
Ch81. Dora and Bella

The rumors of Dumbledore chasing away Voldemort spread through the castle. No one really admitted anything and when the Minister of magic walked all red to the Great Hall to question Dumbledore why was he spooking the populace with false alarms, Dumbledore just raised his eyebrow and said.

"I don't know what you are talking about." He cooly went back to eating while Fudge fumed and seethed rooted to the place.

"You proclaimed You-know-who is back!" He shouted, making the Great Hall completely quiet as Amelia Bones who accompanied him facepalmed with a groan.

Dumbledore chewed the piece of meat he just put in his mouth. Slowly and deliberately as he watched Fudge go redder and redder...

And when the Minister was about to fudge himself, Dumbledore spoke.

"I did?" He appeared totally surprised by the news. "When?"

Fudge's jaw dropped at that.

"But... you," He pointed at Dumbledore. "no, you," His hand trailed to Amelia. "and you..." Then it pointed to the Auror who taught potions who just shrugged.

"I only reported what the old man said."

"See!" The Fudge smugly turned back to Dumbledore who appeared unamused.

"Oh... I must have again sleepwalked." He smiled fakely, making Fudge exasperated again.

"You... I... Agh!" Fudge huffed and turned around with. "This is not over yet!"

Dumbledore just calmly resumed his eating. He couldn't afford being 'crucified' because of his claim. Especially not now when his position was so shaky.

Down at the Hufflepuff table, Hadrian pouted. The old goat battled Quirrelmort.

And here he had already prepared his rubber ducky, magical honey, XXX-rank Boiling Ants, and a toothbrush for his grand final show with him!


It was evening and Dora cuddled with Hadrian in their bed. Her hand was firmly on his member as she purred into his ear how she would like...

Well, Hadrian was shivering from her 'care'.

Dora liked these evenings. It gave her something to look forward to. Something precious. She remembered how he 'handled' her during their first night and when she saw Hadrian so powerless from her touch... it boosted her ego immensely.

She would be the first to admit that half of her enjoyment came from that alone.

She knew that these past two weeks she spent with Hadrian alone were a gift from her Aunt Narcissa. Not once did her aunt turn up. It made Dora's heart very grateful. After all, if she did turn up... would Hadrian pay so much attention to Dora?

She didn't think so. She knew Hadrian loved her but his feelings for Narcissa were just... more.

Hadrian was indeed having a Narcissa-deficiency. During the past few months since they married, he found out he loved the woman more than he probably should.

There may be this 'soulbond' with Bellatrix and he would of course cherish her but... really. Narcissa was there for him. Despite everything, he knew what she did for him and it made him feel especially loved. She put her own sister through immeasurable pain for him for example. She took care of a shitton of work for him...

Narcissa passed the stage of just 'lover' a long time ago.

Hadrian looked at Dora who had her forehead in the crook of his neck, smiling in satisfaction at the cuddling.

"You are beautiful." He whispered to her, making her smile widen.

"Of course I am... I am a metamorph." She purred. These two weeks... Hadrian repeated again and again how it didn't matter. And slowly, Dora was getting to accept it. These small jokes about her 'nature' were a good start.

Hadrian smiled at her.

"Yup, the hand around her hips suddenly jerked her body and Dora found herself under Hadrian as she stared at him with expectant eyes, biting her lower lip.

"Are we going to..." She blushed.

It was still an embarrassing feeling Hadrian in... uh. And then the stickiness and… no matter how Dora loved the feeling, it always made her blush like a maiden.

Hadrian cupped her cheek and shook his head.

"Not now. A... guest is supposed to arrive shortly."

"Oh..." Dora blinked.

Dora knew what that meant. Her alone time with Hadrian was officially over. It made her sad but... she could always have more of Hadrian later. Alone. For herself.

The hearth connection suddenly opened and a figure of a young woman in a black Victorian dress walked in. Dora turned her head to look at it and almost blanched. She watched as the figure curled a strand of her darkness-like hair while watching her with a very amused smirk and predatory eyes. No matter if it was a young woman, Dora could recognize that gaze anywhere. Dora shivered and couldn't help but gulp as she blurted out the first thing on her mind.

"Shouldn't you be dead, aunt Bellatrix?"

Bella stilled, her smirk faltering slightly before she was forced to bend forward and started to heave with laughter.

"Sure, ickle Nymphy." She wiped a tear from under her eye with satisfaction apparent on her face. "Hadriaaaan~" Bellatrix giddily skipped towards Hadrian's form and tackled him into the sheets into a tight embrace. "I missed you~."

Hadrian smiled and patted her head indulgently, as the woman was incorrigible. It was a waste of time to get her to change.

Bellatrix giggled. She waited two weeks as her sister wanted to let her niece have her fun. But now that she was again in Hadrian's arm, the soulbond flaring, she couldn't help but relish and moan in satisfaction.

Dora watched with an awe-filled gaze as her murderous insane bitch of a supposedly-dead aunt who apparently somehow got younger was purring into her fiance's chest and her mind clicked as she remembered her talk with Narcissa before she accepted the betrothal.

"More wives... oh." Dora almost choked. "Bellatrix Black is your second wife." She croaked with a very conflicted expression at Hadrian who was looking at her in complete and utter shameless bemusement.

Hadrian smirked devilishly about to deliver a finishing blow.

"We are soulmates."

Dora fainted. She was unconscious before her body impacted the sheets.

Bellatrix slightly raised her head from Hadrian's chest, looking at her niece with a raised eyebrow.

She took out her wand and poked Dora's prone form with a childish curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

"She is out cold..." She stated and her smile got positively giddy evil. "She will be so much fun to tease!"

Hadrian chuckled and kissed Bella's forehead.

"Don't be too hard on her. She has to be eased into things slowly."

"Oh~, don't worry I will 'ease' her into things very, very thoroughly." Bellatrix snickered as her eyes met Hadrian's. "Now... I didn't see you for weeks, Hadri! Kiss me!" She lunged forward and started making out with Hadrian.

Needless to say, that night was filled with lustful moans, gleeful cackles, and hitched gasps of ecstasy that only doubled as Dora woke up and decided to just 'screw it' as she joined the duo in their nightly fun.