
Eevee's first official battle

Today weather is good. Jun soon arrived at the Champ Dojo.

As Jun entered the lobby of the Pokemon Dojo, he was immediately struck by the spacious and airy atmosphere.The lobby was brightly lit with natural light pouring in from the large windows that lined the walls. The floor was made of gleaming hardwood, and there was a sense of cleanliness and order throughout the space.

On one side of the lobby, there was a display case filled with trophies, medals, and other awards that had been won by trainers who had completed the dojo's rigorous training program. There was also a notice board displaying upcoming events, schedules, and other important information.

Jun approached the reception desk where a friendly staff member greeted him.

"Hello, welcome to Champ Dojo. Are you interested in joining our training program?" she greeted with smile

Jun shook his head, " No, I just saw a battle challange program just now. I am looking for a batle partner for my pokemon"

The staff member smiled. "Ah, I see. f you want to participate, you'll need to register at the front desk and pay a small fee."

Jun nodded, "Sure, I'm interested. What are the rules?"

"The Battle Challenge consists of three rounds, and you'll be paired up with other trainers who also want to battle. Each round is a one-on-one battle, and the winner of each round moves on to the next until there's only one trainer left standing. The battles take place in our designated battle arena, and we provide healing stations for your Pokemon between rounds," the staff member explained.

Jun was intrigued. "Sounds fun. How do I sign up?"

"Just fill out this registration form and pay the fee," the staff member handed Jun a form and a pen.

Jun quickly filled out the form and paid the fee for 100 Alliance coins, and quickly redirected to battle lobby.

"Next, you can wait in the lobby for a while, and when you find a suitable opponent, the lobby screen will display your name and the battle arena number." the staff member explained

"Understood," Jun nodded and found a chair to sit on, watching a Pokemon battle on television between Pidgeotto and Beedrill. The Pidgeotto trainer instructed their Pokemon to use Whirlwind, while Beedrill used Poison Sting. The gusts of air blew away Beedrill's attack and caused it to lose balance.

Taking advantage of Beedrill's unsteadiness, Pidgeotto used Quick Attack to knock it out, earning cheers from the crowd. Once the battle ended, the news channel came on.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. There has been a recent breakthrough in the study of Pokemon evolution, specifically regarding the potential for Eevee to evolve based on a newly published article by Professor Rowan titled 'Eevee Evolution Probability - Genetic Instability'."

Jun was stupefied and immediately stood up to get a closer look. After watching for a while, he pulled out his phone to search for the article published by Professor Rowan. After reading it for a while, he sighed in relief. Fortunately, it was only early research, as they had only discovered genetic instability and had not yet found the catalyst issue.

"I need to hurry--" he muttered to himself, feeling a sense of urgency.


"ID 34112, Trainer Jun, Please go to Arena 7"

"ID 34108, Trainer Roy, Please go to Arena 7"

Soon, Jun heard an announcement sound and looked at the lobby screen where his name and information appeared along with his battle partner.

Name: Roy

Pokemon: Nidorino

Qualification: Rookie Trainer

Jun then quickly headed towards Arena 7 after knowing his opponent already arrives with his Pokemon first, the first thing he did was to appraise his opponent's Pokemon.


[Type: POISON]

[Gender: Male]

[Species: Poison Pin Pokemon]

[Potential: Average]

[Abilities: Poison Point]

[Level: 21 [29/100] (Adult)

[Moves: [E] Poison Tail, [E] Take Down, Peck, Leer, Focus Energy, Poison Sting, Fury Attack, Focus Energy]

'Nidorino, poison type Pokemon..' Jun thought

"Eevee come here first" Jun leaned in and whispered something to Eevee. After he was done, he took his position in the arena, feeling the eyes of the other trainers on him.

As both of them arrived at their respective positions, the referee immediately explained the rules of the battle. After he was done, he said, "Alright, let's start right now."

The two stood on opposite sides of the battlefield, looking at each other from a distance. The referee then waved the flag down and announced, "Then, the battle begins!"

"Eevee, run back first," Jun instructed.

"Nidorino, Take Down!" Roy instructed.

With a roar, Nidorino charged forward, using its horn to slam Eevee. Eevee darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the horn's devastating attack, before running back.

Nidorino saw Eevee running back and thought it was an opening, assuming the opponent was scared. It confidently charged forward without waiting for instructions, startling its trainer.

"Nidorino, no--" Roy began to warn, but he was too late. "Eevee, on your left!" Jun shouted.

Eevee reacted instantly, pivoting to the left and avoiding Nidorino's horn as it whizzed past her. With Nidorino now exposed, Jun seized the opportunity and called out, "Eevee, Double Kick!"

Eevee launched herself at Nidorino, its powerful legs striking the Nidorino squarely in the back with a fierce Double Kick. Nidorino stumbled forward, unable to maintain its balance, and crashed into the area near Jun.

This was Jun's tactic: run back first, then, after noticing Nidorino's trainer using Take Down, a move that requires it to charge forward to Eevee, Jun allowed Nidorino to come to his side of the field before isolating Nidorino from its trainer.

Since Eevee's personality was not that of a Spartan-type Pokemon, Jun decided to disrupt Nidorino's communication with its trainer.

Nidorino wasn't done yet. With a savage roar, it turned back and charged forward once again.

"Eevee, Mud-Slap," Jun instructed.

Eevee then hurled mud into Nidorino's face, causing it to winced and its vision to be slightly disturbed.

"Nidorino, come back!" Roy anxiously instructed his Nidorino, but the Mud-Slap had caused it to lose its sense of direction.

Not wanting to lose this opportunity, Jun commanded, "Eevee, Swift!" Star-shaped rays formed on Eevee's mouth and were shot at Nidorino. Since Swift never missed, and with Nidorino basically in a defenseless state...


Nidorino was thrown back and its eyes circled.

"Nidorino can't continue the match. Eevee wins," the referee suddenly raised the flag and shouted.

Jun sighed in relief. After training session after training session, Eevee finally won her first real Pokemon battle.