi explained what she knew about Nami's sick condition.

"Is there anyone on this ship with any medical knowledge at all?" Vivi asked.

Usopp points at Nami while Luffy points at Rin.

'Why'd you point at me..?' Rin thought.

"Do you know anything that can help?" Vivi asked.

"Not really.. If she got an illness because of Grand Line then, only a doctor from Grand Line could probably help her." Rin said.

"There should be a doctor in Alabasta, right? How much longer till we get there?" Usopp asked Vivi.

"I'm not sure.. but one week is out of the question." Vivi answered.

"I'm fine." Nami said as she sat up.

"Nami-san?" Sanji said.

"... In my desk drawer... there's a newspaper..." Nami said.

Vivi took it out and read it. "N-no... It can't be..." From the newspaper, she realizes how bad the situation in her country is.

Nami stand up despite her health and insist on going straight to Alabasta without delay. She went to the deck to check if they're still on course.

A bit later,

Vivi came to the deck and decided to tell everyone that she wants to find a doctor for Nami even if it means delaying her arrival to Alabasta.

The next day,

They saw a man standing in the middle of the ocean when suddenly a big ship with a pirate flag appears beneath him.

It didn't take for the ship to be filled with enemies. Since Luffy didn't say anything, Zoro and Sanji didn't do anything. While Rin... well, she didn't really care since she know this isn't a big deal.

Wapol ate a knife before asking "We want to go to the Drum Kingdom. Do you happen to have an eternal pose or a log pose?"

"Nope. Never even heard of the place." Sanji answered.

"Alright. So you're done, right? Then leave! We're in a hurry, we don't have time for this!!" Luffy said.

"Hm... If you have neither, then oh well. For now I'll take your treasure and this ship." Wapol said.

"What?!" Luffy yelled.

"Wait-" Rin just remembered something.

"But first, I'm feeling a bit hungry." Wapol said as he tries to bite off the ship.

"Oh no-!" Rin said before amplifying her legs strength with her devil fruit and kicking that hippo (Wapol) to the sky, far, far away from here.

'Eh- I remembered he ate part of the ship and accidentally kicked him out of reflex...' Rin thought. 'Oh well...'

The enemies retreats to save their captain from drowning.

"Didn't expect you of all people to send him flying." Zoro said.

"Well... Since he can ate a knife I thought he's gonna eat the ship. We'll be in trouble if he does won't we?" Rin said before checking on Nami.

The next day,

"It's getting colder..." Rin muttered.

'It shouldn't be long before we reach Drum Island.' Rin thought.

A while later,

Rin and the others finally arrives at Drum Island. When they drop their anchor a big group of people armed with guns, suddenly appear.

"That's far enough, pirates!"

"Attention, pirates! Leave this place at once!" Dalton said to them.

"We came to find a doctor!" Luffy said.

"We have a sick person onboard!" Vivi said.

"We won't fall for such a trick, you filthy pirates!"

"This is our island, we won't let a pirate land here!"

"Raise your anchor and leave now! Or we'll blow your whole ship up!" Screamed the residents.

'Wow... they really want us gone...' Rin thought.

"... They really hate us even though we've just met..." Sanji said.

"Shut up!" *Bang!* A resident almost shot Sanji.

"They're shooting..!" said Usopp.

Sanji got mad and were about to fight back when Vivi stop him before he makes thing worse, however Vivi got shot at the shoulder by one of the resident.

"Vivi!" Luffy yelled.

"Take aim!" The residents yelled.

Luffy got mad and screamed "Why you-!".

"Hey, hey..! Stop for a minute." Rin interfered Luffy. "Why'd you shoot us for?! We didn't even step foot on your island or even threaten you guys, we only ask for a doctor for our friend who is gravely ill. Now thanks to you guys we have one more injured person onboard! You guys are acting like a bunch of pirates more than WE do." Rin lectured the residents.

The residents became silent for a minute before they started murmuring to each other only to became silent for another minute.

Rin sighed as she sees the residents reaction. "I'm sorry.., I was a bit mad cause you suddenly started attacking us but... We really need a doctor's help right now..."

"I-If you don't want us to land then we won't but please bring a doctor to us...?" Vivi begged to the residents. She muttered something to Luffy before Luffy asked for help from the residents.


"I will show you to the village. Follow me." said Dalton.

Everyone is glad that the residents agreed to help.