
The Bane Of Witches [Part 2]

A moan escaped Samantha’s lips for the umpteenth time, as Ethan kissed her neck, while moving his hips.

The Aphrodisiac that Sofia had given them was a very potent one, and despite releasing a lot on his first time, the feeling of lust wouldn’t subside.

It was like a strong itch that wouldn’t disappear no matter how much you scratched it.

Samantha, who was experiencing the same situation, wrapped her arms around Ethan’s head as her voice spread inside the Domain of the Twilight.

She had lost count of how many times they had done it, but she could tell that this was the last time they would do it.

She no longer had the strength to continue, and only due to Ethan’s care was she able to hold on.

Despite the strong urge to completely dominate his partner, the young man made love to Samantha as gently as possible, which made the young lady’s heart melt because of the great care that he was showing her.