"Hey! Why are you late? I was worried" Kate asked her friend the moment she saw her walk through the door.
"Nothing" Laura replied.
"Are you sure? Cause you look... Are you sick? if you are, you can just go back home" Kate was worried.
"Am fine, grandma " Laura teased her.
"If you say so" came her reply.
"Why is Jason not here yet". Kate asked Laura.
"He just left for the airport "
"Where is he going and how long is he going to stay?" Kate rained questions on her.
"Hey! How am I supposed to know that?" Laura asked her back.
"You guys live together how come you don't know "
"I only found out this morning. And you can't expect me to be asking him questions about his affairs. He only told me about his travel this morning and that I should stay at his mother's until he's back ". Laura said with a sad tune.
"What's that?" Kate asked her looking at her face.
"What?" Laura asked her back wondering what she was talking about.
"Nothing. I thought I heard someone feeling sad 'cause Jason is leaving" Kate said with an obvious tease. "Tell me, are you falling for him?".
"Do you have to bring that up now? Good lord. I feel like I'm going insane". Laura laments putting both her hands on her face.
"Wait! Are you in love with him?"
"I don't know Kate, it's just that... I can't stop thinking about him"
"Well, that's bound to happen since you both live together and he's also handsome. Do you think he feels the same way about you?". Kate asked her.
"Well I don't know, but... after this morning, think ye....s". Laura said not sure of her reply.
"What do you mean by this morning? Did something happen?" Kate asked suspiciously
"I think we... Might... have.... Wait! What project are you guys working on? Well, I can assist now that I'm free ". Laura tried to change the subject.
"Why are you avoiding my question " Kate was now sure that she was hiding something from her. " Tell me, what are you hiding?"
"Can you stop playing detective and focus more on your work ?"
"I'm going to find out what is it you are hiding," Kate said with so much certainty.
"By the way, why do you want to join our group? I thought you were paired with Jane?"
"I think a fight will break out if we work together," Laura said looking at Jane. Jane noticed her staring and stared back at her with a smirk.
"Well you have to endure for now," Kate said to her. Laura lazily walked up to Jane with a pretentious smile.
"Good morning Jane" she greeted trying hard to be friendly.
"Yes, what is it?" Jane replied with an irritated look.
"Do you mind orientating me on the project you're working on?" Laura said trying hard to hard to keep up her smile.
"I'm busy asked someone else". She told her. "But.." she added stopping Laura on her track. " I might reconsider if you tell me what went on last night after Mr. Hughes dropped you off" She looked straight at Laura.
"Nothing. He just drop me at home" Laura replied.
"Lies. I know you're lying. Mr. Hughes will not just drop off some IT student". Jane raised her voice a little.
"Well, you will have to find out yourself if you think something else is going on," Laura said nonchalantly to her making Jane flare up in anger.
"How dare....."
"Will you stop this nonsense?" Sarah's voice interrupted them from the side. "Why can't you girls just work together? I hope you girls did not cause any trouble last night with this your petty fights" Sarah was getting frustrated with their frequent quarrels.
"We are sorry," they both said in unison.
"You better because I won't tolerate it next time" Then she took a deep breath to calm herself. "Mr. Hughes will not be coming to work for a few days. And Laura, I need you to cancel all his appointment for a few days" She said to Laura.
"I'm already on it".
"Good. Jane, you are to teach her everything she needs to know about this project. She will be assisting us" Sarah instructed them.
"Okay ma'am " Jane replied.
"And I don't want to hear any complaint during these next few days. Do you hear me?".
" Yes, ma'am ". They both replied.
"Good. Now get to work". She before walking away.
A few hours later, Laura and Jane were working together. Jane was trying her best to explain everything to her to the best of her abilities. Laura was a good listener and a quick learner she was able to understand everything within a short period and immediately start working.
Jane was impressed at how she was able to understand everything within a few hours.
"What do you think about this design". Laura asked Jane indicating to her computer.
"Yea, I think they are good, but how about we change the color at this end"
"You think so?" Laura asked her. "No wonder I felt something was off" Laura added.
" Now if we are done, let's go to Sarah and show her," Jane said enthusiastically.
"Okay " Laura replied and they both went up to Sarah.
"What is it? Do you guys need any help?" Sarah asked them when she saw them walk up to her table.
"Not at all. We are done with it". Jane replied.
"What? So soon?" Sarah was surprised.
"Yes. And we have already sent it to you " Laura added.
"Oh! Okay "
Jane walked beside Sarah and press some keys on the computer keyboard and a full view of the house's interior design was visible.
Sarah was amazed at the arrangements the colors and the furniture designs were just perfect. It was an example of a modern home but also simple at the same time.
"Oh my goodness! How did you two pull this off in just a few hours?" Sarah was dumbstruck.
"Well..." Laura tried to explain.
"You see? This is what happens when the two of you set aside your differences and work together. Good job guys, keep it up ". Sarah complemented them.
"Thank you " they both replied.
Later that evening during closing hours, someone walked into the company all flashing and glamorous.
Everyone gasps at the sight that beholds them, especially the ladies.
"Is that not Nathan? What's he doing here?" One of the girls asked.
"He's the boss's friend and rarely comes here" the other one explained.
"But, Mr. Hughes is not around so... Why is he here?" The first girl asked confused.
"I don't know " the second girl replied looking confused.
Laura was packing up her stuff when she heard a familiar voice.