
string's of fate ... and string of king's { anime/novel ... fanfic}

a young boy ..... was in a basket in the front of the church .... the boy was from his first second in life was giving aura of happins and greatnes .... what will he do in his life in this curl world .... and can he awake the ....p&$*#k&#&#

cosima_li_ansaldo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

wild bandit has appered #2

that's awkward ..... and cring at the same time .... i think i saw the sliver hiard girl and the other bandit cringe at my word .... fuck i don't have the best words factor fuck it .



i looked at the fire mage and then held my aword in my arm as i warped the handel of it with string so it won't fall ... i looked at the fire mage and ran as fast as i can to his way .



swish ... swish ... boom .



he was thrwoing fire balls and sprears at my face .... that i either doged or shilded a shild of string on them .... as i came closer the mage changed his way of fighting from long rang to short/sword fight as he made a fire sword and was ready to slash on my way .



swish ... cling.



i deflected his blow with my sword as i pushed him back .... and from my other side came a wind arrow from the wind user .



slash . drip ...



huh... what is this ... i held my other free hand to my cheek.... it was driping with something warm .... something that warmed my cheek on this cold not so cold day .



blood.... i was bleeding blood .... huh when was the last time did i bleed?..... huh it was when i awakend my magic huh .



i looked at the wind mgae as i saw a smug smile on his face .... it was ... annoying.... i felt rage .... his smile is annoying more than cold water on winter .



i looked at him again as i powerd my body with more mana as a word came to my mind[REINFORCEMENT] i said.




when i said this word loud my body tensed .... the mana in my body moved faster .... faster and faster ... it moved to plaecs i never know it could reach .... it moved at raping speed ... it feed my bone and muscles with mana and made it stronger and more durbal .



swish ...boom



with my new speed and strength i moved at a speed i couldn't see any thing whitin it .... it was blure .... my surrounding became blurey .... and i crashed to a tree and broke it.



crack crack.



i didn't even had a scrath on my body as i moved the tree ... or what left from it ... and stud up .



i looked at the wind mage as i filt lighter and said ''' i will give it back ''' as i made a small arrow made of string .. and throw it at the mage .



boom ...



his head ... exploded like melon... and i didn't fell any thing like the first one i killed .... i didn't fell any thing .



swish ... swish ...cling .



frlm behind came the dire mage again with his word ready to cut me in half but i reacted in time as i deflected his swords and throw it away ... i grab his leg and then ...



swish ... boom ... bom ...bom ... crack.



i slamed the man on the forest floor and again and again ..... as i did it about five time i felt his entire body broke as blood came out of his body like a river .



i looked at him again and seeing him did i throw him at the fire mage that was about to attack me ... the fire mage panicked and made a shild as his friend vaporized to ash .



enhale .... exhale .



i took a deep breath ... as i felt again .... nothing .... i didn't even feel tired ... it just joy of fighting ... ididn't even feel bad when i thought the fighting gave me more progres than the training i did for like 5 years of my life .



i looked at the last 3 bandits .... shit ... my mana are runing low .... i had less than 60% of it .... and the new spell i did is breaking my body as the strings from within my body are healing it .



i looked at the fire mage and i moved at fast speed as he was throwing fire balls at me but i shilded aginst them with ease ... i took my sword as i slashed his shild in half ...



cling ... drip ... drip ... bah



i slashed the man in half with ease as my mody was geting stronger and stronger with each passing second ... i looked at the tow remaining mages ... the leader and the gray aura one as his Grimoire was floting above his head .



swish ... whispre ...



i heard some whispers as the gray aura bandit said in loud clear voice ''' copy magic : fire tornado ''' ...



swish .... crack crack.



as he said his words his gray aura got a bit of light green and red in it .... after it came a larg fire tornado.... it was larg about 5 meter high .



''' just that ?.... i thught you are gping to make some big ahit but just this? ''' i said in a loud mocky tone .



just as the bandit was about to replay i said in a clear strong voice .... my firat and strongest attack ''' string manipulation : white coffin ''' as i said that i felt about 30% of my remaining begin draind and leaving my body .


as the mana left my body white strings start to appear .... the white strinf start to take a coofin shaped as it closed on the copy mage and his tornado .



woosh .... pierce .



came than a pierce sound from the coffin .... as the coffin was fade away .... leaving behind the bandit with holes all around his body .



paint ... paint



i was painting ... i was tired ... my mana was running low ... to low i don't have more than 25% of my mana ..... i looked at the leader of the bandit as he looked back like nothing happend to his comander ..



'''ha ... hahaha ...HAHAHAHA ''' he sarted laguhing as he looked at my ... after some time is laguther sarted to fade as he looked at me and smirked and said ''' do you think i care if you killed this trash of bandit .... no brat no ...beacuse i am stronger than them ... but for wasting my time .... i will kill you .



there was one thought in my mind ' shit ' .... i was low on mana and my body is sour ..... haaaahhhh ... i sighed as i looked at the leader and said in a low tone ''' i didn't want to use this thing now ... because it will leave my on the bed for 3 days at full mana ... but i think i need to to it '''.



the leader looked confused but he felt danger .... his instinct as a bandit and mage warned him of something about to happen .



i held my hand to the sky ... as my other hand was broken ... i didn't know how but it broke .... as i hold my hand i begin to chant '''' o ... o night that fall on us



the leader start panicking as he felt the mana around us start to make its way to my ... but i juat chanted without caring for it ''' o day that made us awake ...



''' o the string of fate ... the string of fate that protect us ...



the mage strted to make shilds of eartg with his magic as i chant ''' string of fate that made it way to us .... string of fate that touched us .... string of fate that is red .... string of fate string of fate ... i the son of the fool... a human ... call upon you ... string of fate give me power and cut my enemys ... and i shall grant what you need from me .... first string magic : great sword of @^#*#''' ....



the last part was something that no human can hear .... it was also painful thing to hear ...



crack crack ..



as i ended the chant came a long sword from string on my face .... it was strong ... it had a power i never felt before ....



the sword started to move to the bandit leader .... as it moved every thing in its path was cut .... trees .. rocks ... every thing was cut clean ...



as it came to contact with the shild made by the earth mage it cut it down without strugling ....



drip ... drip ...



my hand was cut .... it was the price for making such a thing ... it was strong magic i needed to make such a thing in line ....



as i looked arounf my i spoted the silver hiard girl i was about to say something but then every thing went balck ... and i fainted .








A/N : heyy there .... this is my first time making a fight sense .... so i know it is not the best .... i will try to make it better in the future .... so plz no hate for the good first half and shit second half ....




sorry again

soooorrrryy for the fucked up grramer .... but i won't fix it i don't have time

cosima_li_ansaldocreators' thoughts