
Strongest Guardian

Tristan Quinn, A formidable New York Cop, and ex-Army Delta Ranger kills the Demigod's creature but dies in the process. However, fate grants him a second chance at life. Upon awakening, he finds himself transmigrated to another realm, now known as Tristan Moonstone—the Guardian of the Forbidden Gate and the Eighth Prince of the Kingdom of Cresentia. Unbeknownst to the newly transformed Tristan, he is completely ignorant of the perils that lie within this mystical realm of gods, Gaia—this foreign realm, where monsters, demons, and formidable humans coexist. Thus begins an extraordinary adventure as Tristan embarks on a journey of self-discovery, honing his powers to survive and fulfill his destiny as the Guardian of the Forbidden Gate.

ViperPunch · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

Curious About Her Identity

In a respectful manner, the old man called Lars, greeted Lady Katharina, his voice trembling slightly, showing his fear.

Tristan couldn't help but wonder, 'Who is this old man?' as he observed the unfolding encounter.

"Oldman Lars, I appreciate your warm welcome on this rather sunny yet freezing day. Frostholm has grown even more beautiful since my last visit. It appears you are doing an admirable job as the Village Head," Lady Katharina answered, her tone sounding elegant, directing her cold gaze at the old man as if he was unworthy of her presence.

Undeterred by her condescending response, Lars chirped once again, seemingly accepting her demeanor or even finding it pleasing. He now assumed the role of a knowledgeable guide, leading Lady Katharina through the Village. Lady Katharina responded with curt nods and a frigid expression as Lars shared details about both the old and new aspects of the Village.

Meanwhile, Tristan listened intently, his vigilance never wavering.

The Village of Frostholm resembled a small city centered around a bustling main street where shops, restaurants, banks, and hotels stood. It was also home to the Village Hall. Behind the buildings lining the main street lay residential houses and a school.

The main street itself boasted a meticulously crafted gray stonemason road, complemented by stone sidewalks of equal beauty. While a few cars traversed the street, most people preferred walking.

Despite the chill in the air, the main street thrived with activity. Restaurants were brimming with patrons enjoying their meals and drinks.

Tristan couldn't help but notice the vibrant atmosphere, deducing that Frostholm not only boasted a sizable local population but also attracted a considerable number of tourists.

Several individuals nodded in recognition as they passed, acknowledging Lady Katharina's presence.

As they moved beyond the main street, their journey continued along the village road. Here, the road transitioned to the tarmac, and the number of buildings and houses diminished, gradually giving way to verdant vegetation, gardens, and farms. The streets grew quieter, with fewer people venturing further from the main thoroughfare.

Their progress halted before an imposing red house adorned with an enchanting front garden. Situated at the very end of the Village's tarmac street, this house marked the beginning of the Village's dirt road.

Several individuals emerged from the home, aligning themselves along the pathway to extend their welcome to Lady Katharina. With a curtsy and a slight bow, they conveyed their respect. Tristan surmised that they were the household staff.

Curiosity gnawed at Tristan's mind. 'Who exactly is this Lady Katharina that Lady Ayana assumes for her disguise? She appears to hold a prominent position and commands great reverence within this Village,' he pondered in silence.

The butler was standing at the very end of the line. After a short curtsy and bow, he widely opened the huge wooden door. He politely welcomes Lady Katharina by calling her "My Royal Princess."

As they stepped into the house, their entrance was met with the enthusiastic welcome of a small yet vocal white furry dog. The little creature's tail furiously wagged as it barked with unrestrained excitement, directed toward Lady Katharina. The dog leaped up with great affection, hugging Lady Katharina's legs and showering her feet with affectionate licks.

"Fluffy... oh, Fluffy... how I've missed you," Lady Katharina's voice filled with joy. She bent down, gathering the exuberant dog in her arms, and embraced it tightly. Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she held Fluffy close, cherishing the reunion.

With Fluffy cradled in her arms, Lady Katharina proceeded to lead the way, making her way toward the study room. The dog, content and nestled against her, added an extra touch of warmth and companionship as they continued their journey within the house and entered the study room.

The study room nestled within the grandeur of the house boasted an impressive expanse, its walls lined with an abundance of shelves adorned with books of all shapes and sizes.

Stepping inside, one would be forgiven for mistaking it as a private library rather than a conventional study. Moreover, an expansive window graced one wall, its elegant and intricate frames inviting the warm embrace of the sunlight, which bathed the room in a gentle glow, lending an inviting and cozy ambiance.

A long table was taking center stage amidst this literary haven, its polished surface reflecting the soft illumination that permeated the space. Surrounding it, a collection of plush armchairs stood ready to accommodate those seeking solace and inspiration within the hallowed walls.

Lady Katharina, accompanied by Tristan and Valeria, settled comfortably into their seats. With a gracious request, she summoned her butler to bring forth warm meals, wine, and beverages, urging him to leave them undisturbed with only the presence of the guards.

As the dishes and drinks were placed on the table, Tristan and Valeria stood briefly, hesitating. However, as soon as the butler and servers departed, Lady Katharina, adopting Lady Ayana's commanding tone, invited them to take their seats and partake in the meal together.

Unable to contain his excitement, Tristan expressed his gratitude, exclaiming, "Thank goodness! I could hardly resist drooling over the sight of this food." As he was chuckling, his stomach emitted a resounding growl. "The dishes look and smell absolutely marvelous Ma'am," he continued, deftly serving himself and pouring beverages into his own glass.

Their focus was fixed solely on the food, their plates, and the beverages. Nothing on the table escaped their attention. The succulent veal, the tender ducks, and the delicate quails—all vanished rapidly. They consumed voraciously, relishing both the grilled and stewed delicacies until not a morsel remained.

Without warning, the study room doors swung open again, heralding the return of the butler and a troupe of servers. This time, they bore a tantalizing array of desserts that would tempt even the most disciplined palates. Amongst their offerings were luscious ice creams, indulgent chocolate cakes, delicate pastries, and a cornucopia of fresh, vibrant fruits.

Yet, before they could eagerly dive into the sweets, a sudden, electrifying sensation rippled through the air, alerting their keen senses to an impending presence.

In an instant, a collective tension gripped the room, prompting everyone to rise from their seats, their hands instinctively finding the comforting grip of their sword handles, prepared to unsheathe them at a moment's notice.

In a swift and mesmerizing motion, the expansive window, with its elegant and articulate frames, swung open with a resounding "whoosh." Before their astonished gazes, Prince Alexander appears before them, seemingly emerging from the very fabric of nothingness itself. His regal presence filled the room, commanding attention and igniting a palpable mixture of awe and anticipation.