
Stuck in between (In a Love triangle )

Getting into Barbs high school was every teens dream in the big city. Eighteen years old Belle just got a scholarship to study there; and she was willing to become one of their very best. The school was one of the most recommended rich schools in the big city of Lurwell; which contained top notch kids who were pampered and rude. Barbs high school had two stars that makes fellow students go gaga for. They were Lucas and John. The same age mate with Belle. They might have the whole school attention directed at them but they had different characteristics. Lucas was a gentle bookworm and gets unfiltered attention from half of the girls. Although he was poor and also on scholarship, being smart and handsome pulled him to the top. John was the nonchalant type, gets the girls attention but never brainy and a big time bully with Lucas as his sworn enemy. His well influence father made him reach the top. Now fate had it way and the two guys liked the same girl. Who would belle choose? Lucas or John? Find out in this sizzling story.

mariam_adegoke · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs

Chapter Seven

"Just a bit more" Belle muttered as she used her makeup to cover up her eye bags.

If she doesn't wear it, she could look as though she was sad.

And that was a wrong notion to go by the day.

She had been mentored on some 'beauty advice ' by Ella.

But she was still a student, a lot of reading still need to be done but then it will surely come handy one day.

As for now she would be better off sticking with makeups.

It was weekend, the school free day.

She sat over her oval mirror with her makeup kit occupying every ounce of gap on the table.

She could see herself getting influenced by the rich kids in her school but she doesn't give the least of care about it.

All what they cared about were pretty this, pretty that.

Belle's belief was that she wasn't copying anybody but trying to fit into the school's level with her own standards.

And if not for plastic surgeries those girls paid expensively for fake nose and face then she would have been the face of the school.

She looked at her face in the mirror satisfactorily, and then practically dramatise patting her head.

"Well done,well done you've done a good job" she chuckled and rub at her lips a tomato red lipstick.

She stood up and checked her outfit again; her jean baggy trouser with slim fit top which had spaghetti hand made her look gorgeous.

Her outfit slays!

"All set and ready to go" she cheered up and put on her sneakers.

"Momma's girl what are you up to? Tessa barged in on her daughter with different shapes of cupcakes in hand.

She had it all packed in a transparent case, which she then placed into a fancy bag.

"Ta dahh it's all ready" she announced and sat on her daughter's bed.

She cleared her throat loudly to get her daughter's attention.

And as she did that Belle faced her immediately.

"Is there any issue mum?" She challenged her mother going to sit beside her.

"You still haven't told me of the boy that finally makes you go gaga" Tessa teased her daughter as she clicked her tongue.

Belle smiled.

If only she knew that she was going to use her name to get back position at work.

It could work out because whenever Mr Gilbert sees her mother, he always gush over her; seems he liked her very much. A lot.

Talk more of the cupcakes.

His crush.

"Snap over it young lady, how can you space out like that thinking of a guy" Tessa said trying to bring her to talk.

"No mum it's a different thing, I would love to go back to work" she delivered the words happily.

"Uhnnn" Tessa gushed approval in her usual motherly way.

"That's so wise of you"

"I won't decline even if you told me before hand, let me know if other things bother you, ok?!"

She then patted her back.

Belle nodded and glanced up the ticking clock.

"I have to go now, see ya"

She muttered and took her bag.

"Bye, later"


"Helloooo" Belle called out as soon as she entered the coffee shop.

She stopped advancing when she couldn't feel the hot energy she normally feel when she was still a worker; Belle took slow steps as she moved towards the one among few others that she recognized.

People were scarce and it had a dull energy.

Did the coffee quality reduce?

And it seemed as though they were short-staffed.

Genevieve was the only one present there now.

Probably because she could put up with their boss attitude or the saucy customers.

"Omg! Look who's here!" Genevieve said tightly, she lacked joy.

She wasn't spreading her arms for a hug neither was she moving an inch from her space.

But Belle didn't mind, she was the one who came and she should be the one going to meet her.

Belle pouted as she ran to hug her tightly.

Well... she did reciprocate the hug.

"Hey" she whispered.

"Is everything okay?"

"Does it look like? Genevieve asked with her jaw on her palm.

Belle stood on her toes as she tried to search for other employees.

"Where are the others?

Genevieve huffed which made Belle to stand properly.

"They left to other lush salary coffee shops around, you know, we've been having reduced customers and salaries get slashed in return".

"Oops " Belle took in her buttom lip.

"So it's only you that remain" she muttered discreetly, but Genevieve's ears picked it causing her to respond.

"Hey! I'm managing"

Belle quickly nodded and whispered to her " I know, sorry".

Genevieve then felt a curious sensation of helplessness seize her; which caused her to feel on edge.

Before Belle could have an impression on what was happening, Genevieve had already broke down in tears.

"Oh my goodness, pardon me I didn't mean to say those" Belle blurted out as she carelessly tore at the tissue paper on the counter; and afterwards squatted beside her like she did.

She wiped the tears clean as she pat at her back at the same time.

Genevieve revealed a smile and sighed heavily.

She felt comfort after she had been consoled.

She stood up and Belle did same.

" Thank you, I didn't intend to do that"

"It's okay, it's natural to let it all out"

She let out another sigh before facing Belle.

"I heard you finally got scholarship into your dream school "

"Yes I did "

"And you didn't inform me of it, that was rude, you know"

She nudged her shoulder childishly.

"I get it was rude and that's why I came here apologizing with this"

Belle declared as she brought out a face cream; wriggling it at her face.

Genevieve eyes widened, she immediately covered her mouth so she couldn't scream.

"Isn't that Scott's perm lotion product? She probed amazed.

Belle clinged her lips firmly, snapped her fingers while nodding affirmly.

"The one that "challenge -it" model advertised?!"

"Hmmmmm "

Belle nodded vigorously.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh "

She screamed and Belle quickly blocked her ears.

"Gentle" Belle whispered to her.

"Hey! Take a poop already"

It was Mr Gilbert.

He had unlocked his mini office door unnoticed by the girls, with head popping out.

The girls turned to stare at him while they laughed at the remark.

However, he had been expecting Belle since her mother called.

So it was no shocker she was around.

"Mr Gilbert" Belle called out and waved at him.

He rolled his eyes at her.

Belle giggled.

"I will be there in a minute" she started but he slammed his door.

"Ouch that's mean"

"Not his fault, the sales keeps dropping"

Genevieve spoke as she wrung out the liquid from the tube while applying it on her face.

She then took her little mirror from her purse, checking herself out.

"Oh, those rich kids are treating you good, aren't they? She continued as she grab at Belle's cheek.

She was now getting the urge to jest.

But then Belle's face dropped at that comment.

"No way, I'm a total nobody there, but two Godsent are making it worthwhile.

She reassured though looking down at her fingers, peeling at it like she was frightened.

"You okay?"

Genevieve prompted her as she cautiously tried to read her.

"Yes sure" she quickly interjected raising up her head.

Genevieve eyes widened, her mouth demonstrating an O.

She cleared her throat aloud.

"You can count on me, if you have anything to share with somebody"

"Come on, that person should be me"

She advised and Belle nodded.

"Okay, ma'am"

And they both laughed.

"Oh please, let me get to Mr Gilbert; I will be right back"

She said in a jiffy as she pack the fancy bag with her.

"I didn't mean to leave you this early but we are going to see very soon"

Belle said and hugged her.

"I understand, geez "

"Okay see ya"

"Hmmmmm" Belle said as she head towards the Boss office.


John was already done buttoning up his shirt; he was the only one around while his parents were away on vacay.

His weekends were always less cheerful, so it was better off to interact with someone he knows.

Especially the girl he was beginning to develop feelings for.

He grabbed the little present he hoped to gift her into the pocket of his hoodie.

Soon after he was outside the door, he texted his mother.

Perhaps they might come around when he's out and him letting them know was the best choice.

He moved out of the main gate and down the streets.

Unfortunately, he forgot the card Belle gave him which he was unaware of.

But then, he had the address crammed well that he need not use it.

But it would have been a great pleasure if it was on him.

He had turned at different four streets before he saw the coffee shop.

It stood elegant and it captured his attention.

He didn't waste a second to take a closer look.

While he moved onwards to the entrance, the glass exterior captivated his time.

He halted in his steps as he watched people that were in.

Everything seemed perfect for him.

He watched several people moving their lips while sipping coffee.

His guess was almost bizzare; but looking at them, he assumed that the top class citizens were around.

Just with the way they all looked reserved.

He then grabbed at the door knob and entered.

"Hello" John spoke reserved and calm as soon as he went over the counter.


Genevieve was who answered, Belle was off attending to other customers.

Thankfully, customers increased after she came back again to work.

She whooshed a sigh obviously because she hadn't seen such a handsome face in a while.

Not like she doesn't see perfect people but they were older than her; and she doesn't do older persons.

This was a sure target that she need to pull right by the bull's horn.

"How may I help you sir?!"

"Sir? You can just call me John"

He requested and smiled, he let his eyes roam the surrounding that was lavishly furnished.

He nodded in satisfaction at the taste.

Oh!!!! He must be flustered when called sir.

She should try it again.

"How do you want your coffee, sir?

"Hmmmmm... actually I was given an invitation "

John reacted while searching his pocket for the card.

But lo and behold there was no card on him.

When he couldn't find it, he scratched the back of his head and hesitantly glanced at her.

He gulped down nothing.

He couldn't believe he forgot it at home.

"Is anything the issue, sir?!

But John let out a distressed sigh.

" I didn't come with it, so I will just pass, thank you for your cooperation " he appreciated, attempting to leave.

"Oh excuse me sir, you can take your coffee, the bill is on me"

Genevieve insisted as she shifted from her position.

"No need, I will just leave"he kept persuading her.

"But sir, I think you should try the one with ice cubes it's so nice"

She advertised trying to make him stay.

But he remained adamant, smiled at her and began walking to the exit.

He was just about grabbing at the door knob when he heard his name.


He swiftly turned upon hearing her voice.

His eyes searched her face and smiled.

She was holding a tray and she had a fancy apron around her neck.

"Where to? I thought you came to receive my appreciation" she smiled while she moved towards the counter.

John left the door and walked to a seat.

"Oh yeah I was"

Belle got interrogated by Genevieve while she was preparing coffee for John.

"Who's he?

"Who do you think he is? My classmate of course "

"Oh my goodness, how do you breath with lot of handsome boys around you "

Genevieve stared at John's direction and blinked her lashes at him, when he didn't respond she waved at him.

"Hey! Stop behaving awkwardly"

Belle shunned her before going to serve her guest.

"What happened that made you want to leave?"

She questioned him while she sat besides him.

"Oh that, I forgot my pass"

"Silly that doesn't matter, I should fulfill my promise "

"Want some snacks? Doughnuts or some delicious sausage rolls?

She stood up going to the counter to get some for him before he could even get to answer.

"I was supposed to say no but you are just too quick"

He muttered to himself.

"Feed your belly to the brim"

Belle announced when she arrived and dropped a flat plate filled with all types of snacks.

"You shouldn't have bothered with all this"

John stated while his eyes roam the plates.

"Of course, you just don't know what you did for me"

"Go on take it all" she repeated.

John cleared his throat, his eyes met with Genevieve's before devouring the snacks.

"Thank you"


Lucas came out of his car and went inside.

He just drove to the coffee shop where both John and Belle were at.

He was a regular.

But he wanted to inform Belle of his presence, so he called her on phone.

At the third ring that she didn't connect her call, he gave it a try once more.

But then he had put it by his ear, he heard a laughter that attracted him.

And when he turned to discover who it was.

Behold it was Belle... with John.

His anger duplicated as he marched towards them.

"You really shouldn't have outdone yourself"

John began after he had finished the snacks.

"I know, right? Then do you mind if I take your belly?

Belle watched him disbelief.

He had claimed so much.

And he still tells her not to do this or that!

Meanwhile, Genevieve had seen Lucas so she quickly wore a lip gloss.

She did that so he would approach her first before anyone.

But Lucas didn't take note of her as he went straight to Belle.

"To whom did 'We' own this visit?"

Lucas asked as he forcefully sat in between them.

"Hey Lucas you are here"

"Yes I'm, happy?"

"Hmmmmm " she moaned and shook her head.

"Show some manners Lucas "

John interrupted.

"Oh you should be the one"

He pointed fiercely at John.

"What has Belle got to do with you this time? John was forced to question him.

"Non of your business" he shunned him down.

"You should kindly leave when I'm being nice" Lucas threatened.

"Calm down Lucas I was the one who invited him over" Belle finally let out her opinion.

"You did? But have you ever done so for me? "

He asked facing her.

Belle blinked at him confused but he will still bent on arguing with John.

"And why did you come last place in class?

She asked in a serious tone.

"Is that what you want to use to hold me now? Forget it won't work"

And he engage in a battle of stare-down with John.