
Fledglings Knowledge

Springing up from the floor of the wagon Cameron propelled by wind swiftly jumps out of the back of the wagon and runs into the forest. After several minutes of running with wind pushing against his back Cameron reaches a small clearing in the forest and comes to a halt.

Focused expression on his face Cameron begins to control the wind energy calming it until the roar of the wind dies down to a light breeze swirling around him. Gradually after several minutes of concentration his eyes began to glow a light green light, then slowly the form of an owl becomes clear before him.

As he focused more and more onto the owl it became clear that it was not staying still but making active motions, whittlings and flapping his wings, each accompanied by the movement of wind elements. After an extended period of study with the sun moving from its position directly overhead to beginning to set, Cameron begin to try copying the movements of the bird, focusing on the movements of the wings.

Moving his arms in the similar sweeping motion of the wings he wind elements began to move around him following his instructions to make a slight breeze blow out from in front of him. After the first successful attempt of control he began moving his arms faster and in different movements. Each time a change would be accompanied by wind elements temporarily acting up, in some cases moving towards Cameron as if hostel. Then each time those same elements would slowly make their way back to join their fellow wind elements in the movements created.

As the breezes became more and stronger they slowly begin pushing against the plant life, at first only pushing smaller plants flowers and the like, but gradually they began making the brush tremble while some of the smallest plant life being uprooted and flying away into the sky. Along with this increased breeze Cameron's movements became less restrained and awkward, until eventually only required him stretching his arm in a direction for the wind to blow that way.

Even in the now darkening landscape Cameron's pale face stands out as the energy needed to control the element has taxed him almost to the limit of his fortitude. Twisting his ring for luck he carefully releases his control over the wind elements. Bracing himself as the elements began to fly back towards his body. Instead of the expected cuts the winds for the most part peacefully enter back into his body, with the exception elements hovering around him in an almost stubborn manner.

With a sigh the tension in Cameron's body disappeared and as it did he laid out on the grass of the clearing. Looking up at the stars for the first time in days he marveled at their sight and gave him hope that he might make it through the day without dying. At this thought he begin to feel guilt thinking back to the other caravan members, especially John who had looked out for him so well even trusting his post prized possession to him.

"I hope I don't regret this leaving as soon as I found peace." Cameron says to the silence of the night. Getting up he tries to follow his path from earlier in the day back to the caravan. Stumbling through the dark and tripping over tree roots he did not pay much attention to his surroundings only focusing on the trail he had left.

After a moments hesitation Cameron closes his eyes and begins to focus on the wind elements around him. After a few moments he opens his eyes again revealing a soft green light shining from them. Looking around it appears the whole world has been painted shades of green, and with his restored vision the pace of travel dramatically increased. Not only did finding the physical landmarks of his passing becuase much simpler to find, he also noticed traces of agitated wind elements that served as trailer markers along his way.

With the increased speed it wasn't long before Cameron noticed massive bonfire shining as a beacon throughout the forest. The flames originated, as far as Cameron could tell, from the same location the caravan had stopped at before. Approaching carefully Cameron could see the massive plums of smoke rising into the air and a strange smell that he was unable to identify. Releasing his element visionCameron approached the edge of the woods so the better see the bonfire.

Peering into the flames Cameron was shocked by what he saw. Piles of bodies strewn together with chunks of wood and canvas broken of wagons. All burning together, anytime the flames dimmed even a bit a group of bandits would break of a piece of wagon and throw it into the flames causing it to rise higher and higher.

As for those bandits not adding fuel to the fire they were breaking open crates and rummaging through travel bags looking for any valuables. If something was found it was thrown into a small pile made up mostly of coins and jewelry. A fat balding man sat next to the pile greedily staring over it and occasionally yelling for the bandits to work faster, standing next to him is a mysterious figure wearing a fully covering black coat.

Unable to contain his rage or sadness any longer Cameron rushes out of his hiding spot and focusing for several seconds releases a strong wind towards the bandits standing around the fire. Spotting Cameron the bandits quickly grab their weapons from where they had left them around the flames and run towards Cameron. As they get closer the wind blows more fiercely until eventually none of them can advance forward further, then the winds began to push the bandits back towards the flames. Pleading for help or mercy the bandits beg in desperation but Cameron seeing the bodies in the flames resolves himself and with a final burst of wind throws them into the flames.

Face paling visibly Cameron clutches his head as pain hits him like a ton of bricks before a volley of arrows shoots out killing him instantly.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed! Cameron is slowly grasping a handle on his powers and finally sees the fate of the caravan.

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