

It's been three years since she saw her sister last as they separated to face their dreams and accomplish all they desired, Iris finally got the chance to meet her most beloved twin sister who happened to be her only family member. The joy was short lived though as an accident claimed her sister's life. She loses her memory and got to live as her sister for only a week before regaining her memories. With her memories regained, she is faced with a painful truth of how her sister had gotten her first love and man hooked in a relationship by replacing her. Her sister was dead living her a message of how she was also in love with the same man and sort after him with her identity when she met him. Their relationship was not in a good shape at all as she cheated on him and they were close to getting a divorce. Stuck between being moral by letting the man know as he was filled with anger towards the fact that he was cheated on and staying with the man she loved as well as preventing her sister's son from becoming an orphan. Will she be able to endure the hate he had for her that was directed towards her late sister whom she now impersonates or could she break free regardless of the little cutie who needs his mother and the man whom she is the only man in her life?

Omiglow · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter Twelve.

Deep in her emotions, she heard footsteps coming towards the door, and immediately she stares at the door coldly.

The door opened and in came Ryan her sister's son, upon seeing the boy she had mixed feelings about her decision so she hesitated on how to relate with the boy, the reason being the betrayal from the boy's mother. But seeing the genuine happiness shown on the boy's face directed at her, She change her facial expression from cold to warm because the cute baby's smile was contagious.

"Mummy, here you are, you promised to be with me but you left me" he pouted showing a pitiful expression visible on his face.

Iris sat up on the hospital bed and supported her back with a pillow, she could not resist the boy's cuteness so she stretched her hand to the baby's head and roughed up the cute baby's fluffy hair. Messing up the hair to her satisfaction she apologize to him and said, "I am sorry baby, I became sick when you went to the park with your Nanny so I had to leave the mansion and come to the hospital for the doctor's make be feel better. Okay"

"Okay Mummy, are you better now Mummy?"

"Yes I'm getting better" she replied warmly. "So you are coming home with me to play with my toys together?" He said surely while holding onto her hands.

Seeing the innocent fellow looking at her with expectations visible on his face, she find it hard to lie to him so she answered and said to him, "Ryan I'm still not healthy to be discharged from the hospital so I can not go home yet"

"You can't? But you promised to never leave me alone, that you will always play with me Mummy you lied" He dropped her hand, leave her side, went to the corner of the room, Crouched down while facing the wall, and started to cry silently.

"Mummy did not love me again, I'm a bad boy, she will not play with me again"

Hearing what the little boy said while crying, Iris became sad, understanding the type of person Ivy was since young, she should not have expected her to be a good mother to her son. That explains the wariness and distance they noticed from the little boy when they first met.

Although she had never been a parent before in her life, she was sure she will try her possible best to make sure to always pay attention to her child's needs, spends quality time with her child, and always be there for her child, either physically or emotionally.

Seeing a young child like this, with low self-esteem and emotional insecurity breaks her heart. And this reveals bad parenting.

She took a deep breath and said to the crying child, "Ryan darling, please stop crying I never said I will play with you or I don't love you, I do and I always will. So stand up and come closer let me dry your tears, crying does not suit you because you don't look cute with tears on your face"

"You love me?" he peek at her and said.

"Yes I do"

"Am I a good boy and you will always play with me?"

"Yes you are a good boy, the most caring and cutest little boy in the whole world, now come and give me a very big warm hug that only you can give me" Stretching her hand widely she waited for the little boy to hug her.

He stood up unsteadily, balanced his feet a little bit, and ran excitedly to Iris for a hug. Iris had to carefully bend down to scope the cute baby to hug.

While she was hugging the boy, she felt that the boy needs a good mother figure in his life, she to be one for him now that his biological mother is dead, but that is going to be tough for her to do at least she had to for her sister to forgive her sister's betrayed so as not to be angry at anything that reminds her of Ivy. And also she had to expose Ivy to Adrian what Ivy had done and prove to him the type of person he married.

However, all this will not be going to be easy at all rather it was going to be a roller coaster ride of emotional distress. That she must do in other to find peace with herself, she had been hurt deeply by the person she least expect to hurt her as much.

She hugged the baby for some time before she placed him back on his feet, and called out to the Nanny that came with him to enter and bring along Ryan's bag with her.

On getting inside the hospital room, she greeted Iris with respect, carried Ryan on the chair nearest to Iris, and gave Ryan some snacks and toys to play with before taking her to leave.

Seeing that he was comfortable enough Iris played with him for a while before he left.

Around five o clock in the evening, Iris was all alone in her hospital room when Adrian came in.

"Now that you have regained your memories and calm, I believe that it is time for us to continue with our unfinished business" He smirked while he sat on a chair with his legs crossed.

Iris looked at him with confusion visible on her face, she won't know what unfinished business he had with Ivy, because she was not his wife in the first place so his would she know? She continued to look at him with her beautiful eyes.

Seeing her looking at him as if she did not have an idea of what he was talking about, Adrian became irritated "Don't look at me with such an innocence look on your face, I will not fall for a such look at all so quit pretending It will not work on me" He said sourly.

"I don't know what you are going on about, in fact, I also have something to tell you," Iris said to him.

"I don't have time not the patience to listen to anything you have to say. So as not to waste my time I want a divorce and I'm taking custody of Adrian "