
Subenthung, Yani, Benchumo, Janthungo, Grace, Orenvungi.

The story is about Subenthung and Yani, two young Lotha Nagas who fall in love despite their families' feud. Subenthung is the son of Benchumo, the head of the village council and a wealthy farmer. Yani is the daughter of Janthungo, a poor carpenter and a vocal critic of Benchumo's policies. Their love is forbidden by both their families and the society, but they cannot resist their attraction for each other. Which leads to further twists and turns and they face various problems throughout.

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6 Chs

Invitations and Plans: A Love Triangle in the Making

Yani agreed to join the choir, feeling happy and excited to be part of the music ministry. She had always loved singing and playing the piano. She had also participated in many musical events and competitions, where she had showcased her talent and skill.

She attended the choir practice every week, where she learned new songs and improved her singing skills. She also met new friends and enjoyed their company. She especially liked spending time with Subenthung, who was always kind and helpful to her. He taught her about the changes that happened in the village while she was away, he shared his favorite songs and stories with her, he made her laugh and smile with his jokes and compliments. He also showed interest in her life and dreams, he listened to her opinions and feelings, he encouraged her to pursue her education and career. He was her best friend and her love. 💕

She also performed on Sundays at the church service, where she sang with passion and joy. She also impressed the congregation with her beauty and talent. She received many praises and compliments from the people, who admired her for her voice and her faith. She also received many admiring glances from the men, who were enchanted by her charm and grace. Many of them fell in love with her at first sight, wishing they could be with her.

However, not everyone was happy with Yani's joining the choir. Libeni was jealous and angry to see Yani getting closer to Subenthung. She felt that Yani was stealing Subenthung from her. She felt that Yani was a threat to her love. She had tried to hate Yani, but she couldn't. Her love for Subenthung was stronger than her jealousy for Yani.

She had attempted to sabotage Yani's audition for the choir, but she had failed miserably. Her plan had backfired on her, making Yani look even more amazing and making Subenthung even more attracted to her. She had also exposed herself as a liar and a troublemaker, losing the respect and trust of the choir director and the other members. She had also earned the wrath of Subenthung, who had confronted her and scolded her for her actions.

She had apologized to Subenthung and begged for his forgiveness, hoping that he would still love her. But he had rejected her and told her that he only saw her as a friend and nothing more. He had also told her that he liked Yani and wanted to be with her. He had broken Libeni's heart.

But Libeni did not give up on Subenthung. She still loved him more than anything else in the world. She still hoped that he would change his mind and choose her over Yani. She still believed that she was the right one for him.

She decided to try again.

She decided to stop Yani from getting Subenthung.

She decided to ruin their relationship.

She decided to make him hers and hers alone.

Meanwhile, at the village market, another person was waiting for Libeni's answer. He was Zarenthung, an 18-year-old boy who was also a cousin of Subenthung. He was a handsome and smart boy with short black hair and brown eyes. He wore a blue shirt and black jeans, which made him look casual but stylish. He was a friendly and cheerful boy who had many friends. He was also a hardworking and ambitious boy who helped his father in his trading business. He loved money and adventure more than anything else in the world.

He also loved Libeni more than anything else in the world.

He had a big crush on her ever since they were kids, when Libeni stood up for him when he got bullied by other seniors in school. He had been grateful to Libeni for saving him from the bullies, who had made fun of his stuttering problem. He had also been impressed by Libeni's courage and confidence, as well as her beauty and charm. He had befriended her and tried to get closer to her. He had complimented her and flirted with her whenever he could. He had hoped that she would notice him and like him back. He had hoped that she would be his and his alone.

He had asked her out several times, but she had always declined. She had told him that she was not interested in dating anyone, that she was too busy with the choir and the church, that she was too focused on her goals and aspirations. She had told him that they could only be friends and nothing more.

He had accepted her rejections and respected her wishes, but he had not given up on her. He still loved her and wanted to be with her. He still believed that she was the right one for him.

He decided to try again.

He decided to ask Libeni to join him for a trip to Dimapur, where his father had some business to attend. He thought that it would be a great opportunity for them to spend some time together, away from the village and the choir. He thought that it would be a chance for them to have some fun and adventure, and maybe some romance.

He decided to call her and ask her if she was interested.

He took out his phone and dialed her number. He waited for her to answer.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hi, Libeni. It's me, Zarenthung," he said.

"Hi, Zarenthung. How are you?" she said.

"I'm good, thanks. How about you?" he said.

"I'm good too," she said.

"I'm glad to hear that," he said.

"So, what's up?" she asked.

"Well, I have something to ask you," he said.

"You know how my father is a trader, right?" he said.

"Yes, I know that," she said.

"Well, he has some business to do in Dimapur next week, and he wants me to go with him," he said.

"Okay, that sounds nice," she said.

"It is nice. Dimapur is a big and beautiful city, with many things to see and do," he said.

"I see," she said.

"So, I was wondering if you would like to come with me," he said.

"Come with me? As in the trip?" she asked.

"Yes, as in the trip," he said.

"Why do you want me to come with you?" she asked.

"Because I think you would enjoy it and have fun with me," he said.

"Really? What do you do in Dimapur?" she asked.

"We can visit some places, like the market, the zoo, the museum, the park, and the mall. We can also try some food, like momos, noodles, pizza, and ice cream. We can also watch some movies, like action, comedy, or romance. We can also do some shopping, like clothes, books, or souvenirs. We can also relax at the hotel, where we can swim in the pool or watch TV in the room," he said.

"That sounds nice," she said.

"It is nice. It's very fun and exciting," he said.

"I see," she said.

"So, what do you say? Will you come with me?" he asked.

He held his breath and waited for her answer.

He hoped that she would say yes.

He hoped that she would accept his invitation.

He hoped that this would be the start of something beautiful between them.