
Chapter 2_ First day at work

One year later

     The past year has been really hard. I lost my parents in a car accident. And my brother later got an injury during one of his basketball games. The doctor said that he could no longer play.

       Noel had to drop out of school. To provide for us, he currently works in a bar and l also do some part-time jobs.

      Right now I'm in my room getting ready for my first day at work for my industrial training ( IT ) at the Hughes co-operation. My school is sending out the final year students to different companies for training before graduation. Kate, Raymond, Jane, and I were posted to the Hughes company for the next three months.

      After getting ready, I took a cab to the Hughes company. When I got there, I started walking towards the entrance. Yes, I was excited but also nervous at the same time. It was a great honor to be selected amongst the group of people to be working in this big company.

      When I got inside I met with the receptionist for directions. 

"Good day, Please I'm here from Greenheart University for my industrial training ( IT )"

"Oh! The others are here already. Please go to the door on your left you will see them there" she directed me.

" Ok thank you"

 I followed her direction when I got inside the office I saw Kate, Raymond, and Jane there. I greeted them while setting down beside Kate.

"Hi everyone" the others replied except Jane who just looked away.    Then a man walked in and started introducing himself.

" I am Kelvin I'm the one in charge of the  IT department. What are your names please"

Jane was the first person to start.

" Hi, I'm Jane Albert" Then Kate, Raymond, and I followed.

  "Ok please follow me let me show you guys around and assign you to your duties," he said to us.

We followed him to the reception and other different departments and also the managing department. At last, he took us to our station which has six tables and chairs and some computers. We saw two other staff sitting there but, they stood up when they saw us walk in

 Then Mr. Kelvin said to the blonde-haired girl. "Sarah these are the new IT students they are under your care," he said to her.

" Ok sir" Sarah replied. After that, he left. We sat down at our various tables feeling excited. Then Sarah said, "You and.. you are under me. The others are with Matt".

"Okey " Both Jane and I replied in unison.

Then Sarah starts orientating us about our duties and other important kinds of stuff. After everything she said to me.

"Laura you would not be working here for some time. You see, our boss's assistant is not around due to some family emergencies so you will have to take his place for now".

" Okay," I replied.

But Jane disagreed."let me do the job"

"No, I think Laura is perfect for the job" Sarah replied. "Now Laura please follow me" she added.

I followed her outside Opposite our station. There was an office with a big glass door. I don't know why I didn't take note of it the first time.  The office was well organized, the walls were painted white and the couch was also white. there was a big office table and a chair to the left side of the office and some files were on the table. Apart from that, there were no other decorations. Everything was well organized and expensive.

"This is the boss's office, " Sarah said to me. "I have to tell you, he is very particular with his things. Please do what he wants and everything well. Don't get on his bad side ok?" she advised me. "And if you need anything just let me know. One more thing, these are the files he will need for today's meetings. Filed them out accordingly" she said pointing to some files on the table.

 Meanwhile downstairs at the reception, the boss just walked in with all his elegants and beauty. He looked stonishing and ravishing. Making the Ladies turn in his direction. He took his private elevator to the third floor where his office is located.

    Sarah was instructing me about his preference when the door suddenly opened.