
Strongest Superhuman System

Four years ago, the first-ever Armageddon Class Anima appeared on Earth, destroying everything that it touched and threatening the lives of the entire world's population! But along with it came Superhumans that had the blessing of mana. They rose up to fight against the Armageddon, and leading them was the strongest Superhuman, KING. After two days and three nights of nonstop battle, KING gave his life to stop the Armageddon and give the Superhumans a fighting chance against the invading Anima, and everyone in the world remembers his good deeds and sacrifice! ... Mark was just an average Superhuman living in City A. His daily routine was skipping classes and hanging out with his only two friends while hunting for Anima in secret whenever he could. But this easy life was not going to last for long as the hidden power he sacrificed a long time ago began to awaken once more! [Initializing Superhuman System...] [Recognizing Host... Host Recognized.] [Parsing Constitution. Host Fully Healed. No Traces Of Residual Damage.] "Hello once again, Mark Vanitas. Has it already been four years?" ... Posting Schedule: Two chapters a day everyday, except days when extra chapters are posted along with the regular ones.

Legioneer_1000 · แฟนตาซี
492 Chs

You Are Not The KING!

'You'll hunt me? That's if I don't kill you in the afterlife first! The KING is out there waiting for us, and the only thing you could think of was to think when facing such a powerful opponent! Who do you think you are!? You think that just because you've fought the KING a few times when he went easy on you, you have what it takes to act so cocky in the middle of a battle!? You're a fool! A fool who is only going to get us killed! I wish I had a real body so I could just stab you in the fucking neck myself!'

Queen's rant made Arit's entire body shake in shock. What the hell was Queen talking about? What does she mean by acting cocky? If I don't think in the middle of a fight, then how am I going to know how strong the opponent is? How am I going to be able to figure out his attack patterns and how he uses his blessing if I don't think? It doesn't make any sense!