
Strongest Dragon Mage

Rohan felt an acidic sear in his throat as he woke up from his dream—he searched his body immediately for the fatal strike his best friend had dealt upon him. Was everything a dream? No. Everything that happened in his first life was too bitter and cruel to be just a nightmare. Rohan the Last Dragon Mage had travelled back in time, sixteen years before he is slain by the people he trusted. "Forget saving the world," he huffed in cold sweat, "I'm going to ruin you all."

25 Chs

Chapter 6 She Must Die

The small window nestled in the upper corner of their basement room was their lifeline—a portal to the world beyond, a source of precious air and a glimpse of sunlight that danced through the iron grating.

As Rohan lifted Eliza to breathe in the fresh air from the window, they could spy the lapis lazuli sky and the hint of greenery beyond. It was their daily ritual, a stolen moment of solace amid the darkness that surrounded them. It was to keep Eliza healthy.

"Rohan," Eliza whispered, her voice filled with wonder and innocence, "do you think the birds know about our secret window?"

"It's not a secret window, El. We're doing this to keep you from getting sick," Rohan said. Rohan had thought awhile back on how he could save his sister and he surmised that it must be because of the environment she lived in, so he started by tidying up and having her breathe out the window every day. It was a surprise he could survive, but Eliza was different. She was born premature and weak, so she needed special attention.

Rohan smiled at his little sister, her eyes wide with curiosity. "I think it's our secret!"

He brushed a strand of blonde hair away from her face, his heart swelling with protectiveness. "Perhaps, Eliza," he replied, "but it's our secret, isn't it? Just you and me."

Eliza nodded, content with the simple joy of their shared moment. She pressed her small hands against the iron grating, feeling the warmth of the sun on her fingertips. It was a touch of freedom, a taste of the world that existed beyond their confines.

Suddenly, a distant rumble of thunder echoed through the basement, a reminder of the price they paid for their stolen moments of respite. The window that brought them light and air also made them vulnerable to the storms that swept through Pangea. He finally let her down and she seemed content with what she saw. 

Rohan's protective instincts kicked in, and he gently guided Eliza away from the window. "We should go, Eliza," he said softly. "The storm is approaching, and we don't want to be flooded in again."

With a nod, Eliza followed her brother, and together they retreated from the small window, leaving behind the brief taste of freedom. Rohan barred the window with a sturdy piece of wood he had ripped off a discarded cabinet in the basement. As the rain began to pound on the earth outside, they found comfort in each other's presence, their bond stronger than ever.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you before, El.

In the dim basement room, where shadows and secrets intertwined, Rohan and Eliza cherished their stolen moments of light and air.

In the dimly lit chamber, time seemed to stretch and contract as Rohan's intricate plan took form. Each day brought him closer to the moment he had longed for—a reckoning with Lady Agatha.

With meticulous precision, Rohan moved his pieces on a chessboard he salvaged. The manor's secrets whispered to him, revealing hidden truths and exposing vulnerabilities that would become his weapons.

It's a good thing he could still cast simple mage spells like 'displaced insight' which allowed him to see things from a distance, allowing him to spy on the inner workings of the castle and gather valuable information.

First was Hannah. He could tell Hannah did not want to serve Lady Agatha. She was rather cold and unpredictable with a constant severe expression. It was hard to read her so she isn't the best person to manipulate.

Using his spell, he saw the head butler rushing towards the viscount's office. The head butler opens a letter swiftly and reads it with a stern expression. Rohan read the letter addressed to the head butler, notifying him of the impending arrival of Viscount Aldric, a shrewd plan began to take shape in Rohan's mind.

Father is coming back...

Rohan mentally scolded himself, it was very strange to refer to a the viscount, a man he had never met, as his father.

The knowledge of Viscount Aldric's return was a crucial piece of information that could potentially play a pivotal role in Rohan's plan.

Using the displaced insight, he spied something else on the viscount's desk. Rohan looked into the open letter and read its contents.

Rohan smiled, this was the perfect time and place for his dance with the viscountess.

As he gazed upon the map of the manor, his eyes blazed with a cold fire. The countdown continued, and with each passing moment, Rohan's anticipation grew.  With each minute that passed, the ticking of the clock echoed in his mind like a relentless drumbeat, driving him forward on the path of revenge.