
Su Feng: A Story To Remember

Su Feng: A Story To Remember is a myth between the four realms. The Heavenly realm, the Demon Void Realm, The human realm and the Forbidden Realm. In the ancient days, White consult the Demon God Nine tailed Fox was the most powerful God in the four realms, thousands years later, she rebelled against the heaven's. Her soul was sealed and imprisoned until it was released by a minion and at last, SU Feng was born. Transcended and born as a demon God reincarnation, Lived as a human Man Chao Xing, Became Su Feng, a royal princess and died as The demon God of Chaos WHITE CONSULT and Su Feng. inhabit the soul of a female nine-tailed demon of Chaos within him His life, however, get entangled as he comes across Immortals from the heavenly realm

AuthoressChioma · อื่นๆ
15 Chs

Chapter Twelve

"Several Years back, during the time the heavenly king my father and the queen my mother were battling the peach demon, which resulted in them sacrificing their lives to save the second heaven we are all leaving in peace. At that time, the peach demon and I had a virtuous fight and of course he was incredibly powerful.

At that time, my internal soul power and shine had been destroyed, including my core being. I was weak and to save my life, I conjured magic and landed in a village, I had wounds all over my body and my cloth were torn. I didn't believe I would get better as my core spirit being was destroyed.

Just as I was about to pass out I caught a glimpse of this young man, although my senses were shut, I could hear little of his murmurs.

I usually saw myself in a dark wooden house which I can remember I would wake up weak in bandage and will open my eyes for a moment then shut it back.

He fed me medicinal soups which were bitter then expected, he catered for me and clothed me as my senses became stronger.

Next I woke up fully healed and surprisingly I became more powerful than ever. My core spirit being was strong, and my shine seemed to have greatly increased. That was how I attained the power to wither plants, rivers and even destroy one spirit core. I still don't know why I became stronger.

True, that I could kill the peach demon subordinates and also kill the peach demon.

In fact,he's the reason we're all alive and in peace". Qing Fang summarized.

Qing Yang eyed Xing from head to toe and hissed.

" I guess I am grateful to Chao Xing for saving my brother, in the future I hope we can show our gratitude" Qing Yang showed his gratitude.

"Ah, I would have done it for anyone in his place, it's nothing. But if her highness want to show her appreciation, the. I do have a small request" Xing said with a little laughter.

"Mention it, we will gladly fulfill it. It's a reward from the heavens" Qing Fang said.

"Spring village is my hometown where I grew up l, I never knew how outside Spring village is until I came here, in a blink of an eye my family crumbled and shattered. Spring village is no longer springing new things and is now deserted.

'I feel so useless that am unable to save anyone from the wrath of those demons, and perhaps I was lucky to be the surviving one among them. If his highness pleases, I'd like to learn Martial art from master Lin Xiu, but master Lin Xiu here refused me". Chao Xing Spoke with sincerity and modesty.

Just before Qing Fang could plead to Lin, Lin Xiu walked out.

"Lin Xiu!!!! Fang called out

"That bird, Chao Xing don't worry I'll get him to be your master meanwhile try pleasing that Ice Cube, but you'll get through him" Qing Fang said!

 Somewhere In Wudan Sect (武大宗)

"AYY Lin Xiu, he's just a human besides he saved my life and the heaven's fate. It'll be improper to refuse him and inappropriate." Qing Fang pacified Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu ignored as he fed his pet fishes some grains.

"Take him in Lin Xiu l, besides you own wudan sect and I heard it's the end of the season. Your sect is recruiting young lords and teaching them sorcery. This is the right time to accept Xing as a student.

While Yang and I are away, you can pass out time by training Xing personally. He'll eventually give up after a whole season of rough training, he's a human, and he's strength is limited, by the time he gives up we'll send him back to spring village to recuperate." Qing Fang stated.

After a while of much pestering, Lin Xiu accepted to take in Lin Xiu for a while until they send Chao Xing off.

Xing was at a lotus pond, laying his back on a rock and closing his eyes. He had a leaf in his lips. One of Xing talent was playing the Leaf, he could sing many songs with just a leaf without stressing. It takes a Lordship at least a thousand of decades, but Xing achieved that within his few years.

At that moment Zhu Ran, Qing Fang right-hand man, was passing along that path when he heard the melodious music being played. It caught his attention as he tried walking further, but his curiosity took the better of him.

Subconsciously, Zhu Ran walked over to Chao Xing and stared at this young man in Amusement.

'This young man is indeed skilled st playing the leaf' Zhu Ran said inwardly.

"Every season passes, we did and come back again, repeating every process of nature in a clockwise rotation. The season's remain the same, the sun, starts, and the moon looks the same every thousand's years, I hope one day I can become a star to watch everyone at night and the sun to watch everyone at day rather than experiencing such tragic pain 每個季節過去,我們都會以順時針方向重複每個過程.季節保持不變,太陽,開始和月亮每隔數千年看起來都一樣 我希望有一天我能成為一顆星星,在夜晚注視著大家,成為太陽,在白天注視著大家,而不是經歷這樣的悲劇" Chao Xing sang, after a while of singing Chao Xing eventually became tired and decided to go when a tear droplet escaped his eyes, Xing heart felt like ripping off and his body restless.

'So useless, can't even protect Sui He nor Yao or even mother. Brother died in my arms and I couldn't do anything, I watched his life slip out of his pale body' Chao Xing spoke inwardly as he bit his bottom lips

Zhu Ran looked at Xing with pity and suddenly felt a surge of sadness overwhelm him, he suddenly wanted to pacify this young man. Stretching forth his hand, he froze as he asked why he's paying attention to someone he's never seen in the heavens. Xing turned around to go then his eyes locked with Zhu Ran eyes, his face on Zhu Ran palm. They both stared at each other for a second, then Zhu Ran cleared his throat, breaking this awkward silent moment.

"Am sorry to bother, I heard you play the leaf so beautifully and was lost in the enchanting sound that I didn't realize I stared at you for too long" Zhu Ran explained.

"Ahh it's nothing" Xing waved aside

"Just now the lyrics sounded sorrowful, I haven't seen your face here before. Are you new here?" He questioned. "I'm new here, my villagers were invaded by unknown demons according to Master Lin Xiu, so I'm perhaps the only survivor and hope of spring village that's why he thought I should reside here for a bit" Chao Xing narrated

"If I'm correct I can sense you're a human?"

"Your right, I am guessing your not, I haven't seen you here before?" Xing asked

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, my name is Zhu Ran朱然. His highness, cousin and personal assistant." Zhu Ran introduced himself.

Chao Xing laughed a bit and introduced himself.

"I am Chao Xing of spring village, nice meeting you master Zhu Ran" Xing bowed in respect

"Zhu Ran is fine" Zhu Ran said politely with a little smile

"I see your holding a sword so you're a sword master right?" Xing asked

"Well you're right, you said you brew wine?"

"Yes Master Zhu Ran"

"Then since you brew wine, I'll look forward to getting drunk with you next time and having a taste okay"


"You call Lord Lin Xiu master, we call him his lordship as he forbade everyone from calling him master, did he allow you?" Zhu Ran asked

"Well, when I did, he didn't shun me so perhaps he accepts me, although I begged him to teach me Martial art and magic, he clearly refused" Xing said with a hint of sadness.

"It's okay, you'll get through him, his as cold as an ice, but he'll surely accept you soon", Zhu Ran consoled.

The two chatted for a while, and then it was dark so they decided to part ways.

"It's quite late, I'm afraid master Lin Xiu won't like me staying out for long. I'll head out now!" Xing said as he stood up and bow slightly.

"Next time you need me and master Lin Xiu didn't teach you, you can come to me at his highness chamber, in his fishpond surrounding. I stay there when I am bored" Zhu Ran said.

"Mm" Xing turned around and left to Lin Xiu Manor.

"Chao Xing, interesting man" Zhu Ran said with a smile.

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