
Crash Landing


This is a fanfic Subnautica: Below Zero's story, which involves the original story changes with various new story elements added. Most of the elements are also taken from the game's Cut Content.

Warning: This content is full of spoilers for Subnautica: Below Zero and the original game Subnautica. So, if you haven't played those dive in at your own risk.


Chapter 1


Press any button to continue

Robin jumps in the vehicle with a picture of Sam and a PDA, then proceeds to start and regulate the engine. Meanwhile, mission captain Jack debriefs the mission.

Jack: Ready for the Mission.

Jack: The five of you will be landing on Planet 4546B, each to a different section of Sector Zero. Your mission objective is to investigate everything you can about the lost Alterrians. Once landed, patrol your respective area, stay within the range of your landing position, and inform everything back to us, alright.

Jack: Okay, now listen to this, According to Alterra, it's an easy mission. But, in the end, we don't know anything, Anything at all. The planet manages to surprise us before and…

Jack: Ah… be safe, and cautious, if sense any danger, retreat immediately and inform everything back to Xenoworx. Surviving will always be your first priority. Besides, we don't want to lose any man down there. It's a big mission with big risks. So, keep in touch and make this possible. 

The Shuttle Vehicles start to hover with Robin ready to pilot her own.

Jack: Good luck, team. Xeno... prepare to launch.

One by one, the vehicles leave the capital ship with Robin's being the last to leave.

Shuttle 2 [Calvin]: Okay guys, see ya all on the planet. WOAHOO…

Robin's Shuttle now leaves the ship and is about to breach the 4546b's atmosphere.

Shuttle 5 [Robin]: Okay Sam, hold in there a little longer. I am coming for ya.




Robin's vehicle after entering the 4546b's atmosphere.

Shuttle Computer: Approaching 4546b, surface temperature is… below zero.

Once the land starts to get visible.

Jack: Okay team, now's the time. Deploy your parachutes.

Robin presses the deploy parachute button on the screen and waits for the parachute to deploy. Meanwhile others

Shuttle Computer: Shuttle 1, parachute deployed.

Shuttle Computer: Shuttle 4, parachute deployed.

Shuttle Computer: Shuttle 2, parachute deployed.

As it's getting late in deployment, Robin once again presses the button.

Robin: Come on, Deploy?

Shuttle Computer: Drop Pod 3, parachute deployed.

Jack: Robin, it's your turn now.

Robin: Sir, isn't working.

Robin constantly presses the button.


Shuttle Computer: It has appear that the Shuttle 5 parachute has been malfunctioned, unable to deploy.

Robin: What is this sir? WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Jack: Shit, shit, SHIT.

The Shuttle reaches very close to the land, to this Robin panics and tries to control the vehicle.

Shuttle Computer: Drop Pod deployed.

Jack: Okay, listen Robin, hurry, try to control, slow down, and land the vehicle.

Robin keeps trying to control and bend it toward the land in a landing position, while the vehicle gets closer to land. The Shuttle immediately generates a shield (Cyclops Shield Generation) right before the impact.

Robin: Im trying... (Hits an iceberg/land)

The Shuttle hits an iceberg, making it swing away like a ball with Robin gone unconscious with the hit.


[Blank Screen]

Robin slowly starts to gain consciousness.

Jack: (radio distorted voiced) Come on, Robin, pick up. DAMN IT, she is not answering. I need to know everything, everyone who was working on the vehicle NOW.

Robin gains consciousness, sees the photo of Sam in front of her, and immediately grabs it. The vehicle seemed a bit tilted and crashed somewhere on land. Can be assumed that the shield manages to protect the vehicle.

Robin takes a little time to breathe in the situation before becoming fully conscious, and she immediately replies to Jack.

Robin: Sir… SIR YOU THERE.

Shuttle 2 [Calvin]: I hear Robin.

Shuttle 4 [Austin]: Yup, it's Robin.


Robin: Yes, Yeah… just fine… crashed somewhere… ice.

Shuttle 3 [Liv]: You Alive. Glad, I got to hear you again.

Jack: Thank God… Robin I am sorry. I'm looking into this… what went wrong with your para...

Shuttle Computer: Warning, the vehicle has been critically damaged, a sudden detonation can occur any minute now.

Jack: OHH GOD. Robin, protect yourself, LEAVE THE VEHICLE NOW.

Robin panics, removes the seatbelt, and picks up the Sam photo and her PDA there. And then stand up for the player to gain control from here.


The Player Gain Control [Gameplay]

The player gains control of Robin inside the vehicle and is left free to pick up available items and then leave or immediately leave the vehicle without taking anything.

Here, no time limit or such is given to the player and the vehicle will never explode. So, if you choose to stay inside then you are staying for eternity (well you might die by thirst actually).

But then to create emergence we have the music returning from the Subnautica (the very first one, during extinguishing the fire).

Also if you are wondering, yes the new Shuttle is bigger as compared to before, for comparison twice the size of a Drop Pod now.

Auto Picks: Robin's PDA and the Photo of Sam (her Sister).

Pickable Items: A Cold Suit, A Campus, A Nutrient Bar, A Water Bottle, A Flashlight (with a 30% Battery), and A Habitat Builder (with a 75% Battery).

Unpickable/Damaged Items: A High Capacity O2 Tank, two pairs of Fins, a Scanner, a Repair Tool, a Survival Knife, and a Fire Extinguisher.

Miscellany: A Seamoth Fragment on a Desk with a Chair, A Sector Zero map with the landing location of all five Shuttles, a Radio, a Battery Charger, and a Coffee Vending Machine.

This will take 15 seconds most to pick up all and leave the vehicle.

To leave the vehicle, the player has to click on "open the door". Click it and start the cutscene.


Shuttle Detonation [Cutscene cont…]

Robin tries to open the door but it seems jammed, so she ends up kicking the door open, only to experience harsh snowy weather outside. Robin immediately ran away from the vehicle, and the vehicle began to detonate.

Jack: (radio distorted voiced) Robin if you still… please run for your… survive Rob…

Robin reaching at a safe distance, turns to look at the vehicle.

Shuttle 1 [Phil]: (distorted voiced) But sir… if… it… explodes… how we… commu… (The vehicle explodes)

The Shuttle explodes at a distance from Robin, and she feels it. After the explosion, Robin heavily breathes in the snowy weather and starts speaking.

Robin (heavily breathing): Sir… I have… I survived… Sir… Sir… I'm fine sir.

Robin: Sir… sir, why aren't you talking, what's wrong... HELLO, PLEASE TALK TO ME. SIR… GUYS… ANYONE.

Robin panics and immediately opens her PDA, only to see it loading. The loading is the same as the first game, just that the title logo is changed to Xenoworx's logo.

PDA: It has appeared that the Shuttle Computer has been destroyed. Communication with the Capital Ship has been lost completely.

Untab the PDA and the game finally starts.

If the player had PDA Pause on in the settings. The game will not stay paused while the PDA is loading, as it is counted as the cutscene, but once the PDA finished loading the game will pause. After that, untab the PDA and play the game.


[PDA entries Changes]

Old Entries Changes

The future of XenoWorx – is now rewritten with Jack informing that Xenoworx has been approached by Alterra for a big mission to investigate the lost Alterrians. This is a big thing for Xenoworx, considering how new, small, and low-budget Space Company it is.

Notice of Death now renamed as Notice of Lost – in which Indra Cormac, president of Alterra, reveals the news of Sam and others lost in Sector Zero and gives his condolences to the family.

New Entries Added

Mission Detail – Gives brief details about the mission. According to the mission, five personnel are sent to five Alterra bases to patrol and investigate the area. They are Phil (Shuttle 1) to Phi Robotic Centre in Glacier Basin, Calvin (Shuttle 2) to Mercury II Salvage Site in Arctic Spiral, Liv (Shuttle 3) to Alterra Research Facility in Ice Columns, Austin (Shuttle 4) to Omega Lab in Floating Lilypads, and Robin (Shuttle 5) to Delta Station Island.

The Lost Alterrians List – Alexis Riedell (Investigator), Danielle Valenti (Researcher), Emmanuel Desjardins (4546B Communication Liason), Fred Lechance (Vehicle Pilot), Jeremiah Murgle (Construction/Repairman), Lillian Bench (Xenobiologist), Parvan Ivanov (Security Officer), Sam Ayou (Xenobiologist), Vinh Pham (Researcher), and Zeta Landon (Robotics). It's only their name, no images of them. Later in the game, scan their nametag to update it with their visual images.


[Gameplay cont...]

The player while walking away from the Crash Zone in the Thermal Lily Alleyway, the old voice log changes with a new one and PDA signals the Drop Pod.

Robin: This is wrong? What... why, why me?

PDA: Drop Pod signal received. Signal uploaded to PDA.

Then the player has to walk out of the alleyway and dive into the water.


The story from here onward is broken and Work in Progress. Will be edited soon.

Chapter 2