
Submissive Affair

The last thing Troy expected to find on the lonely road to his special sanctuary, is an unconscious, beaten and bloody woman. Trying to keep her safe and help her regain her memory, takes him on a different life course than expected. Submissive affair is an erotic suspense novel, an intense non-traditional love story that will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Penegrine_Paul · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Signs Of History

Amber closed her eyes to absorb all of this information, and it seems she'd just fallen asleep when she was woken up to gentle shaking.

"Amber, Baby, wake up. We are stopping for the night. I would carry you, but it might look suspicious if you can't walk in on your own two feet."

She stirs and stretched and looked up from his lap. How long did I sleep? It's already dark outside. When he helps her up, she rubs the sleep out of her eyes. They are at a hotel that looks brand new but made to look old. Even the landscaping looks like it was just installed. Troy hops out, walks around to her side to open the door and helps her down. He picked up both bags and grabs her hand to pull her into the lobby.

"Where are we?"

"We are in the neighboring city. I drove for about seven hours and could've gone further, but I wanted you to be able to sleep in a real bed tonight."

An extremely cheery redhead stands at the check-in counter, and the smile she gives Troy is one of appreciation.

"How can I help you, Sugar?"

She drawls in a southern twang and snaps her gum at the same time. She is a pretty girl; Amber was sure those dimples helps her with her conquests, which at the moment she thinks is Troy.

She was tired and hungry and probably have mascara smeared under her eyes from crying on Troy's lap, so she was not in the mood to have Bubbly Barbie hit on her man right in front of her. In her best interpretation of a southern bimbo, she steps forward and lean on the counter to tell her what they want.

"Well, Honey Bun, you can give us a room, preferably the nicest one you have, away from other guests. We plan on being up all night celebrating our engagement.

Troy bursted out laughing, but gives her, her best stern look, so Bimbo Barbie knows there is no way in hell she will ever have a chance with her man. She hurries to set them up in the penthouse suite, then mentions that the gym is below their floor and closes at nine so they will have all the privacy they need.

Still chuckling, he grabs her hand again and heads for the elevator.

"Don't even say anything. If you can change our waiter, then I can let Fire Crotch know she will never touch you."

He laughs out loud again which has her laughing right along with him.

She was still laughing when she realized he has been silent and staring at her. In two seconds, he has dropped their bags and has her pinned against the elevator wall. As he lifts her up to meet his mouth, she wraps her legs around his waist, and he presses his groin tight to hers. She had never felt anything so decadent in her life. She's sure there are cameras in the elevator, and public sex has never been on her bucket list, but she's willing to give Hooker Hannah a visual of what she's missing. Their lips and bodies are fused together, and by the time the door dings then opens on their floor, they were both panting. Sliding down his body gives her a new sensation, and she moans a little.

"Damn, that was the shortest elevator ride up ten floors I've ever experienced," he curses.

She smiled, and he leads her down the hall to their room. As they walk in, it's now her turn to curse.

"Oh shit, this must cost a fortune. I'm so sorry; I don't know what came over me."

"Baby, I would have paid double that to see you defend my virtue. What was it you called her? Oh right, Fire Crotch," he laughs again. "

She laughs, too, but then the sight before her shocks her into silence. There is a massive four poster bed through a double door at one end of the room, a living room with a fireplace and wet bar in the center, and a magazine worthy kitchen on the other side. She thought this was a hotel not a condo for rent, but sure enough, though, the hotel brochure is on the coffee table.

Needing a shower, clean clothes, and food in that order, she heads for the bathroom. The face that greets her in the mirror is downright embarrassing. No wonder Slutty Sarah thought she had a chance. Her mascara is smeared halfway down her face, and she has lines down one cheek from Troy's pants, just great!

"Okay, okay, enough with calling her names. I can be the bigger person. I am not the jealous type, and who can blame the girl"?

Troy is GQ material. With his dark hair, sky blue eyes, and a body created by the Gods, who wouldn't want him? She was sure if she ever saw him naked it would be game on catfight!

Troy's little hellcat has come out to play. After the last few days watching her be quiet and somber, he's glad to see a little spark of life. She usually only gets that animated when speaking of her family, so he'd been on cloud nine with the prospect that she is thinking of him that way, too. He had been afraid that he came on too strong, and when she has her family back, she will walk away; no questions asked. He never thought he would say this, but jealousy looks good on her. He's ecstatic to see that she is as possessive over him as he is over her.

She emerges from the bedroom like a breath of fresh air. With a pink blush to her skin from the hot shower and no makeup, she looks as innocent as she is. She looks younger than her twenty-three years, and he kind of feel like a cradle robber. Troy just turned thirty-one, so he has seven plus years on her, but there is no talking him out of keeping her, age be damned.