
Strongest Inheritance

John Foster who had lived in only mortal world come to know about cultivation for first time when he got his Inheritance. Why does his father didn't told him about it? Why he got strongest inheritance? What is purpose of his life ? Follow our MC John Foster in his journey to gain strongest inheritance and become the greatest responsibility bearer of the world.

DOOM_HALO · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Training System

"What are you, System?"

<Host I am training system. specially designed to train host and accept Inheritance.>

<I am specially made to become a host assistant on his journey. I also allowed train the as see fit for host's overall development.>

<When Inheritance was made it is feared that after taking inheritance host cannot withstand its power and responsibility may cause destruction.>

<so I am specially designed to give the host power slowly with responsibility and help him in his growth journey.>

"So you are here to just help me train so why can you talk?"

<I am designed to be friendly with the host and also an assistant do work for so that I cannot burdensome>

"So what can you do?"

<System 7 has main parts. You have successfully inherited the first part so you can check inheritance and training quest from system>

<Blank Emperor legacy: Open< p>

Locked legacy: 6>

<System can also take physical form to help do host his menial work.>

Foster thought for a moment then decided to open the first legacy. So he thought of opening the first legacy in his mind.

< Blank Emperor legacy:

Main Cultivation Mantra: Learn

Other Cultivation Mantra: Open

Energy Vein: Blank Vein(Get)

Shop: Locked(After obtaining the first cultivation point)

Cultivation Point: 0

Quest: Open>

Foster thought for a moment then decided to get everything that was free first. So he first clicked on the Get Blank Vein.

Suddenly an unknown energy entered his body and started circulation in his whole body without any pattern. He tried to feel the energy but he could not as if it didn't even exist in the first place but it still circulating throughout his whole body.

It feels like it was creating the channel for something but also there was no channel. It was all so confusing that he decided to stop doing anything and let the process complete.

In the meantime, he decided to ask "System what is the Main mantra and what is the other mantra?"

<Main Cultivation Mantra is for the host to cultivate and can't give anyone this mantra cultivation.>

<Other Cultivation Mantra can be given to someone else or the host take references from it. It purchased a shop get it after completing quest.>

"You are saying cultivation, cultivation!! What is this cultivation?" He asked frustrated.

<You will get knowledge about cultivation when you inherit your mantra.>

"What is the Cultivation point?"

<Host can use cultivation point for purchasing anything from the legacy shop>

Foster thought for a moment and there was no question left as he could more or less now guess everything himself. He then started looking around and found nothing so he decided to ask.

"System what is this place and how to get out of here?"

<This is the host's Interdimensional training ground where host can train without worrying about any disturbance>

<Host can enter and leave this place with just a single thought>

Foster thought for a moment and decided that he had nothing to do here since he was in the process of inheriting the energy vein so he decided to leave.

He thought about leaving and he got out of this special space. He then thought about entering and he entered again. He tried several times and after seeing everything was ok he decided to leave.

He remembered that his house was destroyed so he didn't know where he was and decided to look around and find anything about his current location.

But before leaving he decided to check his quest. so he went into the first part of the system and clicked on Quest.

Suddenly quest window opened for him to see.

<Main Quest: Reach the First layer of your cultivation Technique.< p>


Sub-Quest: Connect with your energy source.

Reward: 10 Cultivation Points>

After checking his quest and finding out he could not do anything at the moment he decided to leave it for later and decided to check outside. 

Suddenly he remembered he was naked and checked himself before heaving a sigh of relief. He was in the cloth in which he entered his training space.

After that, he opened the door of his house and got outside with new enthusiasm. He is very excited after everything that happened today.