
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · แฟนตาซี
77 Chs


Subrina's POV

After all these years watching my family develop before my eyes. My Grandson was finally going to be mated, married and announced as the werewolf king. Grant and Niamh have waited for 13 years for this moment.

Wilson and Raven are stepping down to enjoy each other for a change. They had given so much to the Supernatural world and now it was Grant's time to shine. He wasn't aware of the announcement coming this night but he would become the most powerful Supernatural ever born. He would be a father soon as well. He had grown up with Niamh because of the Gypsy tradition of marriage for the King. Grant married at age 5 and tonight at age 18 he would finally be able to consummate the marriage.

Grant looked so proud standing by his father waiting for his bride and mate. She walked out and tears flowed down Grant's face. Niamh was indeed beautiful. He grew up with her so this was everything they had dreamed of for years.

I explained everything to her about the mating and how she would begin her first heat because they were together for years. Wilson found them in bed together at age 5, full of innocence. They had remained sleeping in one bed all these years. They had bottlers and maids with them at all times. Even when they were asleep.

They were a powerful couple and after today they would be the most powerful Supernatural couple ever. Grant had no clue what was happening and I liked it this way. The Moon Goddess had selected him for this. She gave him a powerful mate and taught them how to rule from watchers.

I watch with tears in my eyes as all of my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren filed into the arena. Then Michael and I were seated. Then the ceremony began. Niamh danced for Grant, it was a beautiful Gypsy dance of veils. After the dance she held her hand out for Grant. The dance was her wedding gift to him. They were bound as Gypsies, werewolves and humans. They held all 3 services in one.

After they completed their vows Wilson gave his throne and crown to Grant. Raven gave her crown to Niamh. Grant was in shock. As soon as everything got quiet a mist appeared in front of Grant and Niamh. It was the Moon Goddess.

"You will now have the rule of all Supernatural creatures. Once the crowns of 2 Kingdoms merged you become the first Supernatural King and Queen. Grant from your birth I knew you would be my servant and lead my creatures to this one order. I place this merged crown on your head and it will be forever yours. Your lineage will be forever the leaders of the Supernatural world.

Niamh you are now Queen and Luna of all creatures. You are as much mother to them as I. Tonight Grant will place his seed in you but it is my blessing that will grow in your womb. The next King will emerge from your belly. However, I request 100 years of service from you both. Your youth will be with you for these years. Afterwards you will get rest for another 100 years.

I will lead you in what I require. I placed watchers over you so that you would learn how to lead. They have lived for thousands of years in peace and it is because I taught them. Now you will lead my people.", the Moon Goddess placed a crown on each of them as she spoke. She was gone before her voice had time to fade.

Grant held Niamh in his arms and they both cried. Michael took my hand and lead me away. We had completed our duty. Wilson and Raven followed us as we left. Grant and Niamh left to the Royal chamber.

Niamh's POV

I love Grant with all that I am and tonight he would make me a woman and mother of a King. I was 5 when I came to live in the castle with him. We were raised together. This was something I had wanted since I was old enough to understand. I took off my wedding dress. I took off my crown and all jewelry. I stood before my King naked and his. He came to me falling on his knees at my feet. "Niamh you are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. You are every bit a queen and yet standing here giving me all of you. I don't deserve you my love."

"Grant you are my King and I promise to worship you as your mate, lead with you as your queen and give my life for you as your love.", Niamh whispers into his ear. She removes his crown and his clothes. They caress each other, they take in every touch, sound and smell. Suddenly Grant bites her on her hip to claim her and she bites him on his ribcage. Both had not bitten in the traditional place. After the bites They started to make love. Everything was slow and passionately done, as soon as Niamh cum she fell asleep unable to bear the heaviness of the Supernatural world crashing down on her as it's mother.

Niamh woke up several hours later with Grant watching over her. His seed had been placed but she could feel her blood mixed with his semen running out of her womanhood onto the sheets. She was too sore to move so Grant picked her up bridal style to take to her bath. He placed her into the warm water and washed her gently. She never made a sound. Grant cast a spell of healing over her and he dried her gently after she was finished bathing.

The Royal doctor was brought in to confirm the fact that they were fully mated. She got dressed and went out on to the Balcony. She raised her had for silence, "Long live your King of all Supernaturals."

The people were shocked at this announcement. However Grant also spoke the same announcement for her, "Long live your Queen of Supernaturals." The doctor came forward to announce, "Long live the prince of all Supernaturals. He places Grant's hand on Niamh's belly." They both looked shocked at him. "It is as the Moon Goddess spoke your majesties. The prince will be arriving in 5 moons."

Niamh pulls Grant to her making it look as if he had moved her. The crowd went wild. They kissed and rested foreheads together. This marked the beginning of the greatest rule ever known. The Royal family would grown very large with 7 sons and 6 daughters.

Michael's POV

I could have never thought that my Grandchildren would rule over all Supernatural powers. It felt like I had done everything required of me. I kissed and hugged all of my family. I looked into Bri's eyes, she was still my heart and so very beautiful.

Hearing the announcement that the next King was already in the womb of his mommy made me feel whole. I snuggle into my mates embrace and whisper, "I love you Bri. Let's try this retirement idea again. Anywhere you want. I just want to grow old with you."

"How about we visit each child for a year and then retreat to the castle now that it will be empty?", She asks. "I love that idea baby girl. A year in Japan sounds fun, followed by Australia for 2 years and then a year in Tahiti before we return to the states." I snuggle into her neck and just relax.

"Luke, just the man I want to see. Your mother and I would like to visit you kids for a year. Do you think you could stand us that long?", I ask him. "Dad I can honestly say that Xiaolian and I would love that. Our first Grandpup will be here soon and it will be nice to see you hang around with us for that.", he smiles.

I slap my hand on his back and ask when he plans to return to Japan. We make arrangements to visit next week and move in for a year. Then I walk over the Anastasia and Russell. We make plans for our move to Australia next year before I move on to Wilson. He loves the idea of a year together in Tahiti. After all the plans are put into play I go talk with Grant. "Grant I know you are busy but could you spare your gramps a minute?", I ask.

Niamh looks up with a smile, I wonder what they had been talking about but just jump in anyway. "Your grandmother and I were thinking about living in the states in our old castle if you don't need it. What do you think?" Grant looks at Niamh and smiles. "Gramps we were just saying that we would like for you to have the castle in the states. Pa or Uncle Russell can live here because we want to build a new castle in Transylvania. It will take us a few years to iron everything out but we agree you should have it."

"Perfect, we will be in Japan for a year, Australia for 2 years and Tahiti for a year.", I tell him. I already can feel how blessed this move to Romania will be. My family is thriving so much. I show him 2 good spots for a new castle and we talk about everything it will require to build it. After several different things have been discussed I move out to find Bri.

I find her in the Royal garden as usual. She has always loved nature. We shift and go for a run before dinner. At dinner we announce our plans. Grant announces his plans for a new castle in Transylvania and the plans to give the current Gypsy castle to Russell or Wilson.

Russell and Willson both agree to sharing it. Luke has a castle in Japan, Anastasia has one in Australia and we will have the States. So every family is covered. Niamh eats her fill before calling in the dessert bar. She is tiny but pregnant. She can eat all she wants.

Grant rubs her back gently and cuddles her into him. They are so cute with each other. They have elaborate plans for the 21 bedroom castle. They have plans for everything from a dungeon to a barn for horses. Tennis courts, swimming pools, bowling alley and many more features. They also plan to build a city inside the gated walls.

The new castle would be hidden from the human world. All Supernatural creatures are invited to help plan the new castle. They are also invited in alphabetical order to help negotiate a new order in which all creatures will be safe. Each creature will be given a representative and they would be able to talk to the Royal couple about all affairs.

I am so very proud of my grandchildren. They are changing the world as we know it and creating a new world where we can all live safely together.

Subrina walks over to me pulling me into her arms. She wants to know what the plan is for the day but I don't have one. She holds me for several minutes.

Subrina's POV

These last ten years have been very good to us. We have been relaxing and enjoying our retirement. Michael is very happy. We go see our great grandchildren often and Michael stays busy with the running of the programs for wolves.

Our Great Grandson Jack is training to be King so he visits often. I took over the coven side of things for a while helping Niamh get people settled into a new world order for Supernaturals. Anastasia works with the Fae community, Russell and Willson run the vampires side of things and Luke is over dragons. The watchers are working on plans that will merge all creatures with Grant and Niamh.

The Moon Goddess has blessed us all beyond measure and has given us great lives. Now we are beginning to give back. My unexpected mate has made me complete. I rub his hand gently as we fall asleep together dreaming of what is to come.

Thank you all for helping me through this process.

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