
Succubus? Mermaids? Nymphs? - Eros levels up to immortality

[New quest received] [Perform Sexorcism on target] [Reward - ??] [Penalty - Erection for four days] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Eros, mortal desires are such delicate and intricate strings. Would you like to play?] He chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "They can't be as hard as I am right now. Let's pull some strings," ______________________________________________ Eros who was once the god of love finds himself condemned to the abyss after receiving the "Bitter Ending" Curse for a crime he didn't commit. Stripped of his divine powers, he was reincarnated by his devoted lover, Shiva, who had to sacrifice her soul to the Lord of the Void in a desperate attempt to save him. To save her, Eros strikes a fateful bargain with the seductive goddess of Lust, a powerful deity with her own vendetta against Zeus. Tasked with toppling the All Powerful Zeus, Eros is granted a fraction of the lust god's irresistible power and a mysterious system to navigate his newfound abilities. [Skill Achieved - Heart Strings] Now reincarnated into a magical world brewing with succubi, mermaids and nymphs, Eros must pull at their heart strings to gain strength, inching him closer to godhood and of course, reclaiming his lost love. =======≠==≠==========≠========== "Which one to pick?" "There are so...so many varieties!!" "Succubi? Mermaids? Nymphs? Fuck it, I'll have them all!!" *STRONGLY CAUTION ANYONE AVOIDS THIS IF THEY AREN'T DOWN TO HANDLE R18 SCENES, GORE AND STRONG LANGUAGES. #No incest #No rape #No underage sex #NO NTR #No YURI *Join discord and support this book, let's grow together!! *Disclaimer!! cover isn't mine. Found it on Pinterest!! https://discord.gg/HK2h8R9skE

Dark_knight234 · แฟนตาซี
77 Chs


"Guys, you all need to see this now," he said urgently.

Ethan's attention snapped to the tablet, the light atmosphere dissipating instantly. The news headline blared across the screen, demanding immediate attention.

[Breaking News: Unprecedented Demon Activity in Manhattan]

For a moment, the gym was silent, all eyes on Ethan. He stood there, bare-chested and suddenly very aware of the gravity of the situation.

The footage on the tablet showed chaotic scenes unfolding in the city, a stark contrast to the calmness of the gym. Ethan knew what was expected of him next.

"What are you still standing there for? Let's get moving." Captain Kirk's command snapped everyone into action.

Ethan quickly pulled on his shirt, the fabric sticking slightly to his sweat-damp skin.He followed Jake and Lara as they made their way out of the gym and towards the loading bay.

The loading bay was a flurry of activity. Each member swiftly gathered their gear, checking and double-checking weapons and protective equipment.

In less than ten minutes, they were all aboard their armored vehicle, the engine roaring to life as they sped towards the location of the reported possession.

Inside the vehicle, Ethan's frustration simmered. The holographic display in his eyes flashed the unwelcome notification:

[Task Failed]

[Punishment: No erection for 12 hours]

[Time Left: 11 hours 59 minutes 47 seconds]

'What?! But I did the task, I flirted with her even when it felt cringe.' Ethan snapped at Lilith.

"[Yes, for 27 minutes. You were 3 minutes short. Rules are rules, Ethan. You know how the system works,]" Lilith's voice echoed in his head, matter-of-factly.

Ethan exhaled sharply, trying to quell his annoyance. "And how exactly am I supposed to perform a sexorcism now, if needed?" he questioned, his tone laced with irritation.

"[Well, that's your problem to figure out, isn't it?]" Lilith replied, her voice fading away as she ended their conversation.

Ethan clenched his jaw, feeling the weight of the situation. He glanced around, catching Captain Kirk's stern gaze from across the vehicle.

As they neared the location, the once-familiar streets of Manhattan transformed into a scene of pandemonium. People were running, screaming, fear evident in the air.

The vehicle came to an abrupt halt, the doors swung open, and they were immediately engulfed in the chaos.

Ethan stepped out, his senses immediately assaulted by the sounds of screams and the unmistakable aura of demonic presence.

"Alright, team, move out! We don't have much time," Kirk barked.

Ethan followed closely, his mind momentarily distracted by the failed task. He pushed the thought aside, focusing on the present danger.

As they approached the building, the air grew heavier, the sense of malevolence more pronounced. Ethan felt a chill run down his spine, an instinctual warning of the supernatural presence they were about to face.

"Remember, stick to the plan. Ethan, you're up front. Use whatever new tricks you've got," Kirk commanded, not hiding his skepticism.

Ethan nodded, steeling himself for what was to come. They entered the building, the darkness enveloping them like a suffocating blanket.

Inside, the scene was harrowing. Bodies lay scattered across the floor, their life force seemingly drained, faces frozen in terror.

Certain bodies appeared more mangled than others. In particular, the male bodies were torn to shreds while the female bodies looked drained of energy of any sort.

In the center of the room, a man convulsed wildly, his body contorted unnaturally, clearly under the demon's control.

'A male possessed… Great.' Ethan said within himself. According to Lilith, his sexorcism worked only on female possessed. He had been wondering how he was going to perform sexorcism without erection but with a male possessed. Now, upon seeing it was a male, he knew just what to do and strangely, a strange feeling of excitement arose within him.

Just then, the holographic display lit up in his eyes.

[Name: Aztael]

[Race: Incubus]

[Level: 3]

[Experience: 8/10]

[Strength: 8/10]

[Energy: 7/10]

[Agility: 6/10]

[Stamina: 8/10]

[Speed: 7/10]

[New Tasks received]

[Task 1 : Pull a string successfully]

[Difficulty : Level 1]

[Reward : 2 Lust Points]

[Punishment: Halved strength for 24 hours]

[Task 2 : Reap the demon's soul under 15 minutes]

[Task difficulty : Level 3]

[Reward: 5 Lust Points]

[Punishment: Quicker Ejaculation for 48 hours]

[Task 3 : Engage the demon without a weapon for the first 3 minutes]

[Difficulty - Level 3]

[Reward: 5 Lust Points]

[Punishment: Painful Ejaculation for 36 hours]

Ethan's jaw tightened. The tasks were challenging, each carrying significant consequences if failed.

Cautiously, he advanced, his every sense heightened. The figure's eyes snapped to him, glowing with an unnatural light. A guttural growl filled the room, echoing off the walls.

The demon, sensing Ethan's approach, let out a guttural laugh. "Another soul to feast on," it sneered, its voice a chilling blend of human and otherworldly.

He squared his shoulders and faced the demon. "Release him," Ethan demanded, his voice carrying an unexpected weight.

The demon paused, its malevolent gaze assessing Ethan. "You? What can you do, human?" it mocked.

Ethan met its gaze, his determination solidifying. "More than you can handle," he retorted.

Ethan, weaponless as per his task, circled the demon-possessed man, muscles tensed and ready. The demon's eyes gleamed with malice, a grotesque smirk twisting its host's face.

"You think you can best me, human?" the demon taunted, its voice a grating rasp.

Ethan kept silent, his focus unbreakable. He knew the first three minutes of unarmed combat were crucial.

The demon lunged first, its movements a blur of supernatural speed. Ethan dodged, feeling the whoosh of air as claws swiped inches from his face. He countered with a swift jab to the demon's midsection, but his fist passed through it as if striking smoke.

"Is that all you have to offer?!!" the demon taunted, laughter echoing through the room.

Ethan gritted his teeth, focusing. He couldn't afford to lose. Not with the tasks at stake. He feinted left, then right, throwing the demon off momentarily before delivering a solid kick that sent it stumbling backward.

"Nice move," Lara shouted, her voice laced with tension.

The demon recovered quicker than Ethan expected and lunged at him. Ethan dodged, feeling the air whoosh past him. He countered with a swift kick, striking the demon's torso. The demon staggered but laughed, a sound that sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers.

"Not bad, but you'll have to do better than that!" the demon sneered.

Ethan didn't respond, his breathing controlled. He had to maintain his stamina for the tasks ahead.

The demon lunged again, its movements erratic but deadly. Ethan narrowly avoided a crushing blow, feeling the rush of air as it passed by.

The team, stationed strategically around the room, watched the duel intently. Lara, gripping her weapon, whispered to Jake, "He's fighting unarmed... Is that wise?"

"Everyone stand back, let's see what we are really dealing with here. We can't interfere or we'll risk getting in the way!!!" Kirk announced with palbable strains of urgency in his face and voice.

Kirk, observing the fight, muttered under his breath, 'Damn fool playing with fire. What is he trying to prove going toe to toe with a demon without a weapon?!!' Kirk thought with resentment.

'Why do I even bother? Now that it's just you and this incubus, let's see for ourselves how you'll heal this one!' He thought with a smile creeping up on his face.

Ethan felt the weight of his system-imposed limitations. His body ached for a weapon, his muscles screamed for relief, but he pushed through, driven by the promise of the reward and the fear of the punishment.

The demon, sensing Ethan's fatigue, sneered, "Tiring already? I expected more."

Ethan, panting, shot back, "You haven't seen anything yet."

As the three-minute mark approached, Ethan readied himself to draw his weapon. The moment his hand touched the hilt, the room seemed to freeze. He drew the sword sheathed inside his scythe, the metallic sound slicing through the silence.

"Now, the real fight begins," Ethan declared, his eyes locked on the demon.