
Ch8. Diagon Alley - finish

'I may have severely underestimated this world.' Harry grimly thought. 'If a non-combatant such as Narcissa contains so much magic…'

Harry shuddered thinking about how much magic the regular Death Eaters would have. This encounter was very unexpected but Harry would cherish it nonetheless. For this was the first time he got a glimpse at the power of those madmen that will try to kill him. After a thorough consideration of the facts he knew so far, there was only one undeniable conclusion his mind reached.

'Damn you, Lucius! I am so jealous!'

Harry entered Madam Malkin's shop and was instantly greeted by the cheerful woman who started fussing over him.

"Hello, dearie. Hogwarts robes, I presume?" She mothered him.

"Ah… yes, among other things." He told her, still surprised at her attitude.

Madam Malkin heard his reply and her eyebrow arched in curiosity.

"Other things, my dear? Would you want robes for social events too?"

Harry ignored her question and instead asked his own.

"Do you take custom orders? I need some custom-made clothes that are not robes." Harry said and was surprised by the gleeful expression of Madam Malkin.

He didn't even manage to blink before she dragged him into a different room and started taking his measurements.

"What kind of clothing do you exactly need?" She asked as she measured his waist.

"Muggle ones." Harry quipped, making her hands momentarily stop.

She instantly recovered and started measuring again, this time with even more interest in what he wanted from her, giving him a 'go on' stare.

"I need them made out of strong magic materials, contain several enchantments, and of course, completely inconspicuous in the muggle world."

Madam Malkin just nodded attentively and mused about the order.

"Yes, yes. It is possible. Definitely possible." She distractedly pondered. Then she looked at Harry. "What kind of enchantments?"

"I want unbreakable charm on each article. Elasticity charm, Cushion charm, Temperature Control, Anti-theft, and Resizing charm…" He started naming the enchantments he wanted.

The more charms he named, the higher Madam Malkin's eyebrows rose.

"Dear, I have no clue what most of these are." She looked at Harry in exasperation.

"What enchantments are available then?" He asked.

"From those you named? Unbreakable charms, though don't know why you would need them on clothes. Resizing charms. Temperature control. That's about it." She told him. "Though, anti-theft might be applicable to clothes. Nobody tried it yet though."

She shuffled through a few drawers.

"Here, our catalog. You can choose what you need there. I am even willing to add unbreakable charms even though we don't provide them. After all, you did bring a quite interesting work. Muggle clothes." She muttered the last part in disbelief.

Swiftly looking through the book, Harry was flabbergasted. Hundreds of years of clothes enchanting and in the foremost clothing shop in all of Great Britain, he is offered only these enchantments!? He wanted to scream at the heavens! He came here with a vision! A vision of end-game armor filled with special effect after special effect while still being a newbie!


Muggle-proof enchantment?

An enchantment that filters muggle air?

Self-assuring enchantment?

Virginity-safeguarding enchantment?

Breast-milk storing enchantment?

And what in the seven hells is flower-popping enchantment!?

Harry speechlessly looked at the offered enchantments and then at Madam Malkin in disbelief. Most of them were completely useless! His shoulders slumped.

"Then give me Resizing, Temperature Control, and the Unbreakable one." He said in resignation.

Madam Malkin looked at him weirdly.

"Okay. Are you sure you don't want our noble-airing enchantment? That one is quite the favorite. Malfoys have it everywhere." She stated proudly.

"No." Harry dryly stated.

"Hmm, whatever. How many articles of clothing do you want, dear?" She took out a dicta-quill, taking his order.

"Shirts, pants, and robes. Ten of each, please." Harry stated.

"That will be ten galleons if I use normal silk and it will take me two days to make." She looked at him worriedly. Well, it's not like he looked dashing or rich in those baggy clothes he inherited from Dudley!

"No worries." Harry handed her a hundred galleons, trying to hide his reddening cheeks. "I want the best magic-resistant materials. Dragonhide, acromantula silk, whatever is available and affordable for these hundred galleons.

She nodded and left excitedly to the back of the shop, muttering.

"What an interesting yet weird child."

'It's called having a functioning brain, lady!' He wanted to retort but she was already gone. He sighed. The things he does for proper gear!

Harry entered Ollivanders and quickly felt a shift of magic creeping behind him. He swiftly turned around and screamed at Ollivander.

"Grah!" The old man flinched back with such force he hit the door and rebounded back forward, falling face-first onto the floor.

Harry observed him with unveiled amusement as he poked him with his foot.

"You alright, old man?" He drawled in monotone.

"Yes." Ollivander stood up with a scowl and went towards the counter.

He properly glanced at Harry and his look darted towards the scar hidden behind his bangs. Ollivander's eyes widened, alerting Harry.

'The old man has some sort of Mage Sight!' Harry quickly understood his reaction.

"Harry Potter." Ollivander exclaimed. "I feel as if it was like yesterday when your fa…"

"Oh, spare me, mighty Vander." Harry interrupted him, exasperated. "I came to buy a wand, not hear about my father's first stick."

And he didn't. James and Lily were the original Harry's parents. Not his. Never his. As for hearing about their adventures? He could do without. He can make his own, after all.

"As you wish." Ollivander quickly regained his composure after giving Harry a long contemplating look and wand-trying started.

The second Harry grasped his first wand, he felt a connection. It was not strong. But it was there. Harry held the wand and swished. The wand glowed red when suddenly he felt Ollivander's magic swell under the counter and a lamp, where Harry's wand pointed, was completely demolished. Harry flinched and frowned, looking reproachingly at Ollivander.

The old wandmaker misunderstood the look and started to explain.

"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. This one obviously didn't choose you." He said sagely with a calming smile that made Harry want to punch him.

Harry silently sighed, knowing where this is going. The feeling intensified when he felt a slightly stronger connection with the next wand he took hold of.

In the end, he spent a half-hour watching as Ollivander demolishes his own shop. Needless to say, the experience brought untold joy to Harry. Alongside with an unforgettable memory. The sour look the old wand-wanker had when he saw Harry point at yet another wand he somehow apparently 'felt connection' with so he should try it, rather than one recommended by Ollivander. Oh, Harry will certainly mass-sell that one!

One time he even added his wandless telekinesis into the fray and overturned an entire shelf, breaking numerous wands. Harry almost burst into giggles seeing at the dazed look Ollivander gave the shelf and the horror at the realization of what just happened. Heck, the old wand-wanker was so mortified by that point, even with his Mage Sight, he didn't catch Harry!

But his nightmare just started. Oh, if the old coot wanted to screw with him on Dumbledore's orders and aim him toward the Phoenix wand, he could do it. Sure. No problem. It didn't even matter. Harry is going to learn everything wandlessly anyway.

But hell would freeze over sooner than Harry not making the mighty Vander pay for it!

That day, was the first time in decades, Ollivanders closed his shop.

Harry met Hagrid outside Ollivanders as promised and was promptly congratulated as Hagrid gave him his present. Snowy owl.

Harry gently smiled at her.

"I will call you Hedwig."

She gave him an acknowledging hoot, making him excited.

After all, which fan of Harry Potter doesn't want to have his own owl? Harry's excitement lasted all twenty seconds before he noticed a slight alteration in the bond. Or better yet, he almost didn't feel the supposed bond at all!

Harry looked at Hagrid suspiciously.

"Hagrid? Did she have any previous owners?" He asked, knowing well the animals bond only once and the bond won't disappear until their owner dies.

"Oh! Yes! They told me she was Dumbledore's before he decided to sell her!" Hagrid boisterously exclaimed in 'praise me' tone as if he gave Harry the most precious thing in the world.

Harry stilled at that, blinking owlishly at the owl that just gave him a ninety degrees head-tilt.

'Is everyone in this bloody world a part of Dumbledore's court!?'