
Stuck in love

Laura a regular girl met Jason a formal superstar, who is now dragged into the business world due to some family crisis. And how she got entangled in his world.

Joy_Michael_ · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 30. Visitors

Mrs. Hughes was sitting in the garden relaxing when she was informed that there are have visitors.

"Ma'am, your sister is here to see you" the maid informed her.

"Please tell her I will be there in a few minutes," she told the maid. The maid went back inside to attend to the visitors.

After finishing up her drink, Mrs. Hughes stood up to go and meet her sister. She was excited that her sister came. At least now she will have someone to gossip with. Knowing her sister's character, she was sure that she will bring the most juicy gossip in their circle.

When she entered the living room, she saw her sister looking as bright as ever. She noticed that she was talking to someone. Then she looked at the person she was speaking with and she instantly got furious.

"How can my sister bring her here," she thought to herself before walking towards them.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have any shame?" She said angrily to her

"Please be easy on her. She came with me " Victoria tried to smooth her sister's anger.

"Mom, I..."

"Don't you dare called me mom? I'm not your mother" Gloria cut Aria off angrily.

"Please, she's already here can't you just let her stay for my sake," Victoria said while making a sad face. She knew her sister won't decline her request.

"Okay, for your sake. And please don't let her inside my home again cause I won't take it lightly next time.

"Yes, I promise. Now can we please talk about something else?" Victoria tried to change the topic. She did not want things to get out of hand. She knew her sister will be angry if she sees Aria but she had no choice since her family depends on it. Besides she doesn't have to do anything other than bring her here.

"Okay," Gloria sat down beside her sister.

It's more than an hour now but two sisters are still engrossed in their gossiping. Aria feel left out cause every time she tried to indulge in their discussion Gloria would just ignore her as if she doesn't exist.

A few minutes later, Laura walks inside the house surprising Aria.

"How come she's here? And can freely come inside the house?" Aria was shocked.

"Laura, you're back. How was work " Gloria said to Laura while walking up to her.

Both Aria and Victoria were baffled by the scene unfolding before them.

"What do you mean by she back? Is she living here?" Victoria asked her sister.

"Yes, she's staying with me for a few days till Jason comes back," Gloria said to her before turning her attention back to Laura.

"You can go to your room and freshen up dinner will be ready soon".

"Okay ma'am"

Forgetting that her visitors are still around, Gloria heads toward the kitchen.

The duo sitting instantly felt awkward. Without being told they know they've overstayed their welcome.


Somewhere in Afghanistan, Jason was inside a car with his eyes darting outside the window. Just then something caught his interest and ask the driver to stop the car.

Abdullah was surprised and looked at him.

"Why are we stopping?"

"You guys go ahead I will meet up with you. Carl follow me " Jason said to the man sitting at the front with the driver before he went out.

"What can be more important than this mission? is he serious?" Ali was puzzled.

"Ummm. Can you just keep quiet? It does not concern you. Let's go ". The car disappears leaving Jason and Carl on the street.


After dinner, Laura decided to take a tour around the house. While she was looking around, she saw a corridor with some pictures hung on the wall so she decided to take a look.

Getting closer, she realized that some were family portraits. She a picture of three boys and a girl in graduation gowns smiling. She looks through the picture one by one with a lot of interest until she stopped in front of one. She was amazed by it. She crests her brows in deep thought until a voice pulled her back to reality.

" That's Ben. By eldest son" Gloria said from the side with a sad look. "I know what you are thinking they both look alike right?" She turned to look at Laura.

"Yes," Laura replied and point to the other person in the portrait. "That's your husband, right? Mr. Hughe".

"Yes" and then took a deep breath "I missed them"

"Why are they not in the living room?" Laura asked.

"Jason order them to be moved to the store room. It was due to my persistence they are here " she replied.

"Why would he do that? Is it because it will remind him of them?"

"No. It's because of guilt"

"Guilt?" Laura repeat.

"Yes," she replied almost in tears.

Seeing the state she was in Laura decided to change the topic.

"So.. who did Ben take after? You right?"

"I wish, " Gloria said with a smile. "He took after his father. He was always busy with work. All he talks about was how he wants to follow in his father's footsteps and make the company number one. Always working. Sometimes I used to wonder how I lost both my husband and son to work. Above all he was kind, and love his family"

"Sorry to say but, I feel like those are Jason's personality " Laura cut in.

"Nah?" She waved at her.

"Between their two, he was the spirited one. Always played around, making jokes about how his father and brother, and was always too serious. He always does what he wants without thinking about the consequence. His music career was at its peak. He would go on tours, out clubbing with his friends. Sometimes he drags his brother along. Uhumm. But.. now.." Gloria said with tears falling down her face. " He's a different person filled with guilt and revenge. I just want my cheerful boy back" she broke down in Laura's arms.

Laura was confused. She didn't know how to comfort her.


Gunshots were heard at the warehouse. Jason and the others hid behind pillars taking cover.

"Take care of things here I will go after Finn" Jason said to Abdul before going the other way with his men.

"How did they find out" Finn roared at his men while trying to escape.

"I don't know sir," one of his men said.

"let's get out here "

When they got close to the car when they heard gunshots from behind. One of their men instantly dropped dead. The others immediately turned around and returned shots.


Laura felt at ease after Gloria fell asleep. She went back to her and fall on her bed feeling drained.

"What exactly happened to this family?" Laura asked herself. She knew firsthand what is like to lose someone close. She wondered how much pain both Jason and his mother went through.


"Let's go" Finn called out to his men when finally got into the car. His men followed suit while still shooting back.

"Go after them. Don't let them escape" Jason ordered his.

"It's a waste of time. They got away moreover, we got what we came here for" Abdul said trying to stop him unknowing to him that it was personal to Jason. Jason ignored him and went after them.

The car drove away with both sides still returning shots. Jason felt like there was no need and turned around about to leave when he heard a shot from behind.