
Submissive Affair

The last thing Troy expected to find on the lonely road to his special sanctuary, is an unconscious, beaten and bloody woman. Trying to keep her safe and help her regain her memory, takes him on a different life course than expected. Submissive affair is an erotic suspense novel, an intense non-traditional love story that will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Penegrine_Paul · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

The Beach Home

Troy's protection, obsession, and passion have become an addiction to Amber, and she realized that she'd been extremely happy with life's little interferences. She can only hope and pray that Jake has had Tori for the last few weeks, so she is also free of their monsters.

They drove for five hours to reach FL and she's giddy with the prospect of being on her beach and in her family's cottage. They turned off of Scenic Hwy 9 onto her driveway just as a small family is loading the last of their belongings into their car.

Their timing seems perfect, but what if the property management company has it rented again soon? She hates the idea of paying to use her family's house, but what choices do they have? Yes, she could get in using a hidden key and no one would be the wiser. But Dorothy is their contact at the rental company, and she is a friend of her dad's; if she finds out that she's staying here, she will call her dad, and that could put Troy in danger, as well.

"Troy, we have to call the rental company and check on availability,

"I'm so sorry that I didn't think of it before, but I was so excited to have a safe and familiar place to go. We rent this out when we are not using it, but I didn't think to check."

She was heartbroken at the thought of not staying there.

Walking along the side of the cottage, she took the very well worn path to the beach and ocean behind. She had sat on this beach for many hours of her life. It is so peaceful there that you could stare out at the waves and forget all of your troubles. Standing there now makes every emotion bubble to the surface and tears traces down her cheeks.

While standing on her beach and staring out to sea, Troy walks up, wraps his arms around her and rests his chin on the top of her head. He sighs, and she knew it is not good news.

"Baby, they have the house rented again."

Amber tried to hold it together. They had traveled for so long just to get there. He must think she's the biggest idiot not to plan ahead.

"In three weeks," he whispers.

She spins around so he could clarify what he was saying, only to stare at the little smirk on his face.

"Newlywed couple John & Jenn have this house for the next three weeks, and then it is rented to them for the next three weeks. So what do you say, Jenn , will you be happy staying here with your husband?"

Amber threw her arms around all that is hers and pepper kisses all over his face.

"Oh my God, Troy, I am so happy right now I could do cartwheels down the beach."

Staring at the smug grin on his face, she remembers the name he called them.

"Seriously, though, could you not have thought of a better porn name than DO RIGHT?"

He laughed out loud, and it's the most beautiful sound in the world, then he scoops her up and carries her back to the car. At her look of confusion, he explains that the cleaning crew will be there in an hour.

Grabbing his go bag from the car, they walked down the beach to a Hawaiian BBQ stand. They need to kill time for the cleaning crew to finish, and this place is just a few blocks from the cottage. After ordering, they found a table with a grass umbrella only twenty feet from the water and settle in to wait for their food. She is right about how peaceful this place is from the sound of the waves to the white sandy beach.

"We come here at least twice a year, my dad, my sister and I, but I come down by myself almost every other month. Anytime I had a long break or long weekend from school; I would come here. I consider this my home more than Ocean City. I grew up on this beach, and even when I couldn't remember anything else about myself, I dreamed of this place."

Amber sighs a sound of contentment while staring out at the water. He loves the wistful look on her face, so he said nothing, just grabbed her hand and link their fingers together while they wait for their food. They stayed on the beach for about two hours talking after they finished eating. When she talks about her sister and parents, her face lights up, becoming so animated as she narrated to him of the pranks her and her sis would play on each other. The death of her mother was so tragic that it changed both her and Tori by making them grow up too fast.

Troy wasn't much older than they were when he lost both of his parents, but being an only child of older parents seemed to make him more mature at a younger age. As devastating as the loss was, he was already on his own and carving a path for his future when they died. Amber and Tori still lived at home; He's sure for the sake of their dad.

They walked back to the cottage hand in hand, neither one of them in a hurry. When they reached the front door, she grabs a hidden key from under a rock. He scooped her up to carry her inside kicking the door closed behind me. She stares around as if in awe that she is finally there, and when he sets her down, she walks off inspecting her second home.

"I'm home," she whispers.

"Amber, I have to run to the rental agency to pay and pick up the keys." She looks dumbfounded.

"For appearance sake." Winking at her, he walks over, gave her a lingering kiss, and pat her on the ass.

"Lock up; I'll be right back after I grab keys and stop at the store for supplies. Need anything?"

"Maybe some saltines and 7up; all this traveling and fast food are giving me an upset stomach." "