
Striving To Reach The Apex

On the Planet Faraway, a Martial God appeared and with his appearance the Golden Era began. One after the other geniuses appeared across the world, hoping to match even a sliver of his brilliance, but the world was cruel and sometimes no matter how hard one tried he'd never succeed. But simultaneously this Golden Era brought about a great disaster to the people. As the powers that be fought to grow stronger those who were weaker than them were trampled underfoot. And unfortunately Atlas was no exception, until that one fateful day. ---------------------------------------------------- No update schedule.. No harem. Read if you want. Comment if you want. Drop a powerstone if you want. This is for fun That is all.

AlbinoSpider · ตะวันออก
6 Chs

Chapter 2 Boar

As of now the young man was once again walking through the forest. Unfortunately he was making no headway in finding a path out of the forest, but he wasn't that disappointed. It had been like this for far too long by now.

"I must be getting tired, what are these weird lines." He muttered to himself as he focused on one of the lines clouding his vision. Only recently did he notice that odd faint lines were clouding his vision.

Focusing on the line, it began to glow and pulsate before seemingly pointing the young man in a certain direction. 'I've finally started to go insane.' He thought before trying to dismiss the line, but no matter what he did it wouldn't go away.

Realising that it was futile, the young man could only shake his head before ignoring them. But that was harder said than done. No matter where he looked the lines would appear, pointing in specific directions, but this only worried the young man further.

"Just get out of my head!" He demanded before shaking his head violently, alas this made no difference and instead only compromised his position.

Out of the bushes a boar appeared and charged at the young man. In an instant it had slammed him into a tree immobilising the young man.


He spat, it wasn't a light attack at all. The boar then went on its hindlegs attempting to stomp the young man from above. But before the attack could land, the young man rolled out of the way.


The tree snapped under the boar's mighty attack, but the young man had no time to admire its prowess. 'That's no regular boar.' He analysed in shock before noticing an infuriating red line. But time was of the essence and if he didn't act quick he'd die.

Standing at 2 meters tall and 4 meters long, the boar was a behemoth to say the least. Due to this the young man did the only thing in this scenario, pounce on the boar. Its greater size meant there were more opening for the young man to exploit.

In an instant the young man jumped atop the boar's back before beating it senseless. Naturally the boar was no pushover, realising what the human had done, it rolled on its side attempting to squash the human.

Noticing the movement of the boar, the young man immediately jumped off its back and headed towards the broken tree. Grasping on the trunk of the tree, a faint white light escaped his body and covered the trunk.

Just as the boar got up from its rolling position, the 10 meter tall tree trunk came crushing down on it. Unfortunately for the boar, it had no means to resist the attack and was reduced to a pile of meat and bones.

"Haa, haa, I need to run!" The young man panicked, before rushing off in a random direction.

Out of no where, 10s of red lines appeared within his vision all pointing to different directions. Seeing this he was beyond confused, but didn't have the luxury of figuring it out. All he knew was that he had to run away.

'Fucking hell! That damn boar! I didn't want to use Spirit Qi but it forced my hand.' He thought in annoyance as he continued running away. Such a commotion was sure to attract beasts and he wasn't confident in fending them all off.

'Hopefully they go after the corpse and each other.' The young man continued running through the forest as best he could, and around 10 minutes later he successfully reached an uninhabited cave.

"Haa! Haa!" He exhaled in exasperation before slumping to the ground. To say he was exhausted would be an understatement, he was beyond tired and could barely stay conscious. The only thing that kept him awake was the stinging pain in his chest.

Forcing himself into a lotus position, the young man began to breathe in and out in a rhythmic fashion. Slowly a white light coalesced around his body, causing the wound in his chest to heal bit by bit.

Almost four hours later he opened his eyes. "I should be fine now." He muttered to himself before trying to move. After a bit of stretching he was assured that his wounds had healed in their entirety.

"Haaiz, if only I could find a treasure, if I was in the 4th Level and not the 3rd that boar would've been mincemeat." The young man lamented, he'd been in many life or death situations this past month so that encounter hadn't affected his mentality much.

'But what about those red and gold lines, they seem to have completely disappeared now.....well that's for the best I thought I was going crazy for a second there.' He pondered before looking out of the cave.

The sun was about to set, seeing this the young man concluded it was best to stay in the cave. At night time the forest was more dangerous and the lack of visibility made it even more dangerous. If he wasn't careful he'd lose his life, so it was best if he rested in a cave.

He then used some nearby shrubbery to camouflage the entrance of the cave before heading to bed, it had been quite the long day. 'I wonder if I'll have that dream again.'