
Subenthung, Yani, Benchumo, Janthungo, Grace, Orenvungi.

The story is about Subenthung and Yani, two young Lotha Nagas who fall in love despite their families' feud. Subenthung is the son of Benchumo, the head of the village council and a wealthy farmer. Yani is the daughter of Janthungo, a poor carpenter and a vocal critic of Benchumo's policies. Their love is forbidden by both their families and the society, but they cannot resist their attraction for each other. Which leads to further twists and turns and they face various problems throughout.

Daoistf1HnGp · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

The 'Ete'

The sun was setting over the hills of Nagaland, casting a golden glow over the green fields and forests. The air was filled with the sound of drums, flutes, and guitars, as well as the laughter and chatter of people. It was the

6th day of the Tokhu festival, a celebration of the harvest and the culture of the Lothas, one of the major tribes of Nagaland. Usually celebrated for a week from 1-7 of November.

The festival vibes were pretty high in Ete village, a small but lively settlement in a small part of Wokha district. Unlike other villages, Ete was a rich and prosperous village in Nagaland near the Doyang river. The village grew many crops and animals, and made and sold many products like baskets, pots, and shawls. The village attracted many tourists who admired the river and the hills. The village had many festivals that showcased its culture and history. The village had good roads, water, schools, and health care. The village was peaceful and happy.

The villagers were proud of their heritage and identity, as well as their achievements and progress. They had a strong sense of community and solidarity, as well as a respect for their elders and leaders. They followed their customs and traditions faithfully, but also adapted to modern changes and challenges.

However, not everything was peaceful and harmonious in Ete village. Beneath the surface of joy and prosperity, there lurked an old feud between two prominent families: the Benchumos and the Janthungos. The feud had started decades ago over a land dispute, but had escalated over time due to political and personal differences. The Benchumos were wealthy and influential, while the Janthungos were poor and outspoken. The Benchumos supported the ruling party in the state government, while the Janthungos supported the opposition party. The Benchumos were conservative and strict, while the Janthungos were liberal and flexible.

The feud had divided the village into two factions, with each family having its own supporters and allies. The feud had also caused tension and violence among the villagers, especially among the younger generation. The feud had become a source of hatred and bitterness for both families, who refused to have any contact or communication with each other.

The head of the Benchumo family was Benchumo himself, a 60-year-old man who was also the head of the village council. He was a tall and stout man with a stern face and a thick mustache. He wore expensive clothes and jewelry, which showed his wealth and status. He was a successful farmer who owned large plots of land in and around the village. He was also a powerful politician who had connections with high-ranking officials in the state government.

Benchumo was respected by many villagers for his leadership and generosity, but also feared by many for his arrogance and cruelty. He was known to be harsh and ruthless with his enemies, as well as anyone who opposed or challenged him. He was also known to be greedy and corrupt.

Unlike his father, Subenthung was a righteous and brave person, who always stood up for what he believed in. He was loyal to his family, friends, and community, and respected the elders and the traditions. He was also open-minded and progressive, and wanted to bring positive changes to his society. He was not afraid to voice his opinions and challenge the authorities, especially his father Benchumo, who he often disagreed with on various issues. He was also compassionate and generous, and helped the poor and the needy whenever he could.

Subenthung's relationship with his family was complicated. He loved his father Benchumo, who was the head of the village council and a wealthy farmer. He admired his father's leadership and success, but he also resented his father's strictness and conservatism. He felt that his father did not understand him or support his dreams. He also felt that his father was unfair and corrupt, and exploited the villagers for his own benefit. He often argued with his father over these matters, which strained their bond.

Subenthung's relationship with his mother Nchumbeni was more loving and supportive. She was a kind and gentle woman, who cared for her son deeply. She understood his passion for music and encouraged him to pursue it. She also tried to mediate between him and his father, and hoped that they would reconcile someday. She was proud of her son's achievements and potential, but she also worried about his safety and happiness.

Subenthung's relationship with his cousin Kumlamo was hostile and competitive. Kumlamo was the son of Benchumo's brother Lichumo, who was also a rich farmer. Kumlamo was jealous of Subenthung's popularity and talent, and tried to sabotage him whenever he could.

Subenthung's relationship with his friends was friendly and fun-loving. He had many friends from different clans and backgrounds, who shared his interests and hobbies. They often hung out together at the village square or the river bank, where they played games, told stories, or sang songs. They also supported each other in times of trouble or need. They were loyal to Subenthung, and respected him as their leader.

The sun had set and the moon had risen, casting a soft glow over the village. The air was cool and crisp, and the stars were twinkling in the sky. The village was buzzing with excitement and anticipation, as the final day of Tokhu Emong, the annual festival of the Lothas, was approaching and it was the day to select the new "Miss Tokhu" pageant.

All preparations for the final day had been made, and now it was time to select the new Tokhü Emong pageant winner of the village for tomorrow. The pageant was a prestigious and popular event, where young and beautiful girls competed for the title of "Miss Tokhü", which meant "the most beautiful girl" in Lotha language. The winner of the pageant would be crowned by the village headman and would receive a cash prize and a necklace of gold coins. She would also represent the village in the state-level pageant, where she would compete with other girls from different Naga tribes. All the youths were gathered for the show, which was held in a large open ground near the river. There were spectacular performances by various groups, such as singers, dancers, musicians, comedians, and magicians. The crowd was responsive and supportive, cheering and clapping for their favorites. The atmosphere was festive and lively, as everyone enjoyed the entertainment and awaited the main event.

Every youth in the village had gathered by the ground except for Subenthung who went to the neighbouring town but hasn't returned yet.

One of the most awaited moments of the show was the appearance of Yani, the Miss Tokhü of the previous year. She had won the hearts of everyone with her charm and grace, and she had gone on to represent the village in the state-level pageant, where she had secured the second position. She had also pursued her education in fashion designing, and she had become a successful and popular designer. She had returned to the village as one of the panelists for this year's pageant, and everyone was eager to see her again.

She entered the stage with a dazzling smile, wearing a yellow dress that made her look like a blooming flower. The dress was one of her own creations, and it had intricate embroidery and sequins that sparkled in the light. She also wore a matching yellow crown that signified her status as the former Miss Tokhü. She looked radiant and elegant, like a queen. She greeted the audience and the contestants with warmth and kindness, and she expressed her gratitude and pride for being part of the pageant. She also shared some words of wisdom and encouragement for the aspiring girls, telling them to follow their dreams and passions. She received a standing ovation from the crowd, who were mesmerized by her beauty and personality. She was truly an inspiration and a role model for everyone.

And with that the competition began.

Who would be the next Miss Tokhü of Ete village? Among the participants of the pageant was Orenvungi, the daughter of Lichumo, the school teacher. She was one of the brightest and most ambitious girls in the village. She had always excelled in her studies and had a passion for justice and law. She dreamed of becoming a lawyer someday and fighting for the rights of her people. She had applied for a scholarship to study law at Delhi University, and she was waiting for the results.

She was also very beautiful and graceful, with long brown hair and almond-shaped eyes. She had a fair complexion and a slender figure. She wore a red dress that hugged her curves and accentuated her features. She adorned herself with silver earrings and bracelets, and a necklace of coral beads. She painted her lips with red lipstick and her nails with red polish. She looked stunning and radiant, like a star. But she was not just a pretty face.

She walked to the stage with confidence and poise, smiling at the judges and the audience. She introduced herself in Lotha (the local dialect) and talked about her age, hobbies, and aspirations. She then answered some questions from the judges, showing her intelligence and wit. She also impressed the judges with her intelligence and eloquence. One of the questions that they asked her was: "Who is your role model and why?" She answered without hesitation:

"My role model is Miss Kiran Bedi" Orenvungi had expressed her admiration of Miss Kiran Bedi, who was a national icon and a role model for many young girls. Throughout the competition, she received a loud applause from the crowd, who were impressed by her beauty and brains. She also received many admiring glances from the men, who were enchanted by her charm and grace. Many of them fell in love with her at first sight, wishing they could be with her. Orenvungi had many admirers in the village, but she had never paid attention to any of them. She was too focused on her goals and aspirations. She had no time for love or romance. But little did she know that fate had other plans for her.

Orenvungi had another passion besides law and justice: music and dance. She loved listening to K-pop songs, especially by her favorite group BTS. She admired their talent, style, and message. She also learned their choreography and practiced it in her free time. She was very good at dancing, and she often performed for her friends and family.

She decided to showcase her dancing skills in the Miss Tokhu pageant as part of her talent show. She chose to dance to the song "Dynamite" by BTS, which was a catchy and upbeat song that expressed happiness and confidence. She wore a white T-shirt and blue jeans, and she tied her hair in a ponytail. She danced with energy and enthusiasm, moving her body in sync with the music. She smiled and winked at the audience, who cheered and clapped for her. She received a loud applause from the crowd, who were impressed by her beauty and talent.

Would she win the crown and fulfill her dream?

The winner of the Miss Tokhu peagent was Grace, another contestant who was also very beautiful and talented. Grace was the daughter of Zarenthung, a rich trader from Dimapur. She had a fair complexion and a curvy figure. She wore a yellow dress that shimmered in the light and matched her golden hair. She adorned herself with gold earrings and a gold necklace. She painted her eyes with black eyeliner and her lips with pink gloss. She looked stunning and glamorous, like a star.

Grace had impressed the judges with her beauty and charm. She had also impressed them with her talent and skill. She had performed a magic show, where she had done various tricks, such as making a dove appear from a hat, cutting a rope and restoring it, and levitating in the air. She had amazed the audience with her illusions and creativity.

She had also answered the questions from the judges with confidence and poise. One of the questions that they had asked her was: "What is your vision for the future of Nagaland?" She had answered with enthusiasm:

"My vision for the future of Nagaland is to see it as a prosperous and peaceful state, where all the Naga tribes live in harmony and respect each other's culture and identity. I also want to see Nagaland as a modern and progressive state, where education, health, and development are given priority and where women are empowered and respected. I want to see Nagaland as a state that contributes to the nation's growth and glory."

Her answer was met with applause from the crowd, who were inspired by her words. They appreciated her for her optimism and vision. They also admired her for her patriotism and pride.

Grace had won the title of Miss Tokhü with her performance and answer. She had proven herself to be a deserving winner of the peagent.

The new Miss Tokhu was crowned by the last year's winner.

Although Orenvungi didn't win the Miss Tokhü Pageant she had won the hearts and minds of everyone with her performance and answer. She had proven herself to be a worthy contestant for the title of Miss Tokhü.