
Subenthung, Yani, Benchumo, Janthungo, Grace, Orenvungi.

The story is about Subenthung and Yani, two young Lotha Nagas who fall in love despite their families' feud. Subenthung is the son of Benchumo, the head of the village council and a wealthy farmer. Yani is the daughter of Janthungo, a poor carpenter and a vocal critic of Benchumo's policies. Their love is forbidden by both their families and the society, but they cannot resist their attraction for each other. Which leads to further twists and turns and they face various problems throughout.

Daoistf1HnGp · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Blooming Love

As days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, Subenthung finally decided to ask Yani out for a date. He had been admiring her from afar ever since she joined the choir, and he had been looking for an opportunity to express his feelings for her. He had also noticed that she seemed to be attracted to him too, as she often smiled at him, talked to him, and sang with him. He wondered if she remembered their childhood friendship, when they used to play together in the village and share their secrets and dreams.

He chose a special place for their date: a hilltop with a tower, where they could see the beautiful Wokha town with its shining lights at night. He knew that Yani loved nature and scenery, and he wanted to impress her with his choice. He also wanted to make the date memorable and romantic, as he planned to confess his love to her and ask her to be his girlfriend.

He picked her up from her house in the evening, wearing a white shirt and black pants, which made him look handsome and elegant. He also brought a bouquet of red roses for her, which made her blush and smile. She wore a pink dress and a silver necklace, which made her look pretty and graceful. She also brought a box of chocolates for him, which made him happy and grateful.

They walked together to the hilltop, holding hands and chatting along the way. They talked about their lives, their hobbies, their families, and their dreams. They also joked and teased each other, making each other laugh and smile. They felt comfortable and relaxed with each other, as if they had known each other for a long time.

They reached the hilltop, where they climbed up the tower. They admired the view of the town below them, which looked like a sea of stars in the dark sky. They also saw the moon and the stars above them, which looked like a canopy of light in the vast space. They felt awed and amazed by the beauty of nature, and they thanked God for creating such a wonderful world.

They sat down on a bench near the tower, where they shared the chocolates and the roses. They also shared their thoughts and feelings about each other, looking into each other's eyes with love and affection. They realized that they had a lot in common, and that they understood each other well. They also realized that they had a strong connection, and that they wanted to be together.

Subenthung took a deep breath and gathered his courage. He said, "Yani, I have something to tell you."

Yani said, "What is it?"

Subenthung said, "I love you."

Yani said, "You do?"

Subenthung said, "Yes, I do. I love you more than anything else in the world. I love you more than words can say. I love you more than you can imagine."

Yani said, "I love you too."

Subenthung said, "You do?"

Yani said, "Yes, I do. I love you more than anything else in the world. I love you more than words can say. I love you more than you can imagine."

Subenthung said, "Really?"

Yani said, "Really."

Subenthung said, "Can I kiss you?"

Yani simply smiled as she couldn't control her blushing and closed her eyes and invited him with her lips. Subenthung took no time to understand it and they started kissing.

They felt a surge of emotion and passion, as their hearts beat faster and their bodies trembled. They felt a sense of bliss and fulfillment, as their souls merged and their spirits soared. They felt a bond of love and trust.

They kissed for a long time, until they ran out of breath. They broke the kiss and hugged each other tightly, feeling each other's warmth and heartbeat. They whispered sweet nothings and compliments to each other, making each other feel special and cherished. They smiled and laughed, feeling happy and content.

They decided to stay on the hilltop for a while, enjoying the view and the company of each other. They also decided to live in the present, and to not think about the future. They just wanted to savor their love, and to make each moment count. They didn't care about anything else, as long as they had each other.

They looked at the moon and the stars, which shone brightly in the sky. They felt a sense of wonder and awe, as they witnessed the beauty of nature. They also felt a sense of gratitude and faith, as they thanked God for bringing them together.

They looked at each other with love and passion, and said in unison, "I love you."

They held hands and kissed again, sealing their promise and commitment to each other. They felt a surge of emotion and ecstasy, as they expressed their love to each other. They felt a bond of love and trust, as they became one with each other.

They were Zuby and Yani, the blooming lovers of Wokha town.

Zuby and Yani... What a rhyming nicknames for a new couple. Agree???

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