
Ch66 Dora's Dilemma 2

Hadrian barged into the library with Andromeda, stopping both girls short.

He looked at Dora and groaned.

"Dora. No matter what you do, don't freak out, okay? Stay calm and everything will be explained." Hadrian told the baffled girl.

Dora was bewildered. What the hell was going on?

"Narcissa, disable the aging rune, would you?" Hadrian ordered and Narcissa widened her eyes.

She didn't expect Hadrian wanting to show Dora his true form. Her eyes flickered to the wry expression of Andromeda and she understood something must have happened. With a quiet sigh, she did as asked.

Dora could only gape as Lord Black's body started to compress into smaller and smaller form. Her eyes stared at the mouth-watering body and firm muscles started receding into still a well-toned but not as muscled form of a... boy. A boy she knew well. A boy she loved. A boy who was her only reason for not jumping Lord Black's bones and giving in to her lust.

"Harry?" She breathlessly asked.

"Yes, Dora..." Hadrian awkwardly looked at his friend. "Well... this will take a long while to explain..."

"We have all the time in the world." Dorra blurted.

Smiling Hadrian came closer and flopped onto the couch next to her.

"You see, it started when..."

He told her about the Dursleys and comforted her, telling her it was bearable, not noticing the dangerous flash in Narcissa's eyes.

She knew well what to do with these swine. But for that, she would need an... expert.

Hadrian continued telling Dora about his experience at Gringotts, his meeting of her parents, his marriage to Narcissa...

Dora was openly weeping and staring at Narcissa when she heard. Not because of pity for Narcissa but because Harry was married!

Narcissa knew the look on Dora and with a gentle smile, she encouraged the girl.

"Dora, Harry is married to my sister Bellatrix too. I would not mind sharing him with one more witch."

The people in the room stilled but Dora's eyes were filled with fire as she gratefully nodded.

"Yes! I will do my best to become his wife!" She blurted out from the sheer joy she felt, making the entire room again silent in awkwardness.

After a while of awkwardly staring at each other, Hadrian decided to continue his story, telling Dora about how he didn't expect her to approach him and their time at Hogwarts.

"Did Dumbledore really give you to an abusive family when you were young?" Dora asked as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Yes." Hadrian calmly answered.

"Did he really bind most of your magic with a ritual that can't be undone?" Dora asked, completely terrified.


"Does he really read student's minds?"

"Only those who have no shields." Harry nodded.

"I... Is Dumbledore really responsible for Uncle Siri's death?" She asked quietly.

"Yes." It was Andromeda who answered with venom lacing her voice.

"I was always admiring that asshole!" Dora burst out angrily. "I... I... He was my idol... I..." She started sobbing and engulfed Hadrian in a hug.

"It's fine, Dora." He cooed. "This is a life-lesson too. You should not trust old shady men offering you candy."

That brought a smile on her face.

"I will get stronger! Auntie Cissy, will you help me?" Dora pleadingly asked with puppy-dog eyes.

"Of course, I will. But for these holidays, it is only Occlumency."

Narcissa enjoyed how Dora's expression fell when she learned she won't learn anything more... combat-oriented.

"After you earn your NEWTS and still want to be heavily involved in the family business... I will train you to serve your Lord and family." She added, making Dora beam at her.

Hadrian felt a little off. What serving your 'Lord'. Everybody in the room sans Dora knew that it was innuendo! His eyes strayed to Andy.

'Andromeda! Do something! Are you going to leave your innocent little girl in the care of Cissy-demoness?' He asked her with his look.

'What can I do... My innocent little girl wants to learn how to properly... Serve. Her. Lord.' Andromeda returned his look with a little sarcasm at the end.

Both Hadrian and her were completely sure how this would end.

Androma knew her little girl inside out. She knew how her head worked and knew how much trauma her ability brought her. Yet, Hadrian came and her daughter's worries as if flew out of the window. She saw her happy. If it meant her daughter would marry the Lord of her family, the Lord of her disgustingly rich family, then why not? Her daughter would be taken care of for life and she would be happy with him. There was nothing to complain about, really.

Hadrian was already resigned that Dora will, eventually, join him and Narcissa in their bed and later on even in their marriage. Narcissa got her claws in her and that ending was inevitable with her brainwa-, ahem, teaching methods. Hadrian knew that poor Dora will most likely lose some of her innocence by the end of her holiday training but... in a dangerous world like this that was a good thing.

But then again... Deep down, he truly does see Dora as his. He... likes the girl. He wouldn't mind marrying her. Even if Dora was a little wild soul, she was always ready to help. Hadrian was very aware of the almost illogical trust and loyalty the girl held for Harry Potter. Now that she started liking Lord Black... a complete stranger she never met and her feelings were neutral towards him and it turned out to be Harry?

Dora's mind probably jumped from friendship to Fuck-me right in one jump.

But, was there really something to complain about?

Just then his eyes again met Andromeda's.

'Just imagine what a metamorph can do in the sack!' Her eyes mirthfully conveyed as the mile-wide smirk on her face was very telling.

He came to a decision that, yes... there was a lot to complain about. In-laws being the prime object.

Hadrian decided to give Dora space so her feelings could stabilize. He totally didn't do it to avoid dealing with Andromeda and her teasing. That he did not. Honest!


Andromeda and Dora finally left and Hadrian activated the aging rune. He and Narcissa flopped onto their couch.

"Did we do the right thing?" He asked Narcissa as he rubbed his eyes.

"The betrothal contract between you and Dora?" Narcissa asked. "Definitely. It will give the girl a certain amount of protection. Dumbledore will be less inclined to probe her mind as if he was discovered it would alienate our support for his Headmaster position. It will also present opportunities for Dora."

Hadrian nodded. He knew it was the right thing. He remembered Dora's jumping form as she giddily showered his face with wet, sloppy kisses when they offered her the possibility of betrothal between her and Hadrian. The girl had to be pried from him by Narcissa after she started making out with him in the middle of the library.

In the end, they promised Dora that she may sleep with them in the Hufflepuff Chambers. Hadrian had no delusions that she will become his there and then, on the first night in Hogwarts.

He better stopped thinking about it but instantly got oversensitive due to Narcissa's chest.

"So... wanna finish what we started in the morning?" He asked Narcissa who was leaning on his shoulder.

She perked up, a smile splitting her face. Leaning closer towards his crotch, her hands started working on his belt with vigor but it was not to be...

"Mister and Mistress, Mistress Bellatrix has woken up." He informed them and disappeared with 'pop'.

Both Narcissa and Hadrian looked at the empty place the elf stood a second ago, only one word coursing through their minds.
