
Subenthung, Yani, Benchumo, Janthungo, Grace, Orenvungi.

The story is about Subenthung and Yani, two young Lotha Nagas who fall in love despite their families' feud. Subenthung is the son of Benchumo, the head of the village council and a wealthy farmer. Yani is the daughter of Janthungo, a poor carpenter and a vocal critic of Benchumo's policies. Their love is forbidden by both their families and the society, but they cannot resist their attraction for each other. Which leads to further twists and turns and they face various problems throughout.

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6 Chs

The Road to the Pageant: A Dangerous Detour for Subenthung

Subenthung wanted to attend the Miss Tokhu pageant to witness the beauty and talent of the women. He had a crush on Orenvungi, one of the contestants, who had mesmerized him with her dance of the dragon. But he had a noble cause that required him to travel to the neighboring town of Kohima. He had volunteered to help the orphans at the Hope Home, a charity organization that provided shelter, education, and care for the abandoned and destitute children. He had promised his father, the village chief, that he would deliver some donations and supplies to the orphanage. He felt that it was his duty to help the less fortunate and make a difference in their lives.

He left early in the morning, hoping to return in time for the pageant. He took his bike and rode along the winding roads, enjoying the scenic views of the hills and valleys. He reached Kohima after an hour and went straight to the Hope Home. He met with the staff and the children, who welcomed him warmly. He handed over the donations and supplies, which included clothes, books, toys, and food. He thanked them for their work and dedication.

He then spent some time with the children, playing games, reading stories, and teaching them some skills. He was amazed by their enthusiasm and curiosity. He felt a connection with them, as if they were his own siblings. He saw their smiles and heard their laughter. He felt happy and fulfilled.

He wanted to stay longer with them, but he remembered that he had to go back to Dimapur Sadar for the pageant. He looked at his watch and realized that he had less than an hour left before the pageant started. He decided to leave soon.

He said goodbye to the staff and the children, who thanked him for his visit and his generosity. They hugged him and wished him well. They asked him to come back soon.

"Subenthung, you are like a big brother to us," one of the children said.

"Thank you for everything," another one said.

"We love you," they all said in chorus.

Subenthung smiled and waved at them. He got on his bike and rode back to Wokha before reaching for his village.

He was halfway through his journey when he encountered a roadblock. There was a huge traffic jam caused by an accident involving a truck and a car. The truck had overturned and spilled its cargo of oil drums on the road. The car had crashed into one of the drums and caught fire. There were flames and smoke everywhere.

Subenthung saw the chaos and panic on the road. He saw people running away from the scene or trying to help the victims. He heard sirens and horns blaring in the distance.

He felt a surge of adrenaline. He knew that he had to do something. He parked his bike on the side of the road and ran towards the accident site.

He saw that there were two people trapped inside the car: a man and a woman. They were unconscious

and bleeding from their wounds. The fire was spreading fast and threatening to engulf them.

Subenthung did not hesitate. He grabbed a fire extinguisher from a nearby shop and sprayed it on the flames. He then used a crowbar to pry open the door of the car. He pulled out

the man first and dragged him away from the car. He then went back for the woman and did the same.

He laid them down on a safe spot on the road. He checked their pulses and breathing. They were both alive, but barely. He looked around for help, but he saw no sign of

the police or the ambulance. He wondered how long it would take for them to arrive.

He decided to call his father, the village chief, and ask him for advice. He took out his phone and dialed his number. He waited for him to answer, but he heard nothing but silence.

He checked his phone and saw that there was no signal.

He felt a surge of fear. He realized that he was in a remote area, far from any civilization.

He wondered if there was anyone who knew about the accident or his location.

He wondered if he was in danger.

He looked at the truck and the car again.

He noticed something strange about them.

The truck had no license plate or company logo.

The car had no registration sticker or identification mark.

They looked like they had been stolen or smuggled.

He felt a wave of suspicion.

He wondered what they were doing on this road

and what they were carrying in their cargo.

He wondered if they were involved in some illegal or criminal activity.

He decided to investigate further.

He walked towards

the truck

and looked inside.

He saw dozens of oil drums stacked on top of each other.

He opened one of them and smelled its contents.

He was shocked by what he found.

It was not oil.

It was something else.

Something more dangerous.

Something more explosive.

It was dynamite.

Subenthung stared at the dynamite in disbelief.

He could not believe what he was seeing.

He wondered who had put it there

and what they were planning to do with it.

He felt a chill run down his spine.

He realized that he was in a very dangerous situation.

He wondered if the accident was intentional or accidental.

He wondered if someone was trying to kill him or the people in the car.

He decided to get away from the truck and the car as fast as possible.

He ran back to his bike and tried to start it.

But it did not work.

He checked the engine and saw that it had been damaged by the impact of the accident.

He cursed under his breath.

He looked around for another way to escape.

He saw a small path leading to a nearby forest.

He thought that it might be safer there than on the road.

He grabbed his phone and his backpack and ran towards the path.

He entered the forest and followed the path.

He hoped that it would lead him to a village or a town where he could get help.

He also hoped that he could find a signal on his phone and call his father or someone else.

He ran for about 15 minutes, until he reached a clearing in the forest. He saw a small hut made of wood and straw. He thought that it might belong to a farmer or a hunter who lived in the forest. He decided to knock on the door and ask for help.

He approached the hut and knocked on the door. He waited for a response, but he heard nothing. He knocked again, louder this time, but still no answer.

He felt a pang of disappointment. He wondered if the hut was abandoned or if the owner was away. He decided to try the door and see if it was open.

He turned the knob and pushed the door. It opened easily, revealing a dark and dusty interior. He saw a bed, a table, a chair, and some shelves with some books and jars.

He stepped inside and looked around. He felt a sense of curiosity. He wondered who lived here and what they did.

He walked towards the shelves and picked up one of the books. It was an old and worn book with a leather cover and gold letters. It had no title or author name on it.

He opened it and saw some handwritten pages with strange symbols and diagrams on them. They looked like some kind of code or cipher.

He felt a wave of intrigue. He wondered what they meant and what they contained.

He flipped through the pages

and saw more symbols and diagrams,

along with some drawings and sketches

of various objects and creatures.

He stopped at one page

that caught his eye.

It had a drawing of a dragon,

similar to the one that Orenvungi had danced to

in the Miss Tokhu pageant.

He felt a flash of recognition.

He remembered Orenvungi's performance

and how she had impressed everyone

with her beauty and talent.

He smiled

and felt a pang of nostalgia.

He wished he could have seen her dance live

instead of missing it because of his noble cause.

He looked at the drawing more closely

and saw that it had some symbols and diagrams around it,

along with some words written in English.

He read them

and felt a shock of horror.

They said:

**This is not a drawing. This is a blueprint.**

**This is not a dragon. This is a weapon.**

**This is not a fantasy. This is a reality.**

**This is not for fun. This is for war.**

**This is not for me. This is for you.**

**This is not over. This is just beginning.**

**This is not good luck. This is dynamite**

Subenthung dropped the book

and backed away from the shelf.

He could not believe what he had read.

He wondered who had written it

and what it meant.

He felt a surge of fear and confusion.

He realized that he had stumbled upon

a secret and sinister plot.

He wondered if it had anything to do with

the truck

and the car

that had crashed on the road.

He wondered if they were carrying dynamite

to use as a weapon.

He decided to get out of the hut

and find help.

He ran towards the door

and tried to open it.

But it was locked.

He pulled and pushed it, but it did not budge.

He felt a wave of panic.

He realized that he was trapped in the hut.

He wondered if someone had locked him in on purpose.

He wondered if someone was watching him or waiting for him.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" he shouted, hoping for an answer.

But there was none.

"Please, let me out! I need help!" he pleaded, banging on the door.

But there was no reply. He was alone and helpless in the hut.

He looked around for another way out. He saw a window on the wall opposite the door. He ran towards it and tried to break it. But it was reinforced with metal bars. He hit and kicked it, but it did not break.

He felt a burst of anger and despair. He realized that he had no way out of the hut. He wondered if he would ever see his father or his village again. He wondered if he would ever see Orenvungi again.

He decided to call for help. He took out his phone and tried to find a signal. But there was none. He checked his battery and saw that it was low.

He felt a chill of hopelessness. He realized that he had no way to contact anyone. He wondered if anyone knew where he was or what had happened to him.

He decided to pray for help. He closed his eyes and clasped his hands. He prayed to God and his ancestors to save him from this nightmare. He prayed for a miracle. He waited for an answer, but he heard nothing but silence.

He opened his eyes and saw a flash of light. He heard a loud bang.

He felt a blast of heat.

But then he realized that it was not an explosion.

It was a gunshot.

It had come from outside the hut.

It had hit the lock on the door.

It had broken it open.

He heard footsteps approaching.

He saw a shadow on the wall.

He saw a man entering the hut.

He was holding a rifle with a silencer.

He was wearing a black mask and a black suit.

Subenthung felt a surge of fear and shock. He thought that the man was here to kill him. He wondered if he was one of the people behind the dynamite and the dragon. He wondered if he had any chance to survive.

But before he could say anything, the man put his finger on his lips.

The man gestured for him to be quiet and to just follow him.

The man grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the hut. The man got on a motorcycle that was parked near the hut. The man invited him to get on the motorcycle behind him. Subenthung hesitated, but he had no choice. He got on the motorcycle behind the man.The man started the engine and sped away from the hut. They left behind a trail of dust and smoke.

They headed towards the mountains.

They disappeared into the horizon.

Subenthung felt a surge of relief and curiosity.

He realized that he had been saved by a miracle.

But he also realized that he had been rescued by a stranger.

He wondered who this man was and why he helped him.

But before he could ask anything, the man said, "Don't worry."

The man said, "You're safe now."

"I'll explain everything later. But for now, just trust me. I'm your friend."

And then he said nothing more.