
Subrina's Unexpected Mate

Subrina wants to teach. She isn't your typical werewolf in that she doesn't want a mate. She likes her freedom and has things she wants to do. That is until her 18th birthday party when the handsome Michael Brown walks into her life. Michael is half Werewolf and half Mamba snake. He is a tall black man who knows what he wants. Michael is trying to find out who he is. How he can communicate with snakes and why he feels this pull to know more. They are mated, living a good life when things start to change. Michael wants to send their son to Africa to become a warrior. Their daughter is born more snake than is typical. The pack goes to war and Subrina has to make a choice her packs best interest or her family. Come join Subrina and her family as they learn how to become the best Weresnakes of North America.

Bri_Evans · แฟนตาซี
77 Chs

Becoming Monster Hunters (58)

"Hey beautiful, how are my girls?", I ask as I rub her tummy. "Russ, you know that we don't know if our pup is a girl or not. What if it is our son and he delivers with a complex because you call him a girl for several weeks?", she comes back at me. "Ugh, you know very well I'm right. I don't need some scan to tell me. You wait until morning and see. Dr Gordon will tell us all about our little princess Piper Kate Brown. She is an angel and not a boy.", I sure hope I'm right because I know that Clem will never let me live it down if I'm wrong.

Dr Gordon says, "The scan shows no turtle floating and you can plainly see she has the makings of a little clam." I jump up and yell, "Hell yeah! That's my baby girl." Clementine suddenly pouts. "Whats wrong my love?, I pull her close to me. "I thought I was your baby girl?", she whispers into my chest. "Oh baby girl you are and always will be my baby girl. I just mean that I am going to be the father of a little baby girl. She will be my little baby girl. You are my lover baby girl. Huge difference." I coax her.

"I think my hormones are all over the place. I get jealous over the smallest things and I cry over grapes. I feel all out of sorts.", she shakes with a shiver. Dr Gordon says, "Clementine I can help you a little bit but you will start feeling better this second trimester. You will start to crave sex and food that will disgust others. For instance Anastasia ate blueberries and pickles together. I bet your own mom could tell you a lot about what you are feeling."

"I'll crave sex?", she looks right at me. I laugh at the look she gives me. "When will I stop vomiting Dr?", she looks up at him quickly making a funny facial expression. "Well most shewolves stop the second trimester. Every pregnancy is different of course.", he answers.

The house has become a wonderful home. We haven't changed anything except for the nursery. We have enjoyed everything as it was placed. We did add some personal things but over all it's like the pack set it up. When we got back from the Dr I asked Clem, "Do you want to let the pack know?", I want to let her know it's ok.

"We could host a pink picnic. That is if you are ok with a celebration. I will be ok either way. I get overly tired now so it would be very simple.", Clementine states. "Baby girl I love it! Please let me get the Beta on it. You just rest my love and let us host this for you babe.", I say excitedly.

"Are you sure?", she nervously asks. "Yes baby girl, I am. We can get everything together and you can just show up.", I tell her. "Oh, Russ that sounds perfect. I love you so much honey. I am gonna look at the garden but if we could have our picnic tomorrow it would be great. I don't want to slip up and tell anyone.", she hugs me before walking to the garden.

"Beta Mick can I get some help?, I mind link him. "Sure what's up bruh?", he laughs. "Clem and I are hosting a pink picnic for the pack to announce that our pup is a girl and to announce her name. I need decorations and food fast. Plus we need to tell everyone they are invited.", I say.

"I will get the chef on food, everything pink...and the decor can be done by the ladies (Anastasia, my wife Belinda and Lucy the Gamma's wife). You should do the invitation personally.", he explains. "Thank you so much Mick. I really want this to be special.", I answer.

"Everyone, this is Royal Warrior Prince Russell. Princess Clementine and I would love for you to join us for a picnic at noon tomorrow. We want to reveal our pups gender and name. Food and punch will be provided. We ask if you believe our pup is a boy wear blue and if you believe it is a girl please wear pink. We can't wait to share our news with our pack.", I mind link the whole pack.

Clem and I rest together while the pack cooks are getting ready for tomorrow and the decor is getting planned by the ladies. They even have a pink menu planned:

Raspberry punch

Pink fruit, deviled eggs, beets, and pasta salad bar

Pink sushi bar

Pink seafood bar with Salmon, lobster, crab, shrimp

Pink BBQ bar

Pink dessert bar with a Pink Croquembouche and macaroons

When I wake up I take a look outside and find that our backyard has been turned pink. We have pink lanterns, balloons, and table settings. The yard has been transformed into a beautiful pink sea of decorations. I get breakfast for little mama and pick out her pink outfit as well as mine. Once everything is ready I wake her up.

"Clem it's time to get up, eat breakfast, shower and get dressed. I found a cute pink dress with pink sandles. I think it will look beautiful on you. I have a pink tshirt and jeans. I think we will be looking cute for our announcement.", I gently wake her. She yawned, and opened her eyes slowly. I kissed her on the forehead. "Do you need or want any help? I am at your command.", I bow to her.

She giggles at my playful antics. I pick her up bridal style and take her over to the stool by her vanity sitting her down gently. "I can help my lady with a shower first, or do her hair. Would my lady like my help dressing or should I go prepare breakfast?", I bow deeply. "I think you should get your girls a bite to eat before they're famished.", she giggles with her hand over her mouth.

"As you wish my lady.", I bow before leaving the room. When I return with her breakfast she is putting on her sandles. Her hair is wet but fishtail braided to one side. Her green eyes look like emeralds, they shine brightly. I set her breakfast down on the vanity before kneeling beside her to fix her straps on her sandles. She looks at me grateful as she starts eating.

After breakfast is done I return the tray to the kitchen while she puts on mascara. She brushes her teeth and then puts on a pink gloss. I pull her into my arms and just hold her. I love the way her body feels against me. I rub her tummy and start talking to our beloved daughter, "Piper Kate Brown you are the most wanted little girl on the planet. You are truly your father's little princess. Royal as you are you will train to fight, you will understand our world and knowledge will be everywhere for you. Swordsmanship, equestrianship, as well as the fine arts, science and athletic skills will be lain at your feet. You will be ready at 18 to become what the Moon Goddess has given for you. As your parents we will love, protect and guide you. I can't wait to welcome you to the world."

At noon we go out on the veranda to make our announcement. "As you can see by the pink out, we are having a girl.", Clementine announces. "Our princes will be named Piper Kate Brown. Everyone please enjoy our pink picnic. Thank you for celebrating this special occasion with us.", I finish the announcement.

After the guests have gone, the staff begin to clean. I tuck my Clem into bed and let her rest while I ask Ken to paint the nursery pink and white. We come up with leaving the current white color, adding very bright pink pinstripes with pale pink broad stripes. The vertical stripes will look good with the structure of the crib. We plan to air the room so that paint fumes won't bother Clem.

I arrange for the floor to be gray wood with white rugs in places needed. The white rocking chair, crib, dresser and changing table will help tone down the pink and gray. I bring in some art from vintage Holly Hobbie. The pictures of these little girls at play in the woods are perfect. I can't wait to show Clementine. I hope she loves it.

Dad gives me a call, "Russell I have a task force I am starting up and I'd really like you and Clem to head it. This wouldn't be a full time thing, but as you know we have a wanted list of monsters. I want to capture the 10 most wanted and as many of the others as I can. If you can get them back to the dungeon peacefully then they can live. If they fight back you can kill them. Look, just think about it ok. I know its a lot to ask, but we need Monster Hunters."

When Clem wakes up I explain all of Dad's thoughts about the monster hunters. We would be starting with 10. We have another 50 on the wanted list that would be waiting for us. We can look for them as we have time and we don't have to fight them while you are pregnant.

"Dad wants us to think about leading the task force.", I tell her. She paces the floor for a minute. Finally stopping in front of me. She gets down on the floor to sit at my feet. Her hand on my thigh and her body hugging my leg. "Russell look at me, please. (She pauses for me to look into her eyes.) I would love to do this. We can work out how I can help until after piper is born. This job as Royal Monster Hunters will be something that we both enjoy. I'm 15 weeks so not quite half way. I may only be able to do computer or paper work for now. I am willing if you are.", she talks fast like she doesn't want to be stopped.

I pull her up into my lap. I kiss her passionately over and over. I can hardly believe it. She agrees to fight beside me, not fight against me. Goddess this makes me so happy. I vow to her and Piper to keep them safe. To always be safe. Mostly I am thrilled. I call dad, "We'll do it. Clementine is in full agreement. We can start right away. Send me everything you have. Plus the full list. If we find ourselves in a place to get an extra one we will. These killers will Finally get justice.", I say excitedly.

"I had a feeling this was just the thing for you love birds.", dad happily agrees. He faxes over the whole list of 60, plus the file on each one. Wilson has been itching to get out of Australia and he offers to take team one to find the first killer aka monster.

"Number one is a Chupacabra. For now we need to investigate what happened with her. She has a string of bodies in her wake. Normally they are very docile unless their offspring is in danger. If she has an infant we must be careful. I don't want a child left behind because we took it's mother. The males are more aggressive but normally they leave a wake of fear not bodies.", I tell Wilson.

"Once you find her please let me know so I can talk to her. I think I can get thru to her.", Clem claims. "Sure I can manage that. Now enough business come hug your brother in law and tell me all about my niece Piper.", he chuckles.

"Piper is doing good, Dr Gordon says that she is right on track for 15 weeks. I can't wait to meet her. Who do you think she will favor?", Clem asks after she hugs Wilson.

"Well me of course!", I may kill him now. Ugh!