
Chapter 39: A Week of Training and The Ship's Name.

First day of training.

"The first thing to learn would be how to hold the sword properly." Yosaku said.

"But we can't teach you how to hold a sword if you don't have any sword." Johnny said.

"Hmm... can a wooden katana do?" Rin asked.

"Yeah, since it's just a practice. It's actually better for you to use a wooden katana at the beginning so you won't accidentally hurt yourself or others." Johnny explained.

"Okay, then." Rin said. Rin uses her devil fruit power to make a decent wooden katana. "Is this okay?" She asked.

Johnny and Yosaku were surprised when they saw what Rin did. "H-how did you do that?!" They asked.

Zoro also look shocked when he saw what Rin did.

"Oh. I forgot to tell you. I've eaten a devil fruit called Forest Forest Fruit. I'm something like... a forest lady, I guess." Rin explained.

"A... devil fruit... THOSE THINGS EXISTS!?!?" Yosaku asked. His jaw almost hit the floor when he heard what Rin said. Johnny is also the same.

"Yes. Yes it exists." Rin answered. "So, can we start the lesson already?" Rin asked.

"R-right... are you right handed or left handed? Johnny asked.

"Right handed. Why?" Rin asked.

"Put your left hand at the end of the hilt, that part is called Kashira." Johnny explained. "Next, put your right hand behind the piece in between the hilt and the blade. That piece in between the hilt and the blade is called Tsuba." He continued.

"Okay... is this right?" Rin asked.

Yosaku give it a look and said "You shouldn't put your thumb on the Tsuba."

"Ah! I see." Rin said before fixing her mistake.

Second day of training.

"Yesterday, we had a hard time teaching how to properly hold a sword but at the end of the day you finally get the hang of it." Yosaku said.

"So today, you're gonna learn to swing the sword properly so that you can get used to it." Johnny explained.

"Okay." Rin said.

"Hold the sword like yesterday, then try swinging it vertically." Johnny said.

Rin swung it vertically. "Like this?" She asked.

"Don't tense your shoulder when you lift it above your head. Try again." Yosaku said.

Rin tried again as Yosaku told her.

"Now, try to move a foot forward everytime you swing." Johnny said.

Rin followed Johnny's instruction.

"Good. Now, swing it a few dozens of times. After that, swing it horizontally a few dozens of times." Yosaku said.

"Okay..." Rin answered.

The fourth day of training.

"In a fight, the faster you move the better, so let's increase the speed of your swings." Yosaku said. "And to do that, you'll do the vertical and horizontal swings but faster.

"Alright." Rin said before practicing her swings.

The seventh day of training (last day).

"Today... um... Aniki insists in having a small fight with you on the last day..." Johnny hesitantly said.

"A fight?" Rin asked. 'He usually just sit at the side watching me practice... why the sudden fight?' Rin thought.

"Yeah, he wants a fight... he said it's something like a final test or something..." Yosaku answered.

"Don't worry, I'll use the back of my katana so you should be fine. Let's start." Zoro said.

"Ah! Wait." Rin said. 'A normal wooden katana might break in the middle of the fight. I'll change it to Adam Wood to make it stronger.' Rin thought. "Now, we can start." Rin said.

Less than three minutes later... Rin lost...

"You've progressed but you still no used to it." Zoro said.

"Yeah, I know..." Rin answered. Thanks to her devil fruit ability she isn't badly injured (plus Zoro went easy on her).

"Are you leaving the island today?" Zoro asked.

"Yup! Let's meet again, Johnny, Yosaku and Zoro." Rin said.

"Yeah sure." Zoro said with a smile.

Johnny and Yosaku went to the cove where Rin anchored her ship to see Rin off.

"That's your ship?" Yosaku asked.

"Yeah." Rin said before hopping on top of it. She uses her power to pull up the anchor.

"I-it start moving by itself!!" Johnny yelled.

"Oh, my devil fruit allows me to controls any kind of plant. The rope tight to the anchor is mostly made of natural fibers so I can control it." Rin explained.

Johnny and Yosaku nodded at Rin's explanation.

"Wait, doesn't that make it similar to a ghost ship? I heard those ghost ships sometimes appears at the Grand Line." Yosaku asked.

"Ghost ship..." Rin said.

"No, it's more like a floating piece of wood that you can control since there's a person aboard." Johnny said.

"Floating piece of wood..." Rin said. Rin chuckled said. "A piece of wood that wonder around the sea with me and moves like a ghost ship... I've decided!"

"Decided on what?" Yosaku asked.

"On the ship's name!" Rin answered.

"But... most of the time only pirates or proud shipwrights would name their ships. Bounty hunters usually don't do that." Johnny said.

"It doesn't matter. I do what I want, when I want, whenever I can." Rin said while grinning.

Johnny and Yosaku looked at each other and sighed.

"... Well if that's what you want. So what's the name of the ship?" Yosaku asked.

"The Wondering Wood!" Rin answered.

"Not a bad choice." Johnny said.

They talked a little more before Rin leave the island.

A/N: I want to thank Mr_H3nt1 for your suggestions on the ship's name. I really like the "Wondering Wood" idea.

Thanks for reading. I realized I never really explained Rin's background so if you have any question about her you can comment about it and I'll answer everything I know.

Sleepy_Head_creators' thoughts