
string's of fate ... and string of king's { anime/novel ... fanfic}

a young boy ..... was in a basket in the front of the church .... the boy was from his first second in life was giving aura of happins and greatnes .... what will he do in his life in this curl world .... and can he awake the ....p&$*#k&#&#

cosima_li_ansaldo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

wild bandit has appered

i was walking .... yes wow walking what a strang thing .... but no really i was walking trough the forset to my way to the capital ..



while i was walking i thught to my self ' jugram you are going for a long painful 5 years ... why not write a notes or dairy or some shit like it ' and that was i am doing right now .



as the first day of my journey .. i jugram was lost ...i suck at Direction .... like how in hell did i lost in a straigh line ... how? .



any way i am in a forest .... a one where the flow of mana is fucked up and was like a wild bear in a shop full of meat ....



the forest have a larg trees that is easly 20 to 30 meters tall ... the soil of the ground was brwon from the leaves ... it looked so scary with the sound of monsters in the forest any sain person will be scaerd away .



the key word is sain..... and i am no sain person i am jugram .... with that in mind i went to the forest .



when i was wallking on my way in the forest i noticed that my arm thing on my back that where made from my magic started to be unstable ... the beganed to fate away and back to mana .



'' it is from the unstable the flow of mana huh.... that sucks '' i mutter to no one ...



as the flow of mana was unstable i just noted it need to more mana to make simple thing like moving the mana became harder and needs more mana ...



swishh ... swesh *A/N : idon't know how to make sound *.



as i was going closer to the forest i heard the sound of something moving ... it was mobing on the tree really fast ... and it is coming close to me .



swish.. crack ... stomp .



the sound moved from the tree to the ground ... it is heavy ... a monster in this out speqce of the forest? ... that's not imposible ... but it is hard .



stopm stopm ..



it is coming close ... shit i can't make hands from my magic because of the chaotic mana flow ... shit shit shit ... no nonono ..NO jugram don't panic don't painc .



stomp stopm .. crack '



the sound came closer it is about 30 to 40 meter away not ... what i am goin... my sworD ... my sword yes i have it .... i pulled my sword out ... it was a sword with black blade and the hilt was also black in color it was not the beat sword but it was a sword that i made .



stomp . crack .



the sound came closer and closer ad i hold my breath ... it was about 20 meter away ... secre was on my shoulder ... she was there not scared ... huh what a brave bird she is .



stomp ....



the sound came closer ... i hold my sword in front of my face as i was ready to attack the monster ... but the monster never came ...



doki ...*A/N: hmm doki or badom? ... doki is better*.



but what came was a girl ...[doki]... a beutieful sliver

heard girl.... [doki] she had a breath takeing pink eyes ....[doki] she was wearing a dress that made out of fine matrial .... [doki] ... she was short on breath ... i think she was running for a long time .



doh she does .. don't you see her dress ... she had an aura on a nobel woman but her cloths were having a lot of dirt on them .



as she saw my holding my sword she flinched ...but as she saw there was no hostalty she calmed down a leittle .



when i saw her looking at my sword i was about to speak but then out of no where came an arrow to her side ... i moved fast and deflected the arrow .



i hold her close to my as i said in a low tone '' don't speak '' she just nodded at my word ... my tone was low and strong ...[doki] ... as i held her to my side i felt my heart beat again... no jugram not now .



from the tree came six mans in a ragged cloths ... leather armour ... dull sword .... old bow ... and Grimoire on there hands ... yes the are bandits .



came forword what seems to be the leader of the the bandits and said in a smile filled with lust and greed ''' ohh it seems out little princess got her knght in shining armour ... haha it will be funny to kill you boy ''' .



... disgusting ... was my thinking train as i looked at the 40 years old bandit ... he had a bald head black teeth .... messy eyebrow... black eyes ... and he had a grimoire on his hand as the mana around him was brwon like earth ....



he is earth mage ... the other have aura of light green ... bronzy aura .... gray one ... red ... and red ... hih two of them are fire mages one is a wind mage another is bronz mage and the gray aura one is ....? i think it is mist or something on that line .



the all had same cloth .... and blunt swords .... why do the have swords? i mean the can make sword from there magic .... stupied shits .... hahhhhh ... i thought to me self .




the bandit leader looked at me with his black tooth as he looked back at his gang of bandit and said in a harsh tone ''' oi sime come her and kill this brat ''' ... as he said his words came forword a man in normal bandit cloths and larg bulid .... his aura was that of the bronz one .



when i heard the word brat ... i sanaped and shouted at him ''' oii baldy who ia the brat you fucking disgusting piece of shit you think a fucking bronze mage can touch me you fucking idiot ''' .



as i said my words i ran the mana through my body ... it took a troll on my body because the mana flow was a bit harsh but it is still uesbale .... i moved at a dast speed and came head on to the larg bandit .



whistle .



i punched forword the bandit with my hand on a fist useing all my strength .... as i did thw wind arounf my fist made a sound like a whitle ...



boom... crack .



my fist came to the larg man stomach and when it hit .... it hit him hard .... my strength was stronger than what the larg man bones can handle as it broke .



the man flied 5 meter until he hit a tree .... i looked at the other bandits as the where scared but the leader looked pissed as he looked at me and said with tone filled with annoyance ''' oi brat how is the bald man ?'''.



all of us looked at the leader as we had on thought in mind ' are you serious' i looked at him and said ''' it is you baldy ''' as i hold my finger to his bald head .



i think i touched a nerv ... because there are a big vine on his forhead .... as he looked at my and said with anger ''' it is gintecs ''' .



he order his gang to attack us as i made my way through the gang clashing my sword with them .... the wind mage made an arrow as he fired it at my face in high speed ... i made a string shild in front of my face to tank the attack .






the arrow hit my shild and it made sound of a metal sword hiting a wall ... i looked at the archer/mage and said with a small smile on my face ''' it is not good to throw this things on people ... little boy ''' .



before he can answer my words i made a arrow with my string and throwd the arrow at him at fast speed.... the arrow was fast at it made its way to the bandit skull and ..... boom ... it was destroyed .



wha ... wha ... what did i do?... i ... i killed a human... was my thoughts .... but it wasn't time for this as the fire mage throw a fireball at my at high speed .



i made a small shild of string around my body as i can now move the mana in my body with ease now ... i smirked as i looked at the bandits and said ''' i will hunt you bitch ''' but i was trembling from what happend .



