
Su Feng: A Story To Remember

Su Feng: A Story To Remember is a myth between the four realms. The Heavenly realm, the Demon Void Realm, The human realm and the Forbidden Realm. In the ancient days, White consult the Demon God Nine tailed Fox was the most powerful God in the four realms, thousands years later, she rebelled against the heaven's. Her soul was sealed and imprisoned until it was released by a minion and at last, SU Feng was born. Transcended and born as a demon God reincarnation, Lived as a human Man Chao Xing, Became Su Feng, a royal princess and died as The demon God of Chaos WHITE CONSULT and Su Feng. inhabit the soul of a female nine-tailed demon of Chaos within him His life, however, get entangled as he comes across Immortals from the heavenly realm

AuthoressChioma · อื่นๆ
15 Chs

Chapter Ten

All revered deities and gods were honored to attend the royal birthday banquet where they were served a special beverage crafted from the essence of the Phoenix God. It was rumored that those who indulged in this drink experienced a unique and captivating taste, immersing themselves in a fantastical realm and temporarily escaping their troubles.

"Xing, it seems that everyone appreciates your wine," Xing remarked, continuing to enjoy his meal while awaiting a response from Lin Xiu. However, Lin Xiu remained focused on his task, paying no attention as he meticulously inscribed words onto the script with ink.

"處理人間的事情, 我馬上​​就到," Lin Xiu wrote on the paper.

In a swift motion, Lin Xiu opened his hand, causing the paper to vanish into thin air.

Chao Xing was not surprised by this occurrence, as he had come to realize that each individual possessed unique powers during his time spent in their presence.

"You mentioned that you wished to return, correct?" Lin Xiu inquired.

"Yes, indeed. Everyone will be concerned about my sudden absence, so I must depart," Xing replied.

With a sudden and forceful pull, Lin Xiu stood up and embraced Xing, causing his hair to loosen and cascade down and lay flawlessly at Xing back...

Xing's eyes widened in surprise as he gazed upon Lin Xiu's beauty. However, his momentary delusion was interrupted when his mouth was filled with a steamed bun. Embarrassed, Xing quickly pulled away from Lin Xiu's embrace.

"I am not gay like you," Xing quarreled, his face turning red. "Why do you insist on bringing our bodies so close together? I may be handsome, but that does not give you the right to take advantage of me repeatedly."

Ignoring Xing's protests, Lin Xiu approached him slowly. As Xing stepped backward, he accidentally fell onto Lin Xiu's bed.

"Let me make this clear," Lin Xiu said forcefully, dragging Xing into his arms. "I am not gay, and even if you were a woman, you are not my type."

Xing inwardly seethed at the insult. "He called me ugly! Every lady, and even some men, wishes to be by my side, and this disrespectful man insults me to my face."

Interrupting Xing's thoughts, Lin Xiu declared, "I am taking you back to the human realm, as you requested. You have become quite a nuisance."

Before Xing could respond, he found himself surrounded by black smoke and the sight of dead bodies. Lin Xiu, understanding what had happened, proceeded further into the area.

"Where are we, bird?" Xing asked, wrinkling his nose at the foul odor.

"Are you blind or dumb?" Lin Xiu asked with a serious expression. "You no longer recognize your own home?"

Desperate to find his house, Xing ran ahead only to discover it burned to ashes. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he refused to accept that his family was dead. Despite injuring his hands on hot coal and sharp objects, Xing persisted in searching.

Finally, he felt something warm yet cold. Xing's heart skipped.

He dug out the body underneath the ashes and saw his brother. He looked at Bai helpless body and dragged him up, his lips tremble and quevered,his hands were shaking as he touched his brother face.

"Bai, please wake up, Brother open your eyes!" Xing Stammered as the tears rolled down from Xing face touching Bai face.

Bai opened his eyes and looked at Xing face and smiled a bit.

"C,Chao Xing, you came back. Mother anddd I were all worried about you, mother refused to eat or drink after Sui He and Yao Yao wedding. Everyone in the village felt sad as you suddenly disappeared. Shiyi was held responsible and was beaten badly as he didn't provide your whereabout" Bai Stammered yet said a few words not letting Xing talk nor explain.

"Brother am sorry, I'm here now" Xing consoled as he cleaned his brothers face.

"Brother it hurt and burns inside, I feel tired and weak...I want to sleep now brother Xing" Bai said as tears gushed out from his eye balls.

"Shh don't say that, I won't let you go ok

Assistant: ? I'll take care of you, I promise. We'll get you help, just hold on, Bai," Xing pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. He held his brother tightly, refusing to let go.

But Bai's eyes began to flutter, and his body grew limp in Xing's arms. Xing's heart sank as he realized his brother was slipping away. Desperation consumed him as he shook Bai, trying to wake him up.

"No, Bai! Stay with me, please!" Xing cried, his voice filled with anguish. He pressed his forehead against Bai's, tears streaming down his face.

But it was too late. Bai's eyes closed, and his breathing ceased. Xing let out a gut-wrenching scream, his grief echoing through the desolate landscape.

He held his brother's lifeless body, unable to comprehend the cruel reality before him. The weight of loss and guilt crashed down on him, suffocating him with its intensity.

In that moment, Xing made a silent vow. He would find out who was responsible for Bai's death, and he would make them pay. No matter the cost, he would seek justice for his brother.

With a heavy heart, Xing gently laid Bai's body back down, covering him with the ashes that had once concealed him. He whispered a final goodbye, his voice choked with sorrow.

' Bai brother, I will avenge you. Rest in peace, my dear brother.' Xing said inwardly

As he cried in pain, he heard growling of animals, he raised his up and saw his fellow villagers walking like a dead corpse, their eyes had been removed and they staggered alot.

Lin Xiu appeared in Xing front with his sword in his hand causious of the zombies coming.

"Stay behind me and don't leave" Lord Lin Xiu spoke as he strike his sword with great energy pushing them backward.

Xing nodded and watched Lin Xiu fight skilfully, for a moment Xing felt bad that he had to watch his fellow villagers that grew up with him being hurt by Lin Xiu sword and he could do nothing. He felt useless at that moment.

What made Xing more weak and sad was when he saw his sister Sui He and Yao Yao as zombies approaching Lin Xiu.

They looked worn out but they seemed to be lusting for blood.

Lin Xiu knew there was no way to save them anymore as they are all dead, they're body are being controlled by their master.

Carrying his sword he pointed it at Sui He whom was ready to bite Lin Xiu, throwing the sword at Sui He and piercing through the flesh

Xing saw Lin Xiu coming attack and pushed his sister away making Lin Xiu sword pierce his heart. Chao Xing vomited blood and knelt down weak.

"Don't hurt, Please don't hurt them, she's my sister.i couldn't save her from becoming a walking corpse but I can at least save her right?" Xing said with a mouth full of blood. He stared at Sui He and painful tears gushed down as Xing slowly fell to the floor. His breath felt slower and slower as he inhaled the dust.

"Stupid boy, why must you keep getting hurt now and then? Emotional fool" Lin Xiu mumurred with annoyance.

'This place is no longer safe, I can't even think of bringing back Chao Xing to spring village when he's healed up. I'll take Xing  back and heal him up,once I'm done, I'll handle puppet master' Lin Xiu reasoned inwardly.

He bent down and picked Xing up, just as he wanted to leave, Sui He bit Lin Xiu at his back.

Lin simply used his internal energy and pushed Sui He back without touching her as Xing instructed.

Lin Xiu held Xing tightly as his wings spread out and headed back to the heavenly realm.

Am sorry For The inconvenience and the delay.

I'll try to update more often

AuthoressChiomacreators' thoughts