
Subenthung, Yani, Benchumo, Janthungo, Grace, Orenvungi.

The story is about Subenthung and Yani, two young Lotha Nagas who fall in love despite their families' feud. Subenthung is the son of Benchumo, the head of the village council and a wealthy farmer. Yani is the daughter of Janthungo, a poor carpenter and a vocal critic of Benchumo's policies. Their love is forbidden by both their families and the society, but they cannot resist their attraction for each other. Which leads to further twists and turns and they face various problems throughout.

Daoistf1HnGp · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

The Invite plan

Subenthung had a plan to get Yani to become his girlfriend. He had fallen for her ever since he saw her at the Tokhü Festival, where she had performed the traditional Lotha dance. He had felt a connection with her, as if they were old friends who had just reunited. He had enjoyed their conversation and their laughter. He had exchanged their phone numbers and agreed to keep in touch. He had also made plans to see her again before she left for Kohima.

But he knew that it was not enough. He knew that he had to do more to win her heart. He knew that he had to show her that he was the right one for her. He knew that he had to make her fall in love with him.

He had a plan.

The first step of his plan was to invite Yani to join the village Baptist church choir. Subenthung was a member of the praise and worship team, which was headed by the youth pastor. He was a talented singer and guitarist, who loved to sing praises to God and inspire others with his music. He thought that Yani would fit in perfectly with the choir, since she was also a gifted singer and musician. He thought that it would be a great opportunity for them to spend more time together, share their passion for music, and grow in their faith.

He decided to call her and ask her if she was interested.

He took out his phone and dialed her number. He waited for her to answer.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hi, Yani. It's me, Subenthung," he said.

"Hi, Subenthung. How are you?" she said.

"I'm good, thanks. How about you?" he said.

"I'm good too," she said.

"I'm glad to hear that," he said.

"So, what's up?" she asked.

"Well, I have something to ask you," he said.

"Okay, shoot," she said.

"You know how I'm part of the village Baptist church choir, right?" he said.

"Yes, I know that," she said.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to join us," he said.

"Join you? As in the choir?" she asked.

"Yes, as in the choir," he said.

"Why do you want me to join the choir?" she asked.

"Because I think you have an amazing voice and a great talent for music," he said.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you," she said.

"And because I think you would enjoy it and have fun with us," he said.

"Really? What do you do in the choir?" she asked.

"We sing songs of worship and praise to God, we practice every week, we perform every Sunday at the church service, and sometimes we go to other villages or towns to share our music with others," he said.

"That sounds nice," she said.

"It is nice. It's very rewarding and fulfilling," he said.

"I see," she said.

"So, what do you say? Will you join us?" he asked.

He held his breath and waited for her answer.

He hoped that she would say yes.

He hoped that she would accept his invitation.

He hoped that this would be the start of something beautiful between them.

Meanwhile, at the church hall, another person was waiting for Subenthung's answer. She was Libeni, a 17-year-old girl who was also a member of the choir. She was a beautiful and graceful girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a red dress and a black jacket, which made her look elegant but bold. She was a confident and outgoing girl who had many friends. She was also a talented and ambitious girl who excelled in everything she did. She loved God and music more than anything else in the world.

She also loved Subenthung more than anything else in the world.

She had a big crush on him ever since she joined the choir two years ago. She had been impressed by his voice and his guitar skills, as well as his personality and his looks. She had befriended him and tried to get closer to him. She had complimented him and flirted with him whenever she could. She had hoped that he would notice her and like her back. She had hoped that he would be hers and hers alone.

But that hope was shattered when she heard him talking on the phone with another girl. She heard him inviting her to join the choir. She heard him complimenting her voice and her talent. She heard him sounding excited and eager. She heard him asking her if she would say yes.

She felt a pang of jealousy and pain.

She felt a surge of anger and sadness.

She felt a burst of tears and sobs.

She realized that he was not interested in her.

He was interested in someone else.

He was interested in Yani.

She decided to do something about it.

She decided to stop him from getting Yani.

She decided to ruin his plan.

She decided to make him hers and hers alone.

She had a plan.