
Subject #295 - The Arena

Aiden wakes up in an unfamiliar world - with no memory of his past - and is forced to fight others for survival, lest he be killed. He is under constant watch by a group of mysterious scientists, but whose motives are unknown. Aiden and the other 'subjects' begin to develop abilities and mutations which promise advantages over their competition, making reality all the more horrifying; all the more dangerous. He makes both friend and enemy on his journey to the top, uncovering the mysteries of his past along the way. Will he make it out alive? Only time can tell.

JoshuaHorn295 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs


Scientist's Logbook: (Entry No. Five)

· The Evolutions (Part 1)

o Genetic Splicing (Buteo Plagiatus)

They had taken the wing tissue of a Grey Northern Hawk (Buteo Plagiatus) and spliced them into the scapula of a young, healthy female specimen. They had then used the DNA splicer to combine the human DNA with the bird DNA at the shoulder muscles. After that process had finished, they put it through a molecular reconstruction chamber. This device caused its human brain to speed up the process of accepting the new DNA, growing the wing tissue, muscles, and bones, connecting the nerves to the central spine and the veins and arteries to the bloodstream. The size of the wing would now match the size of the human. They also used this chamber to grow the tissue size in its shoulders. They also integrated extra muscles where the wing tissue and bone connects, increasing the strength, flexibility, and dexterity of the shoulder muscles. This also allows the human to have full control of both its arms and wings at the same time, independently of each other. The human would not only have human strength and intelligence, but bird instincts and flight. A perfect specimen.

o Radiation Infusion (Nitrovioletradiation)

They had also created a small drop of an expensive substance called, nitrovioletradiation (nitro-violet-radiation). This substance has the unique ability to absorb a flow of protons, and then redirect it in powerful beams of energy. They put it through a particle accelerator, aimed straight into the parietal lobe of another healthy specimen. This time, male. Although this chemical was expensive and hard to come by, it would prove to be crucial in their plan. The brain quickly accepted these particles, absorbing them into the soft tissue of its brain. This new substance allows the human to collect and contain sunlight in its body, able to shoot it out through their fingertips in narrow beams of pure radiation. These beams are powerful enough to slice through a five-metre sleight of chromium with ease. Additionally, this substance altered the physiology of the specimen to allow them to withstand an incredible amount of radiation and heat, protecting it from potentially harming itself. Although powerful, doing this for too long – or too much – will render its brain useless. Essentially putting them into a deep coma. And depending on how deep into a coma they go, the only way to potentially awaken them from the coma will be for them to receive another dose of nitroviolet radiation. This will provide the radiation needed to kickstart their system, awaking them. If they are not woken up, it will die of natural causes like hunger or dehydration. This would release the nitrovioletradiation into the ground to be filtered through and into the earth's core. It would be disintegrated into its protons, electrons, neutrons, and quarks. Lost forever.

o Quantum Dimensional Entanglement Device (QDED)[JH1]

But their most prized invention, was to create the world's first Quantum Dimensional Entanglement Device, (QDED for short). "For a long time, it has been theorised that there are other dimensions – seemingly higher levels of existence – existing alongside our own, just simply unobservable, undetectable, and un-interactable with our current level of technology. One day, in the hopefully near future, this will change, unlocking information, and perhaps, power, beyond humanities wildest dreams." – Prof. Ethan Tarsinius, 18th March 2048. Now, a couple of decades have passed since humankind has been able to prove the mathematically and scientifically prove the existence of other dimensions. And the QDED device finally physically proved Prof. Ethan's theory correct – in the fact that there is at least one other dimension exists, and it is essentially overlapped on top of ours. This dimension used high levels of small wavelength radiation to mask itself from detection and interaction. The QDED uses powerful pulses of incredibly small wavelength radiation to compliment the radiation released from the theorised dimension, (this is expanded upon farther later in the entry), and forms a small bubble of space in which a new dimension can be accessed. This is because the waves of radiation emitted from the QDED align themselves parallel with the radiation emitted from the theorised dimension and allow an exchange of energy. This energy transfer is so large that it alters the trajectory of the radiation the dimension uses to mask itself, which creates a small pocket of space that the dimension can be physically seen and interacted with. This bubble can be used to bring varying materials and substances from that dimension into ours. The dimension they found with this process they dubbed the Abyss, since anything they attempted to send back through the bubble instantly disintegrated with a powerful, explosive flash of purple light – like an Abyss, it was gone forever. But they did manage to extract a powerful mineral from the bubble of Abyssal space they created, a rare substance they named Vaplyx. This substance is found in a crystal formed in a complex, unique, crystal lattice structure. As such, the Vaplyx molecules contain immense amounts of energy. However, the most important property of Vaplyx, is that it seems to react to certain electrical stimuli. When different levels of electrical current and voltage have been passed through it, the Vaplyx crystal changes the wavelength, instability, energy mass, and amount of radiation it lets off. Through a series of experiments conducted on a Vaplyx crystal, it was found that certain pulses of electrical discharge can trigger a molecular deconstruction of any biological matter it is touching, and harmlessly transport it into the Abyss by influencing the touching matter with large quantities of small wavelength radiation. Similarly, a different pulse of electricity can trigger the return of said biological matter. Using these principals, the scientists began designing a surgery which would unite the Vaplyx crystal with a Subject's nervous system, allowing the brain to manipulate the crystal, and perhaps be able to control these abilities. Another important property of Vaplyx is that once united with biological matter, it is able to stabilise itself by diluting and discharging the radiation it emits through the cells of the creature. But the minute wavelength of Vaplyx also means that it has a high radioactive instability. As its radioactive wavelength frequency is greater than gamma waves by the value of 8014.93472. This puts the wavelength of Vaplyx at 0.001247670798247 picometres. This is compared to the average 10 picometres of gamma radiation, and the 0.063854984 picometres that the Abyss itself is known to emit. Through a series of experiments carried out previous to the discovery of Vaplyx, they discovered that this is the radiation of dimensional energy. After fine-tuning equipment, they farther discovered that this energy is everywhere, present in everything, it was just previously undetected. When brought into our world of matter and mass – in the form of the Vaplyx – the speed and quantity of radiation being released increased tenfold, becoming incredibly volatile, unstable, and dangerous. They dubbed this newfound radiation, and all the subsequent branches and varying types of this radiation, 'dimensional radiation,' for lack of creativity.

§ Viable Insertion: Vaplyx Subject (Part 1)[JH2]

Once the Vaplyx crystal had been removed from the Abyss, they rushed it to the viable specimen – who had already been sedated ready for the surgery to insert the substance into its wrist. The original half-life of Vaplyx molecules is a mere 9.1 zeptoseconds. But with the aid of a GAFG (Gravity Altering Field Generator) – a device designed to warp gravitons in such a way that slows down the passage of time by increasing the strength of gravity within a small radius – the lifespan of a Vaplyx crystal can be increased all the way up to several hours, allowing enough time to perform the surgery which unites the crystal with a Subject's metabolism. The specimen they chose for this procedure was a male which had a unique genetic mutation. One which altered the physiology of it's brain to allow it's consciousness to adequately perceive the traversing of dimensions, without them losing their mind. However, this genetic mutation came at a cost, as the Subject was diagnosed with a severe ADHD, alongside some other, milder, conditions. However, after extensive training and farther 'procedures,' they managed to supress the more severe symptoms. The Subject was left with an inability to properly focus, except for under extreme pressure. Would this affect its mutation? They would have to let time tell. But, nonetheless, the Subject was – and still is – their Star Subject. Never had they found such a perfect specimen. Using advanced molecular disassembling and reconstructing techniques, they were able to implement the crystal into the Subject's wrist. This crystal is the source of their power. It can't be destroyed while the Subject is still living. The main purpose of the Vaplyx is to allow the user to transport themselves to the Abyss. It does this by deconstructing the Subject's atoms one by one and transporting them into a world constructed from tiny wavelengths of radiation. While in the Abyss, they become completely intangible, and almost invisible. However, in dire circumstances, and under extreme emotional stress, the user can take complete control of the Vaplyx and use it to do things that shouldn't even be physically possible. The scientists don't know the limitations of the Vaplyx, as this is the first successful specimen. However, what they do know, is that the specimen can only stay inside the Abyssal plane for as long as it can hold it's strength. Due to the nature of Vaplyx, it will alleviate some of the energy required, but the longer the specimen stays, the more it will tire. As well as this, only items within a small range from their skin will be transported to the Abyss, as the Vaplyx crystal is not able to create a stabilised field of radiation more than a few centimetres away from the edge of biological matter. But this does include clothing, or small items hanging off their belt. Anything large that could be slung over their shoulder – like a backpack, or large firearm – would simply fall through their flesh when they phase.