
Subject #295 - The Arena

Aiden wakes up in an unfamiliar world - with no memory of his past - and is forced to fight others for survival, lest he be killed. He is under constant watch by a group of mysterious scientists, but whose motives are unknown. Aiden and the other 'subjects' begin to develop abilities and mutations which promise advantages over their competition, making reality all the more horrifying; all the more dangerous. He makes both friend and enemy on his journey to the top, uncovering the mysteries of his past along the way. Will he make it out alive? Only time can tell.

JoshuaHorn295 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

(Day 3): Tasty Morsel

It doesn't take long for the pleasant smell of sizzling meat to waft through the air. Even having just eaten, my stomach begins to rumble with impatience and a deep, sorrowful hunger. The still unnamed wolf is laying on the floor, resting its jaw on crossed paws. However relaxed it appears, it is still alert, as is evident by the constantly rotating and twitching ears. In this time I also managed to catch a glimpse at his markings, from them learning that 'it' is actually a boy. 'The wolf is overlooking us, making sure that we are safe. Why, though? But one thing that I know for certain, is that he would give his life to ensure our safety. The strange part is, I don't even know why I am thinking that. It seems like that thought didn't come from me, but from someone else. And I for one am glad he is on our side. Especially after witnessing him decimate that poor person from before.' I shake my head to realign my trail of thought, smiling sadly. 'How many have I seen dead now? More than a few, that's for sure.'

"Okay guys, it's ready!" Vick exclaims, hungrily licking his chops. Mia seems similarly affected, though albeit without the 'chop licking.'

"Finally!" She impatiently exclaims, throwing her hands up into the air for emphasis. 'A strange break of character for her,' I think, smiling slightly.

"Aiden, there is enough left for you - plus extra." Vick states, glancing my way. I think for a few seconds, deciding whether I should take some of the pleasant-smelling meat.

"Yeah sure, I'll take some," I reply after a few seconds. I shuffle my way closer to the fire, immediately feeling the difference in temperature. A wave of heat flows over my face, making my eyes water and my skin tingle. I shuffle backwards a bit, relinquishing my position of being so close to the fireplace. I glance around. After cutting up the meat to eat now, Vick hung the other sections over a tree branch so that animals can't reach it. We also took the liberty of hanging it up some few dozen metres away so that if, say for example, a bear finds it, we are all far enough away to hopefully be ignored. 'I don't even think there are bears out here, but I don't want to be caught unaware if there are.' Vick picks up the three sticks he sharpened previously and handing one to both Mia and I. Keeping the last for himself. Probably one of Vicks' better ideas was how he cooked the meat. He found a large flat stone and placed it next to the fire as it was burning. After the rock had been sufficiently heated, we collapsed the fire with some large logs, so that the fire could still burn, but now there is an elevated platform above it where we can place the stone. The stone keeps being heated up by the fire this way. Have a constructed a home-made open stone grill. Ingenious. 'And, might I add, delicious.'

"Okay, my amigo's, dig in!" Vick exclaims, waving his arms around as if he is conducting an orchestra. 'He's certainly an interesting character.' We all use our knives and makeshift-wooden forks to tear out massive chunks of the deer meat, letting it sizzle away for as long as we please before popping the succulent meat into our mouths and tasting the delicious flavour of deer. 'Wow, this is good. Could use some salt, but still good. I guess he was worth it.' For the next few minutes, all that can be heard is the sizzling of meat, the chewing of said meat, and the swallowing of the meat in question. Occasionally a bird will chirp a tune or too, and the swooshing of wings overhead will follow. 'It's strangely peaceful. I don't like it.'

"Mm, that was good!" Vick merrily exclaims, flicking his sharp stick into the bushes as he finishes off the last of the meat sizzling on the grill. I look at him, grinning wildly.

"I have to agree with you," I reply. "I guess you guys really were worth the effort!" Vick cracks a wide grin in reply.

"Thanks… I guess." I smile in reply with his words. I glance over at Mia. She merely shrugs, prompting on one of my eyerolls. 'What was I really expecting?'

"It was all right," she simply says. At that moment, the wolf, decides that he has had enough of being ignored. He stands up, shaking his fur to clear the clinging dust and pads over to where I am sitting. I can't help but notice how he side-eyes the fire as he walks, treating it with caution and respect. down next to me, and happily stretches out. After a few seconds, he begins prodding my hand with his snout. I smile and begin stroking his fur. It's a strange sensation, openly showing affection for something after learning to trust most no-one, and nothing. Aside from that, the wolf's fur is strangely greasy to the touch, densely packed. 'It feels strong. Yet at the same time, strangely soft. This fur could absorb a lot of impact. No wonder wolves are so good at surviving.' I cock my head as I study the wolf. 'I am surprised that he is on his own, though. They are usually pack hunters. Then again, I have already established that this place isn't normal.' I glance around the area again, studying the trees. Pleasant bird song fills my ears – previously filtered out, but now audible as I focus in on it. But then my eyes fall on Mia, and a warm fuzzy feeling spreads from my stomach. I quickly flick my eyes away to ensure she didn't notice – 'I really shouldn't have feelings like that in a place like this' – and turn my attention back to the wolf, who is looking up at me expectantly with his heterochromatic eyes. A strange affection shines in his eyes. 'I think it's about time we got you a name.' As if on cue, the wolf slowly blinks his left eye, a strange imitation of a wink. I can't help but think that this wolf is more intelligent than I give it credit being.

"I think we should give our furry companion a name." I tell Vick and Mia, delicately stroking the wolf with my fingertips once again. Mia appears to straighten her back.

"Okay. Like what?" She asks, intrigued. Vick eagerly rubs his hands together.

"This is my calling! I have some ideas…" He replies, grinning devilishly. I raise one eyebrow in suspicion.

"Go on then, do tell."

"How about, big-"

"No-No, and in case you didn't catch the first two times, no." I shake my head violently, waving my hands to cut Vick off. "There is absolutely no way that we are naming him anything with 'big' in it. That can only go wrong," I state, perhaps more aggressively than I meant. Mia smiles smugly, enjoying the argumentative deliberation. Vick holds his palms up helplessly, shrugging. I turn to face Mia. "How about you? Any name input?" Mia glares at me.

"You wouldn't like any of my name ideas, so I will choose to keep them to myself." She states. I shrug. I tried.

"Fair enough. Well, my idea is 'Arctic.' It fits with the colour of his fur, and it's not one of Vick's ideas. What do you guys think?" I turn to face Mia and Vick. They both shrug at me, though Vick speaks first.

"Sure, why not. It's good enough I suppose…" Mia sarcastically rolls her eyes at that statement. I smile at them.

Turning to the wolf, I say; "What do you think?" The wolf lifts his head up, bobbing it up and down in a motion of agreement. A strange motion to see from a wolf, once again confirming my suspicion that he is more sentient than we give him credit form. "Then I think it's decided!" I exclaim, still stroking Arctic's side. "I don't know why you're helping us, but welcome to the team, Arctic!" the corners of Arctics jaw curls upwards in the rough approximation of a grin. We all start laughing at how ridiculous it looks. After a few moments of laughter, Mia stretches her arms out, and stands up.

"I'm going to the lake; does anybody want to come with me?" Mia exclaims, leaning against the trunk of a tree. I notice that both of her pistols are already clipped on either side of her belt, accompanied with two daggers… that are visible at least.

"Nah, I`m fine," Vick replies, waving it away. "I don't think you're supposed to go swimming after a large meal anyways…" Mia just rolls her eyes.

"I never said that I was going swimming." Mia turns to face me. "Aiden?"

I think for a few heartbeats before replying; "You know what? Yeah, I'll go with." I stand up and lean over to where the large sniper-rifle was left leaning against a tree. 'I probably shouldn't put this here in the future, what if it had fallen over and fired? The safety is on, but I'm not sure how much that will actually help.' Having picked up the heavy rifle, I stand myself up. Just then, Arctic lets off a warning bark and stands up, shaking his fur uncomfortably. Mia turns around… but too late. 'NO!' A stone smashes against her front of her skull. With a grunt, she collapses backwards, thankfully landing in a pile of soft leaves. I turn to see where the source of the rock came from, but Arctic gets there first. He darts into the bushes, launching upwards with his powerful hind legs. His claws flash in the gleaming rays of sunlight breaking through the treetops. A mess of gooey red substance flies everywhere, painting the trees and nature life around us with the substance. Their death cry echoes around us. I dart over to where Mia is, digging my index and middle finger into the crease in her neck, checking for a pulse.

"Thump. Thump," comes the slow pulsation of blood. Coupled with this is the slow rising and falling of her chest, a solid indication of air circulating through her lungs. 'She's still alive!' I release a heavy sigh of relief. Another gasp sounds out behind me. I whip my head around, just in time to see Vick's eyes roll to the top of his head. He too collapses into the dirt. Arctic is nowhere to be seen. Cold steel presses against my Adams apple. It bites into my flesh, causing a sprinkling of blood to drip down my skin.