

It's been three years since she saw her sister last as they separated to face their dreams and accomplish all they desired, Iris finally got the chance to meet her most beloved twin sister who happened to be her only family member. The joy was short lived though as an accident claimed her sister's life. She loses her memory and got to live as her sister for only a week before regaining her memories. With her memories regained, she is faced with a painful truth of how her sister had gotten her first love and man hooked in a relationship by replacing her. Her sister was dead living her a message of how she was also in love with the same man and sort after him with her identity when she met him. Their relationship was not in a good shape at all as she cheated on him and they were close to getting a divorce. Stuck between being moral by letting the man know as he was filled with anger towards the fact that he was cheated on and staying with the man she loved as well as preventing her sister's son from becoming an orphan. Will she be able to endure the hate he had for her that was directed towards her late sister whom she now impersonates or could she break free regardless of the little cutie who needs his mother and the man whom she is the only man in her life?

Omiglow · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter Nine.

"That is a good News indeed" She replied and continued with her food at the same time feeding Ryan. Ivy being that attentive to Ryan is a new Scene to Adrian, it was like she went through a personality change in other thoughts it might be due to her memory loss, he bet she will revert back to her old selfish self when she gain back her memories.

Feeling Adrian stares on her she peeked at him sneakily, looking from his thick black hair, piercing baby blue eyes, his tall nose, his top thinner lips, but not thin well rested on his bottom plush lips making a perfect Cupid bow. Looking down at his sharp well sculpted jawline, to his well toned body which is prominent in his casual home wear on his body, he is a very hot Specimen of a man. And she sure is quite lucky to grab this handsome man off the market. Still deeply immersed in her observation their eyes met, and she quickly averted her gaze while blushing.

Later that night, Iris was in Ryan room reading him a children bedtime story of his own choice, after he fell asleep, she left his room, closed the door behind her, went to the kitchen for a warm glass of milk, she really needed to get herself some sleep.

Back to the Bedroom their was no sign of her husband in the room, she went into the closet and later to the bathroom for shower. When she was done showering she changes into her sleep wears and prepared for bed. She claimed on the bed and slept on her back while waiting for her husband, waiting for some time there was no sign of her husband and soon she slept off.

Waking up the following morning, she glanced bat the other side of the morning and discovered that it does not look slept in. Did her husband sleep in the office again? She wondered. Getting to the dinning room she saw him already there he was dressed in a black suit with a blue shirt, bringing out his eye, done appreciating his looks she a sat down turned to him and asked "Why don't you sleep in the bedroom? I waited for you last night before I fell asleep and this morning I discovered that you slept somewhere else" "I slept in the room attached to my office so as not to disturb you" he replied in his smooth voice. He can't tell her with her condition that, they don't sleep together anymore after he discovered her infidelity? No he will wait for her to remember after she recovers her memories.

Back in a Club in Country H, two men could been seen sitting across each other on a Private room. One was Cole Winston dressed fashionably in a dress shirt and pants, the other man dressed as a Playboy with studs in his ear is an Hacker called JK. JK is one the top hacker in the Country and he is working alongside him on Iris case, although JK was not as good as Iris, he is also one of the best.

"Cole, when i was making my research, i discover that after Iris got of the plane, she waited for some time before moving, I assumed she met with her sister then entered her car, along the way we lost contact with her here" JK showed Cole the map of the Country B, pointing at the spot in the computer. Seeing the location JK was pointing at he remembers the News headline he saw the first time he was searching for Iris location. He grabbed his Computer and search for the News.

However, he saw the news headline and clicked on it, reading the details of the news he discovered that an accident that involves a Billionaire's wife and two other people, the other two were later discovered to her sister she went to pick up from the airport, while the other person was her driver. Mrs. Ivy Campbell was the sole survivor of the accident while the other her sister Iris Thompson lost her life alongside the Driver.

Shocked Cole collapsed on his chair with tears streaming down his face, soon he started crying. JK was shocked to see Cole crying he started calling him. "Cole what is happening?, what's wrong? Tell me?" seeing Cole ignoring him he stopped calling him and took Cole's Computer and read it. When he saw the News content he became dumbfounded and his eyes turned bloodshot then everything became silent in the room.

Back at Country B, Iris was in the library reading a book, after reading a few more page she got up to return the book. As she was walking suddenly she became dizzy and fell down while fainting in the process.

A maid heard the noise and came in to check on Iris, on getting inside she discovered Iris on the floor. "Madam! Madam! What is wrong?" She calls out while shaking Iris at the same time, upon finding unresponsive she raised an alarm to others in the Mansion.

Butler and the other maids heard her and they came rushing in discovering Iris unconscious, the butler immediately made arrangements and rushed Iris to the hospital while calling Adrian at the same time.

With his calls not getting connected to Adrian, he called one of Adrian personal assistant getting connection with him, he told him to Inform Adrian that Ivy has fainted and she is being rushed to the hospital.

Adrian was in the middle of an important meeting when he got the information from his assistant, on Iris situations. He had to end the meeting immediately and rushed to the hospital.

Beep, beep, beep Iris woke up to sounds disturbing her form her sleep she tries to open her eyes but discovered that she can't, her eyes was too heavy to open. After struggling for a while she was able to her eyes, it was then that she discovered that she was I'm a hospital room on a drip.

Confused about what she was doing there because all she could remember was her leaving her house to leave for Country B, but she remembered she her sister and they were both talking in the car when suddenly the car got out of control and crashed.

Her sister we're is she? We're is her sister?.