
Ch71. Eager Bella and Cissy

Bellatrix was very unrelenting. Hadrian could evade her only so long and decided to accept her now that she at least looks young and healthy.

Bellatrix dragged Hadrian to the Ravenclaw Chambers while Narcissa eagerly followed with a skip in her step.

The door didn't even close behind them as Hadrian felt the aging rune activate and was dragged by his hands into the king-sized bed with fluffy pillows and soft sheets.

The women swiftly proceeded to double-tag Hadrian, making him sit on the edge of the bed as Narcissa quickly dropped on her knees and undid his pants while Bellatrix distracted him by pressing her chest on his, and started kissing the hell out of him. Hadrian was not about to be defeated so easily. His hand promptly snaked under the skirt of her dress, into her knickers.

He suddenly heard Narcissa gag and felt his cock embraced by wet, tight walls as she took him deep into her throat. She continued to bob her head without stopping until he couldn't hold it in anymore and burst straight into her mouth.

Narcissa didn't like having cum shot into her throat. She always moved back so only the head of Hadrian's cock was in her mouth when she felt he was about to cum... She wanted to taste it in her mouth. The woman was developing quite a fetish for the taste of the cum of her master since she realized the contract makes it taste so heavenly for her.

The women swapped and Narcissa relocated behind Hadrian's back and started to massage his shoulders while he rubbed her clit as Bellatrix quickly started licking his shaft. Bellatrix was more passionate and started to play with his balls. She knew what spots to lick to make him come and the woman took his entire cock into her throat when he was about to release.

The foreplay done, Hadrian knew the women wanted more. Bellatrix stood up from her kneeling position in-between his thighs and pushed his upper part down, making it fall onto the bed. He didn't even notice when Narcissa relocated from behind him and didn't get time to contemplate as she quickly sat on his face, demanding his tongue to give her attention while her hands were gently caressing his chest. Hadrian, of course, returned the favor and started to taste her with fervor, making her gasp in appreciation.

Bellatrix was horny. She had to endure days of wanting to be fucked by her master! Now that his dick was in front of her and he didn't protest nor there was anything to distract her from giving herself to him, she didn't hesitate. She straddled Hadrian and instantly lowered herself on his cock, straight up to the deepest part she could reach. Even her hymen tearing didn't beget any reaction from her. Neither of them cared that the elixir of life restored it. For Bellatrix, it was only a momentary enjoyment from slight pain. She started to rock her body back and forth with fervor as her hands hugged Narcissa and the women started kissing.

It took for Hadrian to cum two times until Bellatrix reluctantly released him to Narcissa. Narcissa didn't want to be on top though. She laid on the bed and spread her long white milky legs as her hand reached to her slit, spreading it wide in invitation. She wanted the exact same thing Bellatrix received. Hadrian wasn't about to refuse the request of his precious wife!

Plunging himself deep into her, he ferociously pumped in and out of her, making her moan into Bellatrix's pussy as she sat on Narcissa's face, letting Narcissa lick Hadrian's seed from her pussy while pleasuring her with a tongue. Bellatrix also started a steamy make-out session with Hadrian while her hands massaged Narcissa small bust, playing with her nipples as Hadrian's hands kneaded Bellatrix's breasts, his fingers sinking into them.

Hadrian didn't stop pounding Narcissa until she was overflowing with hot milky cum. He released deep inside of her two times and managed to make her have two orgasms when he finally pulled out.

Bellatrix promptly laid on spasming, panting, and gasping Narcissa who enjoyed the after-glow and the feeling of cum gushing out of her pussy. Bellatrix's and Narcissa's breasts pressed tightly into each other's as Bellatrix started to kiss Narcissa, heedless of her still breathless state.

Bellatrix also raised her ass expectantly into the air, making Hadrian chuckle. He sank his fingers into her posterior and started rubbing his cock on her ass-hole. Before Bellatrix could widen her eyes as she felt where he was aiming, he sheathed his dick into her ass, up to his balls while he coursed wandless telekinesis through his fingers to her ass-cheeks, making her moan in orgasm. Her body thrashed, her ass tightened and loosened with each spasm, squeezing his cock. He didn't even start moving but he was already about to paint her ass white.

The slight waver in Bellatrix made Narcissa able to recover and her vindictiveness showed as she quickly cupped Bellatrix's womanhood, rubbing her slit, knowing well she is still mid-orgasm and it would be a heavenly pleasure but also very painful experience for her. Bellatrix gasped as she felt the hand, and more importantly, the fingers invading her. That was when Hadrian started moving in and out of her ass while grunting and cumming his warm spunk into her. He didn't stop to enjoy his orgasm. Bellatrix was in for some very rough but very pleasurable handling.

Hadrian didn't forget about Narcissa though. He released Bellatrix's left ass-cheek, making her whimper at the loss of the 'massage' he was delivering, and put it on top of Narcissa raised knee next to Bellatrix's ass.

Narcissa orgasmed again in sheer ecstasy of feeling his wandless telekinesis tinglingly course from her knee up to her thigh, flaring every single nerve ending, flooding it with indescribable pleasure, all the way up to her pussy. Narcissa was a very happy woman. Her screaming mouth wanted to sing praises that Hadrian improved his telekinesis to such a degree! She felt as if she was just being fucked hard and had his cock again inside her the second his telekinesis reached the insides of her womanhood. Her body didn't expect the sudden rush of pleasure and with a shriek, she started shuddering under Bellatrix.

Bellatrix also didn't expect Hadrian to put his other hand on her lower back and do the exact same thing, only instead of aiming at her pussy and indirectly, his cock, he targeted the pleasure points in her breasts. The second his telekinesis went through her lower back, all the way up her spine, around her torso, straight to the ample amount of flesh on her breasts, they perked up as her stiff nipples became rock hard and she threw her head back. Bellatrix'seyes rolled back and her body powerlessly flopped on the still spasming Narcissa.

Alas, Hadrian was still plowing her ass and was not about to do an unconscious woman. Another shuddering jolt of pleasure straight through her spine to her brain woke Bellatrix up with a girlish shriek as Hadrian's telekinesis directly caressed her nerve endings on her back. Hadrian emptied himself into her ass for the second time as her pussy started to gush her juices onto his knees. She promptly fainted again. Hadrian loved the books on anatomy.

Breathing hard, he looked at Narcissa who was still conscious.

That just wouldn't do, now would it?

He kneeled down to be on the level of her ass. The poor woman had Bellatrix lying on her and didn't expect him to invade her ass with his cock. He enjoyed her tight ass for a while, just listening to her hot panting. But he knew the woman was barely conscious and trying to stay that way for his sake. The more she endured, the more her master would enjoy it.

Hadrian smiled to himself at the thoughtfulness of Narcissa. He could see her body wanted nothing but faint already but her mind held. For him.

He put his hands on Narcissa's hips. Before she could even widen her eyes as her mind comprehended what's to come, he sent his wandless telekinesis, tickling her mercilessly. Narcissa didn't shriek from joy or orgasm. Oh, she did orgasm and hard, covering Hadrian's crotch in the mixture of his own cum and her juices that was pushed out of her pussy. But she didn't manage to scream as she fainted the second her mind registered the pleasure.

With a grunt Hadrian pulled out of her and admired his work, the two unconscious sweaty beauties lying on top of each other. Somehow, he was proud of himself.

His exhausted self noted that Bellatrix rolled to the right and flopped on top of his girls, falling asleep.