



It took everything in me not to kiss him back. His lips moved against mine in a perfect rhythm.

I shivered as I felt his tongue tracing my bottom lip. My legs turned into jelly, I gripped his shirt for my support. Suddenly I felt his hands leaving mine and gripping my waist and simultaneously crushing my body to him.

I could feel the heat emanating from his body. His heart beating fast under my hands. I took my hand back and pushed him hard with all my strength.

/"Soaf...please/" He said, his blue eyes gazing mine.

/"I-I have to go,/" I replied, shocked.

Somehow, I got out of his grip took the file which fell on the floor when he pinned my hands on the wall and ran out of the classroom.

/"Soaf...Soaf/" His voice faded as I ran out of the classroom.

With shallow breath, shivering hands and heart thudding hard against my rib cage. I made my way towards the benches placed at the corner of the hallway. I tried to calm myself. My hand caught the metal beneath me in a tight grip. The cold metal pressed against my skin made me shiver even more. I traced my bottom lip with my tongue, and I could taste the flavour of his lips. I still couldn't get over the fact that he kissed me.

What had just happened? What the hell is wrong with him? He kissed me. Raymond Reynolds-the most popular boy of the school just kissed me. He didn't even know my name two weeks ago.

I couldn't sleep the whole night. Thoughts in my mind didn't let me. The whole scenario kept replaying in my head. My mind kept calculating all the possibilities behind his actions.

Was it a bet?

Another one of his games?

Trying to make me fall for him?

But one possibility, no matter how much my brain told me it's a suspended reality, it made me feel different. One possibility made my heart flutter with excitement. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I could feel something, a feeling which was alien to me.

Maybe, just maybe he likes me.


I was late for school. Last night I was completing my chemistry project and so I slept late, around 3:00 a.m.

I changed my clothes as fast as I could and rushed out of my home. Mom probably went for a walk otherwise she would have woken me up. Which means Lavy is still asleep. Lavy is younger than me by two years. Dad left us five years after Lavy was born, I am not aware of any particular reason behind mom and dad's divorce, but every time I ask mom she just shrugs it off by saying /"Things weren't working between us./" and I chose not to inquest any further.

Dad never really comes around, not even to check how we are putting up without him. Initially, it hurt, more to mom than us but with time we have grown accustomed to it. I always thought that Dad loved us. He was a scientist, a renowned scientist, but he had always been so engrossed in his research that he never had time for his family. We used to meet him in months, after all his conferences, research works and, theses when he finally got time, he used to pay a visit at home.

It was really difficult for Mom to keep up with this lifestyle. She worked at a consultancy firm, and it became hard for Mom to manage two children without a husband because Dad, practically speaking, was never home.

Believe me or not but now that I look back, It seems inevitable. Mom tried for things to work, she did her best, but sometimes things don't work for everyone and some people aren't meant to be. Relationships needs a lot of nurturing, time and above all trust.

Dad, still used to come around and spend some play-time with us, but gradually as we grew up his appearances in the house became bleak, and it has been three years since I last met him on my birthday.

We've tried to contact him a few times but he never responded back.

Growing up Lavy always used to question /"Why always mom takes us to the Zoo and not dad?/" It became so intricate for us to answer her.

I went downstairs to Lavy's room to wake her up. After approximately fifteen minutes we were running four blocks down, heading towards our school.

I could feel sweat droplets rolling down between the valley on my bust. First period and I am already stinking. Taking a few deep breaths to counter my pants I entered the classroom. I knew I was already late for my Physics class but since it was the first and hopefully the last time, I was hoping Mr. Smuldres wouldn't mind. Holding the cold metal in my hand I twisted the door knob and suddenly was pushed into the classroom. Stumbling, I somehow managed not to fall and used the first desk to bolster my weight as I leaned a little on the desk.

I looked turned around to look for the person who pushed me and saw a guy in grey hoodie already sprinting towards the last bench.

Mr. Smulders, who initially had his back towards the class now turned around and glanced at me, my panting wasn't dead yet and my facial expressions weren't hiding the fact that I was scared.

Scared because I was probably about to get my first detention.

I couldn't decipher Mr. Smulders' expression. He was stern.

Just staring. So I stood there fiddling with my fingers and looking at nothing in particular.

Finally, some words escaped from his mouth, /"Next time you're late Ms. Esinberg you'll be signing up yourself for detention. You can find a seat now./"

Giving him a nod I sat on the first bench. No one really occupies the first bench, which is except me, obviously.

/"As you all know, you have to submit a project on Application of Physics in real world. I hope you all have chosen a topic. I'm passing a sheet; please write your topics against your name./"

Everyone did as told. After everyone wrote down their topics I passed the sheet to Mr. Smulders, as I was sitting on the front desk. While handing him the sheet my gaze fell on it. Everyone had a topic except Raymond.

Raymond Reynolds. The famous /"bad boy/" of Acumen High. He has everything one can think of. Loaded parents, a bunch of friends- the popular group of Acumen High, amazing body, perfect boyish smile. You know the typical clichés where girls worship the land bad boy walks on, this is exactly the case.

Okay, I admit he's good-looking. I mean he has a good pair of muscles and six-pack abs. Blue eyes. Honey gold skin. But those blue eyes hold much more than the veneer he puts on.

The blank column in front of his name left me wondering if he deliberately chose not to write any topic because he has a habit of riling teachers or he doesn't truly have a topic.

/"Raymond, why haven't you written any topic?/" , Mr. Smulders' resonant voice filled the classroom attracting everyone's attention towards Raymond.

I looked back too, the guy with the grey hoodie. Raymond.

He replied in the most indifferent tone anyone could use, /"Because I haven't decided it yet./", he said.

/"And may I know the reason why?/" Mr. Smulders asked.

/"Well, I have been busy lately/", Raymond shrugged.

Mr. Smulders was giving him a pointed look urging him to continue.

/"You know ...football practice and stuff./" , finished Raymond.

/"Very well/", Mr. Smulders mumbled and started scanning the classroom as if trying to find something, well the hunt soon ceased as his gaze settled on me.

/"Sophie, meet me after this period,/" he said before returning back to whatever he was doing.

Oh boy. This doesn't sound good, does it?

I gave a nod as Mr Smulders started showing the presentation for today's lecture.


/"Sophie, I want you to do me a favour/", Mr. Smulders said. I couldn't deny whatever it was, so I told him I will do it.

/"I want you to work. with Raymond for this project/", he said, his eyes locked with mine.


I wanted to say but couldn't. One look at Mr. Smulders face and anyone could tell how persistent he is on partnering me with Raymond.

So, I chose not to speak. At all.

/"I know it might look like a battle to you Sophie but I think only you can help him/", he said before continuing -/" and anyway, I don't think you would like to lose your credits because of this./"

What the...

Mr. Smulders is trying to blackmail me?

Can he even do that?

Ughhh. I hate my life.

I lowered my gaze in defeat. /"So I thought/", he said. /"Thank you, Sophie. You may leave now./"

How did I get myself in this situation, I had no idea. All I knew is I have been paired up with my worst nightmare.


Walking down the corridor, it wasn't difficult to locate Raymond and his group.

Help me god

I summoned up all my courage and started walking towards their direction.

They were laughing, giving each other high five, doing some weird handshake and on the other side, I was standing right next to their group trying to figure out how to tell Raymond about the project.

Suddenly the noise died, I looked up to Raymond and my sight was greeted by a lopsided smirk and raised eyebrows.

I think this is the point where I should mention that my social status isn't really that superfluous, in fact it is the opposite. My social life is scarce. Literally, the nearest thing to a friend that I have is my younger sister Lavy. Even the books in the library are more familiar with my face than our school's cafeteria.

/"You can stop swooning, girl,/" said Ellen sarcastically.

/"You going to say something or just stand there?/", Ellen said again.

Bunch of students who were gathered around started laughing. But Raymond didn't.

Well, meet Ellen Whitmore. Queen Bee? Right.

Ellen was a beautiful but complacent. Everyone knew her parents were rich and since she was the only girl in Raymond's group of popular kids, so I guess she was used to being callous, she didn't think twice before condescending anyone. I never understood what do the boys see in her? I mean, she acts as if she belongs from elite clique and everyone else in the school are her subordinates.

Raymond gave her a pointed look before gently grabbing my arm and nudging me to move towards the other end of the corridor.

/"You fine?/", Raymond asked.

/"I-yeah. Yup/", I replied, nodding.

/"I actually wanted to tell you that Mr. Smulders asked me to pair up with you for our Physics project, apparently because you haven't decided the topic yet but that's just what I assumed he did not tell me the rea-/"

/"He-Hey!/" Raymond’s blue eyes were looking straight into mine.

/"Calm down, take a deep breath/", Raymond said and I followed his instructions.

/"Good, now correct me if I'm wrong. You and I are partners for the Physics project, right?/" he gave me a quizzical look.

/"Yeah/", I replied.

/"Cool. I think it is good for you, munchkin/", he replied winking at me.

Why is he winking at me?

Good for me?


Joke of the millennium.


/"Yeah, I mean you get to work with me. You must be squealing inside/", Raymond said haughtily.

/"In your dreams/", I replied and rolled my eyes in exasperation.

/"Well, I didn't know you earlier but after this-/" He said pointing a finger at me and then at himself /"- maybe in my dreams, princess./"

What is he saying?

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion before shrugging.

/"So give me your number and maybe I'll contact you...umm what is your name?/"

We've been in the same maths and physics class for the past two years!


/"It's Sophie. Sophie Esinberg/", we finally exchanged our number.

/"Alright, Princess! I'll call you then/", he said, winking at me again.

Did he just say, princess?

/"Okay/", mumbled softly as I turned around and started walking towards the library.

A voice echoed across the hallway and I although I knew the words were directed to me I scoffed at his words which said /"Try not to think about me much/", I ignored him and kept walking towards the library.

This guy is delusional

Egoistic nincompoop