
Ch40. Occlumency training

The next few days were a blur for Hadrian.

He experienced untold pains at Narcissa's wand and her brutal Legilimency probes. She was so ferocious, even Hadrian wondered why the contract didn't lash out against her. The more and deeper she pushed, the more he felt as if his head was about to explode. The only thing his mind was capable of focusing on through the horrendous pains was her gentle voice, leading him, softly coaxing him what to do. Telling him how to defend against her, to focus while she pushed deeper, uncaring about his memories, causing painful havoc without doing any damage to his mind.

But... it worked. Miraculously at that. He couldn't begrudge her that. Her instructions and wand-in-front-of-face method made Hadrian learn in minutes what he was unable to do in days through studying books or 'clearing his mind'.

After a day spent sweating in pain in the chair as Narcissa's hardened eyes peered directly into his and a stream of blood flowed down her chin as she bit through her lower lip...

Narcissa made it her twisted responsibility to let him know exactly how much her heart wept from seeing him in all the pain she caused him. As well as she made sure to send her hardened determination of continuing until he forms his shields through her probe directly to his mind.

His shields now could mitigate her probe. Somewhat. She was not so unrestrained anymore at least. But even if his shields, albeit shakily but nevertheless stood strong against her gentler probes, he was still unable to do anything about sneaky and subtle or her real probes. He wasn't even able to detect the subtle ones! She could still read him like an open book anytime she desired and with extreme smugness made sure he knew it.

Hadrian decided he did not like the smirk Narcissa gave him when he asked about it and was informed he is ready for the second phase of his Occlumency training. Not in the slightest.


"Do we really have to do it this way?" Hadrian groaned as Narcissa gave him a rare break from the subtle Legilimency probe.

Instead, she focused on rocking her back and forth more savagely on the crotch of his twenty years old body. Her expression made it obvious that despite stifling her moans, she is highly amused by his ecstatic expression contradicting the question.

"Yes, dear husband, we do." She softly pecked him on his lips. "There are but, mmm, two supreme distractions." She leaned closer, pushing her chest deeper into his as her mouth reached his ear. For a moment her tongue gave a tempting lick but with a soft squeeze to her hips, Narcissa recollected herself and continued her lecture while sending her warm breath to his ear. "Pleasure and pain. Only those two, dear."

Hadrian started pushing her hips down with more force.

"This is weird. Aging potions, I mean." He moaned into her neck and continued in a sensual whisper. "In my original age I do not have any sexual urges whatsoever but the second I 'grow up' I am all over you, Cissy." He pinched her, letting her face pull away from his ear. With a cheeky smile, he put his forehead to hers and trusted his hips upwards. "Say, do you actually add something vile into these potions?"

"N-no! It's ma-magic." Narcissa gasped at the sudden jolt of pleasure that rang through her spine. She was dazed but started to apply her Occlumency, regaining her cool, indifferent expression even though Hadrian could feel the tremors her body sent through him as she bounced up and down on his shaft. "The potion ages you through magic. That means the magic flares and well, we do have a contract between us. Magic is making us physically attracted to each other. Without Occlumency you won't be able to resist me." She gave him a controlled saucy wink, beautifully contrasting with her flushed cheeks. It was her hands that revealed her body was not as controlled as her mind was. Their tightening their grip on Hadrian's sides was almost needy.

Hadrian resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her simplistic explanation and reasoned it will have something with the contract affecting her pheromones and his hormones once they are of a certain age.

"Pheromones?" Narcissa asked, tilting her head in confusion, making Hadrian groan and blink.

"Again reading my thoughts?" He asked, exasperated.

"Well, you should pay attention, then! We are not having sex to enjoy ourselves, Hadrian!" Narcissa admonished but it was too clear to Hadrian that she is having a blast of a lifetime. Her megawatt grin made sure of that.

"But..." His breath hitched and his eyes glazed over. All his senses could pick up were her fingers carefully sliding through his back, softly yet sensually scratching their way down. Her stiff nipples and soft breasts pressing to his chest. Her warm body, comforting him, hugging him softly but firmly, melting him inside of herself. Her long, pale locks tickling him as they fleetingly caressed his body. Her warmly cold oceanic-blue eyes gazing directly into his emeralds with fondness.

Every time he was about to cum, Narcissa overstimulated his body, making his mind reeling from the pleasure. As his shields were barely withstanding the carnal pleasure, she brutally smashed her probe into them, more often than not completely disintegrating them, making his body spasm in orgasmic-high while his mind exploded in blinding pain. Needless to say, Hadrian learned fast. He now knew how to keep his shields up no matter what. Narcissa still could destroy them with her full force but any average Legilimens had no chance to breach them.

The problem was the subtle probes of hers. Narcissa was very thorough. Hadrian was sure he would be able to show Dumbledore fake thoughts and even do the trick with probe redirecting if the old coot decided to push deeper.

But Narcissa wanted more. She demanded more. She expected him to resist her method. Her incredibly advanced and nimble eye-to-eye subtle Legilimency. The method that makes use of her Empathy. The method that allows her to completely bypass the Occlumency shields by 'going through the emotional holes in them' as she put it. She can weasel her way to the mind so quickly and discreetly, Hadrian had a lot of problems just discovering her probes at first. But he learned. As his body reeled from the pleasure and mind was distracted by the odd mix of the overpowering feeling of protectiveness Narcissa projected, ecstatic pleasure her body gave him, and explosive pain he knew she deeply regretted inflicting upon him, Hadrian learned. And his mind came more focused, firmer out of it.

Hadrian's Occlumency barely held through sheer will and practice Narcissa pushed him through for the last three days in the bed. Without the short irregular breaks for food, loo, and short sleep, he would be a completely unthinking, writhing mess of pleasure.

Another jolt of hot pleasure flared through in his mind.

His mind trembled in pleasure as he desperately tried to manipulate Narcissa's subtle probe and lead her through his most unpleasant memories again and again in order to deter her. Narcissa's probe, just like Hadrian's shields, was also trembling in delight and jolts of ecstasy but held strong and steadfast, determinedly pushing, weaving through his defenses, completely bypassing them as if they didn't even prove an obstacle. The more he saw her peeking at his mind while not being the least bothered by his defenses, the more exasperated Hadrian became. But he managed. Her probe did not get to the designated memory they set up as Narcissa's goal. Not for hours now.

Hadrian could feel Narcissa's body speeding up as it heated up. He could feel himself about to give in to her hot insides as his unstoppable release approached. He started ramming his rod to her with more passion, pushing his lips deeper into hers, and starting a battle with her lithe yet nimble tongue. His eyes steeled themselves, knowing what will come next.

As his last thrust released and filled Narcissa's folds with fiery hot cum, her body spasmed, pressing itself tighter to Hadrian's, both trembling in post-orgasmic bliss, hugging each other. Hadrian could feel the hard wood of her wand, pressing into his back and knew what would shortly come.

A ruthless Legilimency attack left Narcissa's eyes and slammed into Hadrian's Occlumency shields with the force of a sledgehammer. He felt as if an elephant trampled him and his hands dug deeper into Narcissa's soft flesh, pushing her body and face closer to him on sheer instinct. Narcissa, not breaking the eye contact, viciously rammed her probe into his shields again and again with such a determination, she unknowingly started pressing her forehead to his just to lessen the distance between their eyes. Their noses, next to each other, dug into their cheeks as their tongues didn't break their connection.

Hadrian was reforming his shields with ferocious abandon while resisting just curling up and cuddling the gorgeous woman in his arms. The woman who brought him such joy and made his body feel as if floating in the clouds. The woman who was currently haphazardly tearing through his mental shields but whose firm hug encouraged him to resist her.

A minute later, suddenly both Hadrian and Narcissa, panting from the exertion of sex and mind magic, lurched backward, their hips disconnecting, sending globs of cum onto the sheets, as they both flopped on the soft bed. Their chest heaving up and down in labored breaths, both tried to center themselves and calm down their racing hearts.

Narcissa's face bloomed in an angelic, proud smile as she inclined her head to the side to look at Hadrian. She tiredly shuffled her body, slowly weaseling her way into his embrace. Her cheek tightly pressed itself onto his chest as their feet entangled themselves. Only now she realized the height difference between her and his adult body. Narcissa was pleased to be engulfed in the body of her dear man. The way he gently held onto her small frame, making their bodies melt into each other, even though he barely managed to keep his eyes open due to his exhaustion, made her filled with happiness and hardened her resolve even more.

She belongs to him, to Hadrian, to the man who spent the last three days inside of her, to the man in whose mind she spent the last three days, to the man she was starting to genuinely fall in love with.

Her smile grew wider as she caringly caressed his back and softly, affectionately whispered to him.

"You withstood my probe at half of its strength. I am so proud of you, dear."