
Ch77. Weasley twins pranked

While Hadrian and Nymphadora enjoyed their night, embracing and pleasuring each other into exhaustion, two weasel-haired boys hung around, sleeping peacefully.

Fred suddenly snorted in his sleep, making him groggily wake up. He tried to rub his eyes but felt a weird kind of pull. Downwards.

Nevertheless, he raised his arm and rubbed his groggy eyes while yawning before he shivered from the cold.

'Brrrr! Did George again forget to close the window?' He sluggishly thought as his eyes finally opened in full, gaining clarity.

They immediately widened as the boy became speechless, looking down while his mouth was wide open in shock, his heart on the verge of a stroke. He robotically raised, or better yet, lowered his head, he was not sure which, to look up and blinked several times.

He was hanging on a rope that tied his feet together. It was fastened to something in the highest tower of the Hogwarts where the Astronomy was usually taught. He looked down again, whimpering at the very nasty and long fall that would await him if the rope snapped.

Fred Weasley did the only thing he could. He screamed his lungs out from fear.


George Weasley was suddenly jerked up from his peaceful slumber by his loud brother.

"Fred, shut up." He bit out. "I am tired."

"George, George, George! We were left hanging!"

George would give Fred a stink-eye as this was one of those extremely rare times he had no idea what his brother talked about. But the horror in Fred's voice stopped him. His mind stilled before it rebooted and George started to take in the surroundings. Rope. Mid-air. Tens of meters above the ground. Three meters below the Astronomy Tower's platform... Oh shit!

George Weasley did the only thing he could. He screamed his lungs out from fear.


They were panicking for ten whole minutes, screaming and screeching for help... alas, Hadrian learned a very nifty silencing rune from Narcissa. One that could nicely tune out the buzz in the surroundings. No annoying shouting would be heard for the rest of the night.

Both Fred and George were trembling in terror when George spotted letters appearing on the ground.

"Enjoy pranking? Twats? Gotta love hanging. Prats."

George read out loud.

"George and Fred, you are just a bully," Fred continued, getting bad vibes from it.

"Let's see how far you can fall, truly." George finished.

The eyes of the boys widened. They were not pranksters for nothing. Far and fall... in their situation... they got it, alright!



The rope was magicked to flexibly lengthen the second the words are read out loud...

Both George and Fred were falling towards the ground, flailing their arms in the air while their feet were still bound, fear surging through their bodies the closer the ground got.

'Ah... this is it.' George closed his eyes, whimpering, expecting a loud 'splat'.

Fred's mind was blank. He saw his approaching death and... pissed himself.

The quivering boys approached the ground at a break-neck speed when suddenly... their bodies stopped. Their heads half a meter from being opened like watermelons by the ground.

On the ground, they could see smaller words.

'Consider yourself pranked.'

Their minds blanked at that. They were unable to think anything about what just happened when the words shifted.

'And enjoy the ride.'

Now both boys felt the fear creep up their spine again but before they could say anything, both were yanked upward by the rope with loud yelps. They flew upward through the air, up and up until... their bodies went past the platform on the Astronomy Tower, flying way past the highest point of the Hogwarts.

'Ah... such a nice view...' Both boys thought tearily as they stopped for a moment at the highest point the rope enabled them to reach before being stretched to its maximum.

Then... they fell again. This time though both veered slightly to the side. Fred to the right while George to the left. But the worst of it was just coming. Hadrian used quite a useful ping-pong rune.

It did just that. The boys were thrown from side to side in the air like ping-pong balls, the length of the rope determining when they bounce backward. Their world was no longer going only up and down. It was going right, left, up, down, ground, air, bricks, Fred, George, pain, down, up, fuck...

Both boys would enjoy hours of swinging from side to side, from up to down and from down to up, puking from all that fun as their throats got hoarse from screaming!

Wasn't pranking a marvelous past-time activity!? Bella would be shoo proud!

Hadrian made sure there were enough protection runes so the boys were safer than the Headmaster in his bed. Especially since the anti-suicide protections on the Astronomy Tower were working. No one died from jumping down from the highest tower in the Hogwarts yet. Not for the lack of trying though. Rowena had quite a lot of ideas to ensure the students were protected.

Hadrian wanted to prank the Weasley twins. Not kill them. Except, he never gave them the note that they were completely safe. Ah, such a grave oversight!

This was a completely harmless prank too! It was just a magical bungee-jumping rope with a ping-pong rune. Nothing than these two and a few runes that ensured protection was used! What made it scary was that they woke up in the situation without any preparation or time to think while not telling them it was safe. Hadrian was sure the boys would actually enjoy it if they knew! He felt like praising himself when he was setting it up! It was so evil it made him shiver pleasantly!

He also made sure that a recording rune was set up on the ground and the Astronomy Tower, recording this marvelous piece of art which will be later broadcasted to the ENTIRE school for years to come! Exactly the same as they did to Dora and Susan since the entire Great Hall saw them pink and ducky.

Hadrian had nothing against harmless pranks. He would laugh them off. But once the pranks cease to be harmless and start to be offensive and humiliating? All because Dora and Susan called Ron stupid and hanged out with Hadrian? Because the twins were forced to listen to Ron grumble about stupid whores who want to monopolize the Boy-Who-Lived and had enough of it? Because they wanted to humiliate Dora and Susan so Ron would shut up?

Ah, ah, ah. Nobody makes fun of Hadrian's girls.

Oh, he promised Dora retribution and she will get loads of laughter from it, alright. He would never care if they targeted anyone else but they choose the wrong targets to try out their more vicious pranks.

It would be only in the morning that McGonagall would find two of her lions hanging around, pale as white, stinking, and shaking more from fright than cold. Both boys will be harshly reprimanded for trying to set up a prank during the night getting caught in it! This was a school! Astronomy Tower? What were they thinking!?