
Suckered Into Marrying My Scheming Lackey

Love Questionnaire: What would you do if you get caught breaking into a cold and arrogant billionaire's mansion?... What if that said billionaire also happens to be your lackey from high school and you don't even recall them? Better yet what if that said billionaire sets a marriage contract on the table and demands that you sign it? Quinn: Hahaha, What stupid questions. Who came up with these? That would never happen to me. A few hours later Quinn: You @%!^%##, you set me up.

Faith_Andru · สมัยใหม่
74 Chs


"No no you are lying. Leif would never like you. He is only doing this because his family wants him to marry. How much did he pay you huh? I know your grandmother was also an escort and like her you are following on her steps to be a stand in fake wife," she said her voice high pitched as she screamed at her.

Quinn smashed her fist past her ear before hitting the wall hard with a loud bang terrifying Alison half to death.

"Dont you dare talk about my grandmother that way otherwise I wi tear you apart do you understand!" she said her eyes like that of a devil that her crawled out from hell.

Alison's blood ran cold as she stood there her legs soft at the knees. She was terrified but that didnt stop her. She wanted him to say it. She wanted her to admit that she was paid and their relationship wasn't like that at all. If she was the same Quinn as in the past she would lose her temper and slip up.

Unfortunately for her, she hadn't realised that Quinn had changed significantly in the past few years. Her experiences has mellowed her temper and she wouldn't explode easily like before.

"Do it then. Hit me... go ahead. Your grandmother is a fuckin. hoe. just. like. you," she did exclaiming word by word as she poked Quinn's shoulder.

Unexpectedly Quinn didnt hit her. In fact, she laughed softly and said, "Sure, let me call my husband and let him know that he is paying me to marry him. This is want to here him say, right?"

Hearing this Alison's eyes  beamed as she struggled to contain her emotions. Either of two things were going to happen which were either Left wasn't going to answer her call or he would answer but would confirm the sort of relationship their are in. She had been recording their conversation and hoped Quinn would lose her temper and hit her so her parents would retaliate and force Leif to break of this absurd relationship. Secondly she hoped to find evidence of their fake relationship and she would expose it to everyone.

Quinn pulled up her number in her contacts and showed it to Alison. When she saw the words husband on the screen Alison's heart skipped a beat. She was angry but she kept telling herself that it was Quinn's wishful thinking. Unfortunately for her when that call was connected it confirm her worst fears.

"Husband, you didn't reply to my message. Is it because you are still upset that I didn't but you some and brought to you at work," said Quinn her voice as sweet as that of woman speaking to her lover.

Leif who knew something was up form the moment the word husband came out of her mouth pursed his lips while pulling open a drawer. Inside was a sticky note he wrote with romantic words one  could use when talking to their lover on phone.

"No, I was just busy ba... ahem babe," he said having a very hard time saying that word. It left a funny taste in his mouth.

"Let me see what you sent me," he said and the call went silent for moment with faint sounds of breathing coming from the other side. Leif downloaded the pictures and when he saw the second with her bright pink lips sucking on the straw his breathing  tightened.

He recalled the soft touch on those lips on his cheek and he couldn't help but feel a tingle at the bottom of his stomach.

"Did you put on lipstick today?" he suddenly asked what was on his mind at that moment.

Quinn who had her phone on loudspeaker suddenly froze. Damn, who said Leif couldn't flirt. "No... I just put on some lip gloss. Why?" she asked her sharp stabbing pain clawed at the pit of her stomach like something was clawing at it.

"They look so soft," said Leif and Quinn internally bowed to this person. If he wasn't a sober minded girl he would have fallen heads over heels in a heart beat.

"Then you can come home early today and kiss them to confirm how soft they are," she said without shame her gaze directed at Alison.

Leif felt his muscles tense up and he was at a lose for words. He knew this was all for show but he still felt embrassed.

"En," he replied before changing the subject, "I have to go back to work."

Quinn smiled brightly like she was glowing and said, "Okay husband, don't work yourself to hard. I will be waiting for you at home."

Leif clenched his fist as she looked at last word on the sticky note. After preparing himself he finally said it, "I love you."

Quinn as though struck by cupid's arrow screamed internally before responding with a soft, "I love you too."

The two fell silent for a while before Leif cut the call and stood up immediately heading to the bathroom.

Quinn who was red faced and bashful turned to the befuddled Alison and said, "See, it's not fake. I should you be thanking you because if you didn't take me to his mansion and ditched me leaving me suffer under your mother's tyranny I wouldn't have met my soul mate. If you weren't interested in him I would have invited for some wedding wine when we get married so.... bye," before turning to leave.

When she exited through the door she found a bunch of employees with their ears plastered at the door listening in on this cat fight.

Because she had pushed the door hushly some of them fell to the ground which quite embarrassing to say the least.

Quinn helped the girl up and excused herself before walking away. She went in the baking section and picked up cornstarch only to bump into Earl who was looking for her.

"Miss, I saw that you were taking too long and decided to check on you. Is everything, okay?" he asked while checking around her vigilantly.

"I am good. I was just talking to your boss just now. I will pick a few things then we can leave," she said and Earl nodded his head.

"Do you mind if I follow you? Just for safety reason," he asked and Quinn didn't refuse. He could sense that Earl might have received an alert from Leif and thus he rushed in. She didn't like making things difficult for others thus she agreed.

"It's okay. Let's go," she said and she resumed her shopping.

While Quinn was in an awesome mood, Alison looked like her entire life has shattered to pieces. She collapsed on the floor and the employees stared at her with helpless looks on their faces. They didn't know her at all but she was wearing their uniform. That's because she had paid the manager to act like an employee here stating that she wanted to catch the mistress who had seduced her husband. The manager wasn't going to agree but seeing her wronged expression and the wads of cash in front of him he couldn't resist. He agreed on the spot but who would have thought this wasn't the case of a wife catching the mistress but a jealous third party trying to break up a relationship and the pitiful girl was the third party.

If it weren't for the money she had accepted she would have kicked her out a long time ago.

By the time her mother's came to pick her up Alison was sitting in the manager's office with a cup of warm water in her hand looking like she was going to pass out from all that crying.