
string's of fate ... and string of king's { anime/novel ... fanfic}

a young boy ..... was in a basket in the front of the church .... the boy was from his first second in life was giving aura of happins and greatnes .... what will he do in his life in this curl world .... and can he awake the ....p&$*#k&#&#

cosima_li_ansaldo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

the captians

as i made my way through the mansion ... well the maid was guiding me so not really mt exploring but ... you gor me point ...



as i made my way into the mansion halways i saw a lot ... and i mean a lot of expensive items .. i saw a flower pot that at least 10 to 20 thousnd yul .. that for a fucking flower pot... and that's a lot... and painting of handsome man and beutieful woman all over the walls .



any way i saw a lot of rooms and servent and also did i say it or not ?... mah any way the carpet was amazing it was soft so soft in fact that it took my all my will power to not lay down on it ... and i have a lot of will power i might say .



as i made my way through it i also saw from the window what seems to be the magic knight's of the sliver egal training ... and i just want to say one thing ... the are trash .. like i mean i can beat the shit out of them the are weak .



the only do a fancy shit of chant and them throw the most fucking basic spell of water ... a fucking water ball .. now i am not even suprised that the got there ass wiped be some random bandit .



but i didn't say any thing and just kept going on my way ... finally after walking for 5 minutes .. which was the worst/best 5 minutes of me life we made out way to the dining room.



as the door was opend i saw in me view ... a beutieful larg table that made of the highst type of wood that i can recognise... it was in dark slivery colour that blide very very well with the room it self ... the chairs are made of the same type of wood but in more fabcy way .



it have some carving on it that made it look 2 time better ... it also have candle on the table that gave a strong but good and sharp smell like of that of a flower ... it also have some kind decor that i .. the great jugram .. can't recognise .



moving out of the table that took my eye was the room it was a beutieful room that have a chandelier that are made of half sliver half gold ... the wall are painted with the logo of eagle.



i think the love there logo to much .. i thought to me self as i looked at the room more and more ... every where i look i see the eagle logo ... yeahhh the love it a bit ... just a bit to much .



as i made my way to the table i saw the man from before .. what was his name ... good i know his name i know it just let me think ... hmm i think it was something of nozal .. noeziozl ... nznozal ... hmm ah yes his name is nozel ... nozel sliva .



the man looked at me and then pointwd at one of the chairs as he said in this nutral tone ''' sit where you like ''' ... i just looked at him like bruh you are pointing at a chairs and saing this shit ... nah this mat is crazy or some shit .



i jusr nodded at him as i got to sit on the chair he pointed at ... as i sat on chairs i heard a voice that made me want to vomit from the shir disgust it have .



''' oy brat what a peasant like you doing here ? ''' said the voice ... hmm i took a look at the one who said this and as i thought he is the brother of nozel ... he is a tall boy/teen he have a slender build that even sister lily is stronger than him he also have a lsiver hair and blue eyes .



i just looked at him and then at nozel for answer ... nozel juat shook his head in disappointment at his brother? i think his brother from his hair .



i lookead at him again and said in tone full of mocky ''' well i am sorry my lord then what shall i the low peasant say ?''' hmm of fuck he is fool .. he just smiled like he won the fucker ... hmm is this what the call the young master sendrom? yes this is it .



he loomed at me again and said it a tone fulled with pride ''' you need to apologize you low life peasant apologize to my brother ''' .. i looked at nozel again and the later just turned his head away embarrassed be his brother action and sighed .



i just shook my head as i said in a low tone '' fucking young master shit it is not even a week and now i encountering this kind of situation .



the teen looked at me and when he saw me ignoring him he was angerd as he said in a loud voice ''' oy peasant why are you ignoring me ? do what i said ''' i looked at him and sighed and i think i will try and make it clear to him who is the pesent here.



i looked at him dead in the eye and said ''' i am jugram ... just jugram ''' as i said this i can see from the corner of me eye that the lips of nozel are twitching .. and he had samll evry small smile that if not for me turning [Reinforcement] from the moment i was awake to this moment i don't think i will see it .



the teen just looked at my like i have ntred his wife .. which i well never ever do even for my worst enemy .. and said with a loud shout ''' how dare you peasant ? .. how you mock me the son of house sliva solid sliva like this ?''' .



i just looked at him like an idiot and said it a my normal tone ''' well your brother here didn't go all out on my for being peasant or some shit so please let us eat here as a .. well grwon up mans and noble as you are ''' .



just i said this i saw a vein show on the top of the teen .. which his name i totally remember .. as he was about to shot a long fucking ass speech for me on how the nobles are better than all ane the are send of fate for us and shit ..



but the calm yet powerful voice of nozel came to us as he said ''' solid that's enough he is the one who saeved noelle so don't talk to much to him like that ''' .. tremble .. oi mate so this is the power of captins huh ... fucking monsters the are it made me tremble just of his aura alone hahah this is amazing ...



just as i was about to grin like a madman who got his hand of a high quality human to expermnt on ... squeekk .. the door of the room opend again .



stopm .. stomp



from it came a larg man/teen ? idk he looked like he is 23 or so years old ... he have a black hair and the aura around him is like fucking black hole mate ... he also have a weird looking long one edge sword to his right .. he also wears what looks to be a ... HoIy he is a captin? ... and what team have this black bull logo on them ?.



to his right came another man that looks the same age as nozel ... he have bright orange hair and purple eyes ... he also have a jewel looking thing on top of his forhead .. he have a aura of bright orang/red ... huh a fire mage cool .. he also wears a captin uniform ... that had a crimson lion logo on it ... hmm isn't this the logo of vermillion ot something on that line? ... mah idk mate .



as the came the larg black haired man said ''' yo bird head how are you doing ?''' ohhh bird head bird head ... hmm as i looked at nozel indded his hiar looks like a bird toung .



i saw a vien show on top of nozel head as he tried to stay calm ... the key word try .. he looked at the black haired man and said in an annoyance in his voice ''' yami sukehiro i am doing fine as you can see ''' .



the man ... now named yami ... said with a wide annoyoing smile ''' haha as calm as always aren't ya .''' and then he looked at me and said with confused face ''' who is this brat ?... gasp .. don't tell me he is your son ? ... noze i didn't think you well be marred before any of us ''' .



crack .



oy i think i heard the sound of something snaping ... and it is not my back ...not today at least ... hmm as i looked at nozel i can see he have vines on top of his forhead but he tried to stay calm as he put his aura to clash with yami and said ''' no yami he is nit me child .. and what are you doing here? ... wheren't you on a mission?''' .



yami ... who feelt the aura of nozel .. statred to releas his aura as the two ... i think he is also captin... auras statred to fight ... crack crack .. wossh... cracks started to apper on the wall and wind started to move as the two captins started to fight .



every one is the room started to feel hevay as if the gravity was increasing from there clash ... as every one was about to faint ... not me i was just standing there like nothing happend .. almost like nothing happend ... came the orang haird man as he stoped the two of them .



''' stop it yami .. and you also nozel do you want to destroy the room?''' said the orange haird man in a calm it strong tone ... as he said this the to captins stoped there aura clashing game .



''' tsk virmo always ruining the game ''' said yami to the orange/red haird captin ... hmm i don't think i know his name mah i don't really care i am hungry right now ... as i daezed on what i want to eat nozel said to the orange haird captin ''' Fuegoleon Vermillion ... the captin of crimson lion ... you came finally?'''.



as i came out if my dazed state i heard nozel say the name of the man ...ohhg so his name is fugeolnon ot something ... naaahh fuge is better ...



fuck i feel itchy ... my hand want to fight ... i looked at yami with a shit eating grin on my face like the king arthur when he found his sword .



yami looked at my and he saw my grin as he said with amused smile in his face ''' oi brat what this shit eating grin on your face ... did you find some highh quality crack for low price or some shit ? ''' said the muscle head man .



just as i was about to say some thing to door was once again opened