
Subject #295 - The Arena

Aiden wakes up in an unfamiliar world - with no memory of his past - and is forced to fight others for survival, lest he be killed. He is under constant watch by a group of mysterious scientists, but whose motives are unknown. Aiden and the other 'subjects' begin to develop abilities and mutations which promise advantages over their competition, making reality all the more horrifying; all the more dangerous. He makes both friend and enemy on his journey to the top, uncovering the mysteries of his past along the way. Will he make it out alive? Only time can tell.

JoshuaHorn295 · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

(Day 2): Return to Consciousness

After what feels like a long time – but probably didn't stretch on for more than a few hours – the unconscious boy stirs. He awakes in a fit of coughing. Splotches of blood vomit up from his lungs, spewing onto the floor next to him. Me and Mia both jump in shock. My hand involuntarily pulls out the dagger and raises it above my head. I realize I'm about to throw it. I lower my hand before my body manages to take the motion any farther, but I am prideful that I managed to react that quickly. I wonder where I learnt to do that in the first place… Mia appears similarly affected. She lowers her firearm with another eyeroll, return it to its rightful position on her hip.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to wake up," Mia mutters with a hint of disgust. She throws another handful of leaves on top of the fire, causing it to pop, crackle, and smoke. A wave of heat blasts over to me as the wind changes, the flickering orange sticks of light leaning towards me. Heating me up, if only slightly. But then the wind fades, and I am once again left to the cold embrace of the chill forest air. I shiver. The other boy coughs once more, hacking up a glob of slimy blood-infused-mucus onto the floor. He looks between us both, curiosity and fear sparkling in his emerald-green eyes.

"Who are you?" He manages to meekly croak. In his weakened condition it's difficult to tell, but his accent belongs to somewhere like Jamaica.

"My name is Aiden," I reply.

"Mia," Mia mutters, still looking at the fire. The boy hesitates, taking time to process this information.

"And… How did I get here?"

"It's a long story," I reply, glancing over at him from the corner of my eye. "People chased you, I helped, dragged you back here, and managed to save your life." I shrug. "You know, the usual." The boy crawls backwards on his hands to lean against a tree, wincing in pain. "How do you feel? You got pretty banged up out there." I ask as kindly as I can, gesturing towards the meadow with the point of my knife.

"At this point, I don't know." The boy replies, his voice becoming steadier. Yet his face still twitching with pain. "I just… hurt." I dip my head in response.

"Do you hurt, like, inside?" I tentatively query, leaning forwards slightly. He shakes his head, wincing in pain at the motion.

"I don't think so." He looks me in the eyes. "No internal bleeding, if that's what you mean."

"Okay." I lean my head against the tree again. "What's your name?" I ask, still looking over at him. He appears to think for a second.

"My name is Victor… But I think that I prefer Vick."

"Okay then. Well, it is nice to meet you, Vick." I reach into the supply of medical supplies, retrieving a few painkiller tablets. He accepts them, dipping his head in response. He starts glancing around, as if searching for something. "Do you have any water?" Mia turns around and glares at me, an amused grin materializing at the corners of her mouth. I sigh in defeat.

"Yeah, I'll go and get some now." I helplessly exclaim. I stand up and brush the dirt off my pants. 'Not much I can do about the blood stains,' I think. 'Thankfully, we do have spare clothes.' I slowly walk towards the lake again.


Some minutes later, I return with the two water skins. Full to the brim. I pass one to Vick. Before I hand the second to Mia, I take a few sips from it, quenching my thirst somewhat. After drinking most of his water skin, Vick collapses onto his side. It doesn't take long before we hear soft snores emanating from our new ally. Mia eyes him with disgust, and suspicion.

"I don't trust him." Mia says. I roll my eyes.

"You don't trust anyone," I sarcastically remark, eyeing Mia out of the corner of my eye.

"True enough," comes the reply. For some reason, that thought fills me with an eerie feeling of dread. I look up at the sky through a small opening in the branches above us. Sunlight is already fading into darkness.

"How is it already starting to get dark?" I mutter to myself. Mia, having overheard, shrugs helplessly.

"It's been a busy day, I suppose." I just nod once.

"I suppose so." I reply, letting loose a big yawn. 'May as well get a bit of early sleep.' "Wake me when it's time for my watch." Without waiting for a response, I lie down on top of the thick layer of pine needles. Their warm embrace is like a big hug from the ground. I unfold the mylar blanket and cover myself once more. My eyes drift closed, my conscious mind wandering amongst the muddled realm of my dreamscape.