
string's of fate ... and string of king's { anime/novel ... fanfic}

a young boy ..... was in a basket in the front of the church .... the boy was from his first second in life was giving aura of happins and greatnes .... what will he do in his life in this curl world .... and can he awake the ....p&$*#k&#&#

cosima_li_ansaldo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

he you ... you finally awake

after 2 days .




'the birds are singing ... the winds are loud as fuck today and the sun is as bright as always ... and i am fucking awake ' i thought to my self as i moved my hand to my mouth and ywand.






huh i am awake .... i am awake .... hOlY i Am Awake ... i got out of the the comfy and cozy bed with a jump as i looked around to see where i am .



hmm a room ... with a larg bed .... and beutieful ceiling and the walls are made out of some fine ....to much money speend on it ..... wood type .... there are desk at the right of the bed and the windos are opend to let the sun in .



i looked around confused ... as i thought to my self ' did i got kidnaped?.... fuck thats not even my 2 day on my journey and i am kidnaped ....



but wait a minutes... if i was kidnaped ... why i am in this beutieful room?.... huh and why i am waring this comfy dress.



ah yes my dress .... i was wearing a white top with a sample that have an egal on it with swords .... a sliver egal ....a sliver egal ... where did i saw this badge ?.



just as i was about to be lost on thought again the door of the room opend ... and came a young lady in white dress ... she had a beutieful slived hair with beutieful pink eyes ....[doki] ... i think .... i think i know this girl ?... *sorry for the cringe doki but idk how to write the beating of a heart*



the young girl took a look around the room and then to my ... fucking bloody hell !... is this a fucking heart in her eyes? ... the fucking hell .... she looks beutieful .



calm down jugo ... calm down .... take a deep breath ... i then looked at the girl .... oh ... now i remember ... this is the girl i saved ... she is beutieful ....fuck i think i am in love .



i moved my left hand to my heart ... my left hand ... left hand ... HoLy tomato my left hand was healded .... as i looked at my hand in suprise ... it was fucking there fixed fuck .



i again looked at the girl and before she able to speak i mover to her and hold her hand ... a soft warm hand and said in a greatful tone ''' thank you for healing my hand ''' .



the girl looked taken aback for a moment and then she put small smile and said in a low tone '' but i am the one who need to thank you ''' than she shook her head and said to me in the eye ''' no i am thankful for you for saving me life ''' .



i was also taken aback be what she said ... and her eyes that filled with obsession ... of fuck that look is making my heart beat faster ..



then i heard a cough coming from behind her ... as i looked up i saw a man ... he wears a sliver nobel dress and his hair is silver/wihte hair and he have a bang that made his hair looks like a bird thing ... he is a slinder and looks no more than 24/25 years old and finally he have a narrow purple eyes ..



he looked at me with his narrowd eye and said in a cold tone ''' i am greatful for your help to my sister but i don't think you can hold her hands ''' .



oh ... did i just hold a hand with a girl? ... fuck thats lewd as fuck ... oaaaa ... i thought to my self with a blush on me face .... and the girl also had a blush on her face .



sigh after some moments i gather my self back up and i look at the sliver haird man and say with a small smile ''' my name is jugram ... thanks for helping me mr...?'''



the man sighed and said to me ''' i am thankful for ypu saving me sister young man ... me name is nozel ... nozel sliva from the house of sliva ''' .



i nodded my head to him ... hmm house of sliva ... sliva ... ah it is one of the four main houses of the clover kingdom ... oh will i saw worst ... i think .



the man raised an eyebrow at my lack of reaction.... will mate i almost became a corpse not to long ago and a criple ... so yeaah it suck i think .



i look at the girl ... as she now doesn'r have a blush on her face ... not that big but is still there ... as she said in a perfect nobel tone ''' my name is noelle silva... i am very thankful for you for saving my life ''' in the end her pink eyes had heart in them and her voice had a lot ... and i mean a lot of obsession on it .



fuck .... this is the cutesst thing and best thing i have heard in my life ... and i fucking love it ... i think i am not in love ... no i have an obsession for this girl .



i think nozel notice the change in his sister tone but he didn't say any thing on this topic ... no i think i feel a hint of ... happiness for his sister and heatred for me ?... why mate i didn't do thing ... did i?



nozel shook his head and then looked at me and said in his ... i think his ever not changing ... nutral tone ''' i think you are hungry now ... you have been sleeping for 2 days straight ''' .



oh... i was a sleep for 2 days ... meh i had worse .... i think ... i just nodded at nozel word as he looked at his sister and then she went out with him ... will i feel fucking empty without her here .



then came a maid ... she wears a drees that have black dress with white trim with a skirt that gose past the knee to her legs .. and a white apron.



she came to me and bowed ar little and said in a nutral tone ''' i came here be my master order to change yor cloths for the lunch ''' ... i just looked at her and said in a small smile ''' thank you but no need i can do it my self ''' ...



huh .. she did frwoned a little but nothing much ... and then she said in the same tone after she gave me my cloths ''' understand''' i took the cloths and after she closed the door i start to change my cloths .



i came to a mirror and i saw my body ... whistle ... maye i looked good .. i have a perfect six-pack and my body is well developed ... my muscles are not to big nor to small it is perfect ... my brwon hair and black eyes ... yes i look handsom.... with my tall 175 cm body that is i think is to tall for 10 years old boy and my oh boy 8 inchs pp ... i look cool mate ... i also look like a 13 years old boy not for my age huh suck it asta i am taller than you hahah



fuck i became Narcissist ... no jugram no .. i said as i slaped my cheeks wifh my hands ...Narcissist is bad ... it is bad like pride ... huh i hate this moment of life .



i sarted to wear my cloths that was a black suit ... full black but i like it ... it also have some moblity with movment so it have that ... it also have a gray shirt under it soo i opend the first 3 buttons ...



i looked again at the mirror and what can i say i look cool .



as i stoped praising my self i got out of the room ... and the same maid was out of the room waitingfor me ... ohhh fuck i think ahe heard me praising me self .... fucking embarrassing .



she looked at me and said in nutral tone ''' this way ''' i just nodded at her and mead me way with her ..



i can't wit for the food and to see noelle again